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If and are two synths,
DIN is a synth of a 3rd kind.

It forgets history,
To not repeat it.

It doesnt hide analog music hardware,
In digital music software.

You had pulse, sine, triangle and sawtooth,
And made electronic music.

Now there is just the Bezier curve.
Make your pulse, sine, triangle and sawtooths.
And this, this, this and this.

LAPTOP Nick thinks this is nothing new,
His old men did it in the 60s,
Punching numbers into cards.

Now you edit waveforms with a GUI,
And watch the sound change before your ears.

Has it got ADSR?

Нет bcos Additive non Subtractive.

Bezier on Carrier and Modulator.
Wolf that Chowning.

да +
Infinite microtones in between.

MIDI Keyboard.
Computer keyboard.

I want two!
Perché? Take 5.

But what does it actually do?

DIN Is Noise is Copyright (c) 2006-2025 Jagannathan Sampath.
DIN Is Noise for GNU+Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD is Free Software.
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