(root)/wip/src/textboard.h - Rev 2153
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* textboard.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2024 Jagannathan Sampath
* For more information, please visit http://dinisnoise.org/
#ifndef __textboard
#define __textboard
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include "ui.h"
struct text { // for textboard
std::string txt;
float r, g, b; // color
enum {forever, session, once};
int state;
// hline - label on horizontal line, vline = label on vertical line
enum {hline=0, vline=1, floating};
int type;
int vx, vy; // view co-ords
float wx, wy; // window co-ords
text (
const std::string& t,
float xx = 0, float yy = 0,
float rr=0.25, float gg=0.25, float bb=0.25,
int s = text::once, int y = text::floating,
float vxx = 0, float vyy = 0) :
txt(t), r(rr), g(gg), b(bb), state(s), type (y), vx(vxx), vy(vyy), wx(xx), wy(yy) {}
bool operator== (const text& t) {return txt == t.txt;}
struct basic_editor;
struct mondrian;
struct textboard {
std::list<text> texts;
void add (const text& t) { texts.push_back (t);}
void delallguides (int type);
void delnearestguide (int type, int vx, int vy);
void clear ();
void draw (int shapeform = 0);
void draw_line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
void refresh (basic_editor* b, float dwx = 0, float dwy = 0, float dvx = 0, float dvy = 0);
void refresh (mondrian* m);
void load (std::ifstream& file);
void save (std::ofstream& file);