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* solver.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2023 Jagannathan Sampath
* For more information, please visit
#ifndef __SOLVER__
#define __SOLVER__
#include "crvpt.h"
#include "multi_curve.h"
#include <vector>
struct solver;
struct xhandler {
virtual void operator() (solver& s, float& x, float& dx) = 0;
virtual ~xhandler () {}
struct atmin: xhandler {
void operator() (solver& s, float& x, float& dx);
struct tomax: xhandler {
void operator() (solver& s, float& x, float& dx);
struct atmax: xhandler {
void operator() (solver& s, float& x, float& dx);
struct tomin: xhandler {
void operator() (solver& s, float& x, float& dx);
struct loopmin : atmin {
void operator() (solver& s, float& x, float& dx);
struct loopmax : tomin {
void operator() (solver& s, float& x, float& dx);
struct pongmax: atmax {
void operator() (solver& s, float& x, float& dx);
struct pongmin: atmin {
void operator() (solver& s, float& x, float& dx);
struct curve_editor;
struct gotog : xhandler {
float g;
curve_editor* ed;
gotog (float gg, curve_editor* e);
void operator() (solver& s, float& x, float& dx);
void set (float gg);
extern atmin _atmin;
extern tomax _tomax;
extern atmax _atmax;
extern tomin _tomin;
extern loopmin _loopmin;
extern loopmax _loopmax;
extern pongmin _pongmin;
extern pongmax _pongmax;
extern gotog _gotog;
struct solver {
// given x return y
// assumes x such that
// x0 <= x1 <= x2 <= ...... <= xlast
// solved curve
multi_curve* mcrv;
int ncurvs, icurv, last_curv;
int iseg;
// line segment on curve expected to contain x
float startx, starty;
float endx, endy;
float m;
int inf;
float ycomp;
// first and last points
float firstx, firsty;
float lastx, lasty;
float deltax;
float pinx;
float result; // last result
int seg_lte_right (float x, int c, int i);
int seg_gte_left (float x, int c, int i);
void setseg (int c, int i);
inline int lastseg (int c) {
std::vector<crvpt>& vpts = mcrv->get_profile_points (c);
return vpts.size() - 2;
inline int numsegs (int c) {
return (mcrv->get_profile_points(c).size () - 1);
int searchleft (float x);
int searchright (float x);
int findseg (float x);
solver ();
solver (multi_curve* crv);
void operator() (multi_curve* crv);
void check (float& x, float& dx, xhandler& xmin, xhandler& xmax);
// given x, solve y
float operator() (float x);
float operator() (float &x, float& dx, xhandler& xmin, xhandler& xmax);
// fast solver when x is incremented by dx n times, solution stored in y
void operator() (float& x, float& dx, int n, float* y, xhandler& xmin = _tomax, xhandler& xmax = _tomin); // dx as constant value
void operator() (float& x, float* pdx, int n, float* y, xhandler& xmin = _tomax, xhandler& xmax = _tomin); // dx as variable value array
// same as ^^^ solver but x is also modulated by mod.
void operator() (float& x, float& dx, int n, float* mod, float* soln, xhandler& xmin = _tomax, xhandler& xmax = _tomin); // dx as value
void operator() (float& x, float* pdx, int n, float* mod, float* y, xhandler& xmin = _tomax, xhandler& xmax = _tomin); // dx as array
// given an array of x, store solution in same array; used by compressor (see
void operator() (float* ax, int n, xhandler& xmin = _atmin, xhandler& xmax = _atmax);
void init ();
void update (); // when multi curve has changed
extern solver warp_pitch, warp_vol;
extern solver warp_depth, warp_bpm;