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* widget.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2025 Jagannathan Sampath
* For more information, please visit
#ifndef __widget
#define __widget
#include "box.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "point.h"
#include "viewwin.h"
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#define LISTEN(w,v) w.set_listener(v);
#define MOVE(w) w.set_moveable(1);
#define HANDLEINPUT(h) if (h.handle_input()) return 1;
#define MILLION 1000000
#define MILLIONF float(MILLION)
extern int lmb;
extern int mousex, mouseyy;
struct ui;
struct widget;
struct voiddata {
void* data;
struct move_listener : voiddata {
virtual void moved () = 0;
virtual void movestart () {}
virtual void endmove () {}
struct nullt {
int null;
nullt () : null(0) {}
#define MAKE_MOVE_LISTENER(name,var) struct name : move_listener { void movestart (); void moved (); void endmove (); } ; name var;
#define MOVED(scope,name) void scope::name::moved ()
#define MOVESTART(scope,name) void scope::name::movestart ()
#define MOVEEND(scope,name) void scope::name::endmove ()
struct mover {
widget* w; // widget moved
int* pmb; // mouse button that moves widget
int mb_clicked; // is that mouse button clicked
int move; // 1 - widget is moving, 0 - not
int prevx, prevy; // previous mouse position
mover (widget* ww, int* pb = &lmb);
int handle_input ();
typedef std::vector<widget *>::size_type size_vw;
struct widget { // ui widget
int id;
std::string name;
void set_name (const std::string& _name);
void nametothis ();
virtual void set_text (const std::string& txt) {set_name (txt);}
// bounding box
box<int> extents; // extents of bounding box around this widget
void set_extents (int l, int b, int r, int t);
void set_extents (const box<int>& ext) { extents = ext;}
int size; // for making square widgets
void set_size (int _sz) {
size = _sz;
set_extents (posx, posy, posx + size, posy + size);
void set_width_height (int w, int h) {
set_extents (posx, posy, posx + w, posy + h);
static int bb[]; // bounding box data for OpenGL drawing
void draw_bbox ();
void fill_bbox (float a = 0.1f, int g = 1);
void draw_and_fill_bbox ();
// color of all widgets (except checkbuttons)
static float R, G, B;
color clr;
virtual void set_color (unsigned char ur, unsigned char ug, unsigned char ub);
virtual void set_color (float r, float g, float b);
void set_color (const color& c) {set_color (c.r, c.g, c.b);}
int posx, posy; // position in screen space
virtual void set_pos (int x, int y);
// helper to handle move with mouse
int moveable; // moveable?
mover movr; // handles move
move_listener* movlis;
virtual void set_moveable (int m, int mc = 0, int* pmb = &lmb);
void move (int dx, int dy, int mc = 1);
void setpos2 (widget& w);
int visible; // visible?
int enabled; // enabled?
void enable ();
void disable ();
static int HOVER; // hover over any widget in DIN?
int hover; // hovering?
// children
std::vector<widget*> children;
int numchil;
void add_child (widget *w);
void remove_child (widget* w);
void swapchild (widget* w1, widget* w2);
#ifdef __WIDGET_MOVE__
int dg;
void draw_guides ();
static widget *focus, *next_focus;
enum {all, only_children};
virtual void show ();
void hide (int what = all);
widget (int l = 0, int b = 0, int r = 0, int t = 0);
virtual ~widget ();
virtual int handle_input ();
virtual void draw ();
virtual void update () {}
static void advance_right (int& x, widget& w, int spc = 10) {
const box<int>& e = w.extents;
x += (e.width + spc);
virtual void load (std::ifstream& file);
virtual void save (std::ofstream& file);
// globals
void widget_load (const std::string& name, widget** pw, int n);
void widget_load (const std::string& fname, std::vector<widget*>& vec);
void widget_save (const std::string& name, widget** pw, int n);
void widget_save (const std::string& fname, std::vector<widget*>& vec);
// listeners for widgets
template <typename W> struct change_listener {
virtual void changed (W& w) = 0;
// for tying lmb to a widget
struct is_lmb_t {
widget* tie;
is_lmb_t ();
int operator() (widget* w = 0);
void clear (widget* _tie = 0);
extern is_lmb_t is_lmb;
void set_focus (widget* w);
void defocus ();
void defocus (widget* w);
void makehier (widget** wa);
void makehier (widget** wa, int n);
void makefam (widget** wa);
void makefam (widget* parent, widget** children, int n);
void makefam (widget** mem, int n);