--- DIN Is Noise Copyright (c) 2006-2023 Jagannathan Sampath [jag@dinisnoise.org]. --- ----------------- Keyboard-Keyboard ----------------- Default instrument. Press a key. Hear a note. See a box (of a random color) Notes of the scale are mapped to keys on the computer keyboard. Range is 3 octaves. 1st octave: t, r, e, w, q, a, s 2nd octave: d, f, g, h, j, k, l 3rd octave: ;, ', ], [, p, o, i, u Press the keys above to hear notes of the scale. The keys assigned depend on the notes in the scale. z: shift an octave down x: shift an octave up 9: load previous waveform in library 0: load next waveform in library Or press < and > buttons on the Waveform widget. Press 2 to edit the waveform or Menu > Editors > Waveform Mouse driven pitch bend: Dotted vertical line marks the mouse position of the last triggered note. Move mouse left of dotted line to lower pitch of all active notes Move mouse right of dotted line to increase pitch of all active notes Mouse driven pitch bend overrides MIDI driven pitch bend. If you cant see the dotted line, mouse is out of the window. Bring it inside and play a note. If Show nearby notes is ON, mouse move only bends the last triggered note. Move your mouse to the nearby note to bend to that note. Press SPACE to stop mouse driven pitch bend. But it will come back when you trigger a new note. MIDI: If MIDI input is available, dotted crosses will mark the 13 notes of the octave. Setup MIDI input on the Settings page. A randomly colored box is shown when you play a note on your MIDI keyboard. Size of the box is proportional to MIDI velocity. Edit MIDI velocity curve (press 5 or Menu > Editors > Velocity) Parameters: Edit Voices, Attack time, Decay time and Hz/pixel. Voices is number of simultaneous voices (keys you can press) each sounding at its maximum volume guaranteed to sound correct (= not distort) Attack time is the attack time in seconds for a voice. Press 3 or Menu > Editors > Attack to edit the attack curve that shapes how a voice rises from silence to full volume. Set sustain (move the blue triangle) on the attack curve editor. Decay time is the decay time in seconds for a voice. Press 4 or Menu > Editors > Decay to edit the decay curve that shapes how a voice decays to silence. Hz/pixel is the amount in hz the pitch of a note will bend for every pixel you move beyond the dotted line with your mouse. Use the Octave Shift widget to influence octave shift over bpm. Click left arrow to shift an octave down. Click right arrow to shift an octave up. Change BPM to control speed of octave shift. Click Abort or SHIFT + ESC to abort active octave shift. You may end up at an 'inbetween note' as your key note. Goto Settings screen to set the key note to a standard note. Edit the Octave Shift curve (Press 7 or Menu > Editors > Octave Shift) to modulate to arbitrary pitch or influence the 'shape' of the octave shift over BPM. Choose if keys trigger notes or noise Or press ENTER to toggle Instrument: 1 : cycle instruments or choose from Menu > Instrument Editors: 2 : keyboard-keyboard waveform 3 : attack 4 : decay 5 : velocity (MIDI) 6 : delay 7 : octave shift Delay: Click on the Delay button to toggle stereo delay lines. Use the Delay editor (press 6 or Menu > Editors > Delays) to change feedback & volume curves. Recording: Click on the Record button at the bottom of the instrument. Click Menu > File > Clear to clear existing sound recording. Menu > File > Save to save the recording as a .WAV file on the desktop. --- --- DIN Is Noise Copyright (c) 2006-2023 Jagannathan Sampath [jag@dinisnoise.org]. --- ------------------- Microtonal-Keyboard ------------------- Instrument: 1 : cycle instruments. or choose instrument from Menu > Instrument Editors: 2 : microtonal-keyboard waveform 3 : drone modulation 4 : voice modulation 5 : gater 6 : delays 7 : octave shift 8 : drone waveform or choose from Menu > Editors ` : switch between current screen and previous screen Drone: A drone is a constant and continuous sound at some frequency and volume. Create drones on the microtonal-keyboard. Horizontal position of the drone is frequency. Height of the drone is volume. Press SHIFT + j to print frequency and volume of selected drones. Or click on j at the bottom of the microtonal-keyboard. Create: q - to add or wand drones. or choose Menu > Drone Tools > Add / Wand. when adding, click to add a drone, click and drag to spray when wanding, just move mouse to add drones adjust distance to move before DIN wands a drone at Menu > Drone Params > Defaults > Wand distance ESC or Right click to stop adding or wanding drones Select: Click & move to draw a box around the drones you want to select. Click to finish, ESC or right click to abort. l - select all drones i - invert selected drones Transform: e - press once and just move mouse to move selected drones: hold SHIFT to move just vertically (only changes volume) hold CTRL to move just horizontally (only changes frequency) press e again or click or ESC to stop moving. or Menu > Drone Tools > Move. f - find center of selected drones center marked by a pink cross r - rotate selected drones about their center or Menu > Drone Tools > Rotate t - scale selected drones about their center when using mouse slider, hold CTRL to scale horizontally, hold SHIFT to scale vertically or Menu > Drone Tools > Scale Delete: c - delete selected drones or choose Menu > Drone Tools > Delete !Careful! !No undo! Operations: / - change drone master volume For selected drones, = - change trail length - - change handle size SPACE - freeze / thaw moving drones k - snap / unsnap drones to notes SHIFT + k - snap to notes. CTRL + k - unsnap from notes LEFT_ARROW - browse previous drone RIGHT_ARROW - browse next drone Drone launch: A drone launcher launches drones at regular intervals into the microtonal keyboard with an initial speed and direction. These drones fall at the bottom of the microtonal keyboard due gravity and bounce back unless they target another drone to become one of its satellites. h - toggle selected drones into drone launchers SHIFT + l - select all launchers ] - change velocity of selected drones CTRL + ] - toggle drawing of velocity vectors or set from Menu > Drone Params > Motion You can set the number of times a launched drone bounces back from the bottom of the microtonal keyboard with Menu > Drone Params > Motion > Bounces You can also set the amount of speed the bounced drone has on rebound as a % of speed going in using Menu > Drone Params > Motion > Speed % You can set the lifetime of the launched drone with Menu > Drone Params > Motion > Lifetime (on the launcher). A launched drone dies at the end of its life or when it has bounced enough, whichever is earlier. Orbiting drones: Select a bunch of drones and Menu > Drone Tools > Orbit The last selected drone becomes the planet. The other drones become satellites. also, ; - select the planet(s) or Menu > Drone Tools > Select attractors ' - select the satellites orbiting the selected planets or Menu > Drone Tools > Select attractees [ - change acceleration of selected drones if these are satellites, changes their acceleration towards the planet CTRL + p - toggle drawing of acceleration vectors Launch drones that become satellites: A launcher can supply satellites to a planet ie drones launched from a drone launcher can orbit another drone: Select a bunch of drones. Choose Menu > Set targets. First drone becomes the drone launcher. Drones from this drone orbit the other drones in turn. ie they become its targets. Change acceleration of drone launcher (see above) to get the satellites orbit their targets tightly (or loosely). Set lifetime and orbit insertion time of the drone launcher to set them for the launched drones. Modulation: Modulate Frequency and amplitude of Voice and drones. Voice modulation in DIN is a classic modulation with a twist: a Bezier curve waveform on the carrier and a Bezier curve waveform on the modulator! Depth is Hz, Rate is BPM. Happens every sample! Drone modulation in DIN is 'visual modulation'. Amplitude modulation is change of drone's height on the microtonal keyboard over BPM. Frequency modulation is change of drones's horizontal position over BPM. The modulated position of a drone determines its frequency and volume. Happens once every audio buffer. y, u : change AM depth, BPM of selected drones o, p : change FM depth, BPM of selected drones or set from Menu > Drone Params > Modulation Voice / Noise: Click Voice (/ Noise) button at the bottom of the microtonal-keyboard to turn on / off Voice (/ Noise). Phrasor: f - start/stop recording phrase v - play/pause phrase g - erase phrase or Menu > Voice/Noise > Record a phrase Scrub with phrase position slider at Menu > Voice > Phrase position Ranges: Please visit https://dinisnoise.org/docs/ and click on Microtonal Range Reference. FX: Delay: Click on the Delay button to toggle stereo delay lines. Change feedback & volume curves in the Delay editor (press 6 or choose Menu > Editors > Delay) Gater: Click on the Gater button to toggle the Voice/Noise gater. DIN applies the gater curve as an envelope over Voice/Noise. Press 5 or choose Menu > Editors > Gater to edit the gater curve. Set BPM and looping style from Menu > Misc Gater button flashes indicating beat shape. Octave shift: z - shift down an octave x - shift up an octave Press 7 or choose Menu > Editors > Octave Shift to edit how tone changes to octave. Modulate to any other microtone instead of the octave by editing the octave shift curve. Visual: Click on i to toggle display of frequencies under notes of microtonal keyboard and frequencies and volume under mouse cursor or SHIFT + i Click on j to toggle display of frequency and volume of selected drones or SHIFT + j F2: Turn UI on or off. To resize ranges, use Menu > Ranges > Adjust Range Left, Right and Both menu items. To change board height, use Menu > Ranges > Adjust board height > All Movement: a, d, w, s: left, right, down and up or Click on the arrow keys at the bottom of the microtonal-keyboard Recording: Click on the Record button at the bottom of the microtonal-keyboard to start/stop sound recording choose Menu > File > Clear to clear existing sound recording. Menu > File > Save to save the sound recording as a .WAV file on the desktop. --- --- DIN Is Noise Copyright (c) 2006-2023 Jagannathan Sampath [jag@dinisnoise.org]. --- ----------------- | | Mondrian |--| ----------------- Inspired by the work of Dutch artist Piet Mondrian. Balls bounce in boxes. Pass thru slits. Voice on impact. Pitch from point of impact. Initial volume from Menu > Parameters > Min Voices More voices means less volume per voice and vice-versa. Horizontal goes from Key note to octave above. Vertical goes Key note to octave above. All notes of the tuning are marked. Set Key note and choose notes of the scale from Settings screen. Boxes: Create boxes within boxes. r - split box under cursor into two new vertical boxes or Menu > Tools > Split box vertically into 2 boxes SHIFT + r - split box under cursor into vertical boxes on the notes of the scale. Or Menu > Tools > Split box vertically at notes CTRL + r - split box under cursor vertically into N boxes. or Menu > Tools > Split box vertically into N boxes Set N from Tools menu. f - split box under cursor into two new horizontal boxes Or Menu > Tools > Split box horizontally into 2 boxes SHIFT + f - split box under cursor into horizontal boxes on the notes of the scale Or Menu > Tools > Split box horizontally at notes CTRL + f - split box under cursor horizontally into N boxes. or Menu > Tools > Split box horizontally into N boxes Set N from tools menu. v - delete box under cursor or Menu > Tools > Delete box SHIFT + v - delete all boxes in Mondrian or Menu > Tools > Delete all boxes t - make a grid of boxes on the notes of the scale or Menu > Tools > Make note grid SHIFT + t - make an N x N grid of boxes. or Menu > Tools > Make N x N grid Set N from tools menu. Click on a box's edge and just move mouse to move the edge. Click again or ESC to stop. Balls: Ball types: A bouncing ball bounces when its hits wall or ceiling. Colored white. A wrecking ball slits walls and ceilings. Colored red. A healing ball closes slits. Colored blue. F3 - turns selected balls into wrecking balls or wrecking balls into bouncing balls. F4 - turns selected balls into healing balls or healing balls into bouncing balls. F5 - turns selected balls into bouncing balls. F6 - change all wrecking balls into healing balls and vice-versa. F7 - select all wrecking balls. F8 - select all healing balls. b - to launch bouncers or Menu > Tools > Add bouncers SHIFT + b - to launch wreckers or Menu > Tools > Add wreckers CTRL + b - to launch healers or Menu > Tools > Add healers Click, drag and release to launch a ball with an initial velocity This initial velocity depends on the speed of your click/drag/release The shortcuts below affect selected balls, balls in box under cursor or if cursor is outside all boxes, all the balls in Mondrian. [ - decrease speed ] - increase speed ; - decrease attack time ' - increase attack time SHIFT + ; - decrease attack time increment SHIFT + ' - increase attack time increment , - decrease decay time . - increase decay time SHIFT + , - decrease decay time increment SHIFT + . - increase decay time increment o - rotate direction anti-clockwise p - rotate direction clockwise SHIFT + o - decrease angle of rotation SHIFT + p - increase angle of rotation CTRL + o - toggle auto rotate direction anti-clockwise CTRL + p - toggle auto rotate direction clockwise j - flip direction of travel SPACE - freeze or thaw balls SHIFT + SPACE - freeze balls CTRL + SPACE - thaw balls - - decrease trail length = - increase trail length Ball selection: Click once and just move mouse to draw a box to select some balls. Click again to stop. Hold down SHIFT while boxing to add to existing selection Hold down CTRL while boxing to toggle existing selection l - select all balls in all boxes i - invert current selection k - select all balls in box under cursor n - clear selected balls to browse selected balls, LEFT_ARROW - select previous ball RIGHT_ARROW - select next ball Ball manipulation: c - delete selected balls m - move selected balls just move mouse to move balls, click or ESC or m to stop. Slits: Slits let balls of a box pass thru its walls or ceilings into other boxes. You can make or close slits or let wrecking and healing balls [see above] make and close them automatically. You can also animate slits ie open and close them automatically / - Click on an edge of a box to slit. If a slit exists already, it will close. Cannot slit if balls will escape the entire playing area. Cannot slit corners. NUM_PAD + - Increase default slit size NUM_PAD - - Decrease default slit size Or Menu > Parameters > Change slit size To select slits, first change the selection target from balls to slits and then you can use the same shortcuts you use for selecting balls. g - change selection target from balls to slits and back. When slits are the selection target, l - select all slits i - invert slit selection k - select slits of box under cursor hold SHIFT or CTRL to toggle selection n - clear slit selection c - delete selected slits h - toggle slit animation INSERT: decrease slit open+close time of selected slits DELETE: increase slit open+close time of selected slits Or from Menu > Tools or Menu > Parameters. To edit an existing slit, edit one of its two lips: Click once on a lip, just move mouse to move the lip and click again to stop. Also, F9 - remove all slits on the edge under cursor F10 - remove all slits in the box under cursor F11 - remove all slits in the box with a [selected] ball F12 - remove all slits Miscellaneous: 1 - cycle instruments or choose from Menu > Instrument 2 - edit waveform 3 - edit attack curve 4 - edit decay curve or choose from Menu > Editors z - shift whole instrument or selected balls an octave down x - shift whole instrument or selected balls an octave up y - decrease number of voices u - increase number of voices Visual: Mondrian draws a (regular) polygon (= the note polygon) when & where it triggers a note. 9 - decrease points in note polygon 0 - increase points in note polygon SHIFT + 9 - decrease radius of note polygon SHIFT + 0 - increase radius of note polygon F2 - Turn the UI ON or OFF See Menu > Misc for more visual options. w, a, s, d - move viewpoint q, e - zoom in and out Recording: to start recording, click on the Record button at the bottom right to clear existing recording, choose Menu > File > Clear to save the recording as a .WAV file on the desktop, choose Menu > File > Save. --- --- DIN Is Noise Copyright (c) 2006-2023 Jagannathan Sampath [jag@dinisnoise.org]. --- --------------- Binaural Drones --------------- Menu > Instrument > Binaural drones. In a binaural drone pair, one drone goes into your left ear (the L drone) and the other drone goes into your right ear (the R drone). So, you need to hear this on headphones :) The L drone and the R drone each vibrates at its own pitch (in Hz). You hear the difference between the pitches (the Separation) as a beat at that pitch. eg., if the difference is 1 Hz, you hear a beat every second. These beats are called binaural beats. DIN can make binaural drone pairs starting at a pitch (default @ 100 Hz) with any separation between the drones of a pair, default @ 1 Hz. DIN can also make binaural drone pairs at the notes of the scale starting at the key note. The key note can be the starting pitch or the pitch or note you set on the Settings page. You can also set the other notes of the scale there. Turn on Close Octave to create a binaural pair on the octave note too. Turn on Resize separation to vary the separation between L and R drones of each pair so that their absolute pitch always falls on the notes of the scale. Justification determines the drone that gets the starting pitch. Left sets it to the L drone, Right sets it to the R drone. eg., for a Starting pitch 100 Hz and Separation 1 Hz and Justification = Left, L drone is @ 100 Hz, R drone is @ 101 Hz. If Justification = Right, R drone is @ 100 Hz, L drone is @ 99 Hz. If Justification = Center, the L drone is @ 99.5 Hz and R drone is @ 100.5 Hz. Spacing (in Hz) determines the spacing between two successive binaural drone pairs, default @ 50 Hz. Press 2 or Menu > Editors > Waveform to edit the waveform that drives all binaural drone pairs. Menu > Edit to edit the binaural drones. Master volume in % determines the overall loudness of all binaural drone pairs. 100% is loudest. 0% is silence. > 100% is valid too. Careful :) Volume fade time in seconds is the time taken to fade in or out when creating, destroying, syncing, changing the volume of a drone pair or when changing the master volume. Pitch fade time in seconds is the time taken to change the L drone or the R drone of any binaural drone pair from one pitch to another. You can see this when you modulate, flip or change L, R pitches or separation of selected drone pairs. When fading pitch or volume, you can press ESC to abort. Useful when the fade times are long, also useful when you have unexpectedly reached a more interesting sound...:) DIN lists the binaural drone pairs in a list. Click an element to select or deselect, hold SHIFT button down and click to select a group, and clear, invert selection. You can also select based on L, R, Separation Hz or Volume: Select L, R, Separation or Volume from the options, choose the operator: >=, <=, =, <> (the range operator) or id (id numbers of drone pairs listed between the []), enter the value and press ENTER or click on Select to execute. DIN selects the matching pairs. The range operator takes two values, the low and high. The id operator takes 3 values (3rd value is optional and is 1 when not present), the start id, the end id and the increment. You can edit the pitch of the L drone, the R drone, Separation, Justification and the Volume % of a selected pair in the fields to the right. When you select more than one pair, the L and R pitch fields accept relative instead of absolute values ie you change the L and R Hz rather than set it. Flip to swap the pitches of selected drone pairs. ESC to abort. Modulate [actually Multiply] the pitches of L and R drone of selected pairs by an Amount. Press LEFT_ARROW to modulate down, RIGHT_ARROW to modulate up. ESC to abort. With default Amount @ 2.0, you octave shift when you modulate the selected pairs :) You can modulate up or down an interval using the value of DIN's interval variables. eg., $1, $2b, $2, $3b $3, $4, $5b, $5, $6b, $6, $7b, $7 or $8: eg., type $2b, press ENTER and click LEFT_ARROW or RIGHT_ARROW to modulate down or up by a semitone :) $1 is 1.0 and $8 is 2.0 which is the octave shift again :) Delete deletes the selected binaural drone pairs. DIN first fades out the volume of the pairs and then deletes them. ESC to abort delete when fading out. Sync syncs ie aligns the phase of the selected binaural drone pairs. DIN first fades out the pairs, aligns their phase in silence and then restores volume. ESC to abort sync on fade out or in. Recommend keep the Compressor and Delays off. Recording: CTRL + ENTER - to start/stop sound recording or Click on the Record button at the bottom of the microtonal-keyboard ALT + ENTER - clear existing recording or choose Menu > File > Clear Menu > File > Save to save the recording as a .WAV file on the desktop. --- --- DIN Is Noise Copyright (c) 2006-2023 Jagannathan Sampath [jag@dinisnoise.org]. --- ------------ Curve Editor ------------ ESC: quit editor to return to instrument or use Menu > Instrument keys 2-8: switch to an editor or use Menu > Editors Just pick a vertex or tangent and move mouse to move. Click again to stop. Whilst moving: Press CTRL to move only along horizontal Press SHIFT to move only along vertical SPACE + click and move to move whole curve. To insert a vertex, choose Menu > Tools > Insert vertex To delete a vertex, choose Menu > Tools > Delete vertex To draw a freehand curve, choose Menu > Tools > Draw & replace curve z: undo last operation Or Menu > Tools > Undo SHIFT + z: redo last operation. Or Menu > Tools > Redo CTRL + c: copy curve under cursor. Or Menu > Tools > Copy. CTRL + v: replace curve under cursor with copied curve. Or Menu > Tools > Paste. To convert curve to a polyline, choose Menu > Tools > Fold tangents. Turn on Selection only to fold tangents of just the selected vertex. To convert polyline to bezier curve, choose Menu > Tools > Unfold tangents. Turn on Selection only to unfold tangents of just the selected vertex. Choose Flip about Horizontal or Flip about Vertical and click on that button to flip the whole curve. Turn on Selection only to flip just a picked vertex or tangent. The 'Local' style flips about the center of bounding box sorrounding the curve. c: toggle if vertices should carry their tangents when moved. Or from Menu > Tools m: toggle if a vertex's tangent mirrors the other tangent Or from Menu > Tools x: toggle x snap. y: toggle y snap. b: toggle x and y snap. n: turn off snap. Or choose from Menu > Tools Mouse capture: F7: start / stop mouse capture. F8: apply mouse capture to picked vertex or tangent or choose from Menu > Tools > Mouse caputre Miscellaneous: r : to apply current plugin Curve library: 9: replace selected curve in editor with previous curve from library. 0: replace selected curve in editor with next curve in library. Or use the < and > buttons at Menu > Tools > Library +: add curve in editor to library. Or choose Menu > Tools > Library > Add -: delete current curve in library. Or choose Menu > Tools > Library > Delete Menu > Tools > Library > Replace to replace current curve in library with the picked curve. see also the curve-library command to organise curves in the library. Movement: w, s, a , d for up, down, left and right. Or from Menu > Tools Visual: Menu > Tools > Label vertices to toggle vertex labelling o : toggle overlay of current instrument or choose Menu > Tools > Overlay Instrument / : toggle waveform samples display or choose Menu > Tools > Show waveform . : toggle between drawing the curve profile or drawing the curve profile plus vertices/tangents or choose Menu > Tools > Draw curve only , : toggle marking of segments of the curve. if segments overlap there will be distortion when curve is used for audio as a waveform, envelope or modulation. or choose Menu > Tools > Mark segments g : toggle cursor guidelines F5, F6: decrease, increase x chunk size SHIFT + F5, SHIFT + F6: decrease, increase y chunk size ---
These videos maybe out of date from the latest release. If in doubt, refer to text documentation.
What are the 4 ways to make sound in DIN Is Noise?
How do I make binaural drones with DIN Is Noise aka the 5th way to make sound in DIN Is Noise
How do I play and bend notes on the Keyboard-Keyboard?
How do I create drones?
How do I move drones?
How do I visually modulate a drone?
How do I visually modulate a bunch of drones?
How do I change the sound of a bunch of drones?
How do I launch drones like rockets?
How do I orbit a bunch of drones?
How do I launch drones from drones that orbit another drone?
How do I ornament notes on the Microtonal-Keyboard?
How do I play with the balls of Mondrian?
How do I turn regular polygons into waveforms?
How do I make drones launched from a drone launcher orbit that same launcher?
How do I make drones launched from a drone launcher orbit an another drone?
How do I make drones launched from 2 drone launchers orbit a 3rd drone?
DIN Is Noise is Copyright (c) 2006-2025 Jagannathan Sampath.
DIN Is Noise for GNU+Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD is Free Software.
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See also: https://dinisnoise.org/pics/