(root)/wip/src/triggered_note.h - Rev 2105
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* triggered_note.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2024 Jagannathan Sampath
* For more information, please visit http://dinisnoise.org/
#include "note.h"
#include "solver.h"
#include "play.h"
#include "noiser.h"
struct multi_curve;
struct triggered_note {
note tn; // note info
float start_hz; // initial frequency of note
// play note (default) or noise?
enum {MIDI = -1, NOTE, NOISE};
int what;
solver sol;
play player;
noiser nsr;
// state
int state;
struct volume_t {
float now;
float max;
float mult;
} volume;
// attack
float abs_attack, delta_attack;
solver attack; // for attack curve
float startt;
// decay
float decay_time;
float decay_start_volume;
float abs_decay, delta_decay;
float decay_lastx;
solver decay; // for decay curve from instrument
// visual
int x, y; // position
float r, g, b; // color
// for bend
int prev_mousex; // last mouse pos
int bend_x;
int bend;
// input (used by keyboard-keyboard only)
int key; // key on computer keyboard that triggers note
triggered_note (const note& n, float vmax, float xx = 0, float yy = 0, int _what = NOTE, int k = 0, int mox = 0);
void setup (multi_curve* wav, multi_curve* atk, multi_curve* dk);
void set_freq (float f);
void eval (float* left, float* right, float* wav, float* vol, int n, float attack_time, float decay_time, gotog& g);
void eval (float attack_time);
void start_decay ();
int update_solver (multi_curve& mix, const std::string& nam);
typedef std::list<triggered_note>::iterator note_iterator;
void update_triggered_notes (std::list<triggered_note>& tl);
void update_triggered_noises (std::list<triggered_note>& tl);