(root)/wip/src/sine_mixer.cc - Rev 1524
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* sine_mixer.cc
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2020 Jagannathan Sampath
* For more information, please visit https://dinisnoise.org/
#include "dingl.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "viewwin.h"
#include "sine_mixer.h"
#include "ui_list.h"
#include "viewwin.h"
#include "vector2d.h"
#include "circler.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "container.h"
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
extern ui_list uis;
extern viewport view;
extern const float PI;
extern const float TWO_PI;
extern int MILLION;
extern curve_library sin_lib;
extern int line_height;
extern const char SPC;
sine_mixer::sine_mixer () : cp_sin ("sine_mixer_sin.crv"), sin_ed ("sine_mixer_sin.ed"), sine_levels ("sine_levels") {
plugin::name = "Sine_Mixer";
mouse_slider_listener::name = "Harmonics";
shapeform = 0;
type = 0;
orient = mouse_slider_listener::X;
sin_ed.add (&cp_sin.crv, this);
sin_ed.attach_library (&sin_lib);
void sine_mixer::load_params () {
ifstream f (make_fname().c_str(), ios::in);
string ignore;
f >> ignore >> num_points >> ignore >> make_shapeform >> ignore >> type >> ignore >> auto_apply;
NUM_SINE_SAMPLES = num_points + 1;
// harmonics bookmarks
int nb;
f >> ignore >> nb;
if (nb) {
hlba.resize (nb);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
harmonics_list_button* b = new harmonics_list_button ();
minus.add_child (b);
hlba[i] = b;
int nh;
f >> nh;
vector<int>& hs = b->harmonics;
hs.resize (nh);
for (int m = 0; m < nh; ++m) f >> hs[m];
void sine_mixer::save_params () {
ofstream f (make_fname().c_str(), ios::out);
string ignore;
f << "num_points " << int (sp_points.f_value) << " make_shapeform " << cb_make_shapeform.state << " type " << type << " auto_apply " << cb_auto_apply.state << endl;
int j = hlba.size ();
f << "harmonics_bookmarks " << j << SPC;
for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
harmonics_list_button* hlb = hlba[i];
vector<int>& hs = hlb->harmonics;
int n = hs.size ();
f << n << SPC;
for (int m = 0; m < n; ++m) {
f << hs[m] << SPC;
sine_mixer::~sine_mixer () {
save_params ();
rem_all_bookmarks ();
widget_save ("d_sine_mixer", ctrls);
dlog << "--- destroyed sine mixer ---" << endl;
void sine_mixer::num_harmonics (int h) {
nharmonics = h;
if (nharmonics < 1) nharmonics = 1;
prep_harmonics ();
void sine_mixer::prep_harmonics () {
harmonics.resize (nharmonics);
float df = TWO_PI / (NUM_SINE_SAMPLES - 1);
funktion& f_sin = *pf_sin;
for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < nharmonics; ++i, ++j) {
vector< point<float> >& harmonic = harmonics[i];
harmonic.resize (NUM_SINE_SAMPLES);
float dx = j * df;
float x = 0;
for (int p = 0; p < NUM_SINE_SAMPLES; ++p) {
point<float>& hp = harmonic[p];
hp.x = cos(x);
hp.y = f_sin (x, TWO_PI);
x += dx;
if (x > TWO_PI) x -= TWO_PI;
norm.resize (NUM_SINE_SAMPLES);
mix ();
void sine_mixer::mix () {
for (int p = 0; p < NUM_SINE_SAMPLES; ++p) { point<float>& pi = norm[p]; pi.x = pi.y = 0;}
ss.str(""); ss << plugin::name;
for (int i = 0; i < nharmonics; ++i) {
float lev = sine_levels.values[i];
if (lev > 0) {
vector< point<float> >& harmonic = harmonics[i];
for (int p = 0; p < NUM_SINE_SAMPLES; ++p) {
point<float>& np = norm[p];
point<float>& hp = harmonic[p];
np.x += (lev * hp.x);
np.y += (lev * hp.y);
ss << '_' << (i+1);
normalise ();
void sine_mixer::normalise () {
if (n) {
point<float>& np0 = norm[0];
float maxy = fabs (np0.y), maxx = fabs (np0.x);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
point<float>& pi = norm[i];
float vx = fabs (pi.x), vy = fabs (pi.y);
if (vx > maxx) maxx = vx;
if (vy > maxy) maxy = vy;
if (maxx != 0) for (int p = 0; p < n; ++p) norm[p].x /= maxx;
if (maxy != 0) for (int p = 0; p < n; ++p) norm[p].y /= maxy;
void sine_mixer::render () {
undo = !cb_auto_apply.state;
shapeform = cb_make_shapeform.state;
int ns = norm.size ();
points.resize (ns);
if (shapeform) {
for (int i = 0; i < ns; ++i) {
point<float>& ni = norm[i];
point<float>& pi = points[i];
pi.x = ni.x;
pi.y = ni.y;
} else {
float x = 0;
float dx = 1.0f / (NUM_SINE_SAMPLES - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < ns; ++i) {
point<float>& ni = norm[i];
point<float>& pi = points[i];
pi.x = x;
pi.y = ni.y;
x += dx;
gen_pts ();
void sine_mixer::setup () {
plugin::setup ();
widget* _ctrls [] = {&sine_levels, &sp_points, &cb_make_shapeform, &ol_sin, &b_edit, &cb_paint_harmonics, &fb_mover, &b_lshift, &b_rshift, &b_slide, &cb_wrap, &b_all, &b_inv, &b_non, &plus, &minus, &cross};
num_ctrls = 19;
ctrls.resize (num_ctrls);
for (int i = 0, j = 2; j < num_ctrls; ++i, ++j) {
ctrls[j] = _ctrls[i];
load_params ();
sp_points.set ("Points", 1, 1, MILLION, this, 0);
sp_points.set_value (num_points);
sine_levels.set_listener (this);
cb_make_shapeform.set_text ("Make shapeform");
cb_make_shapeform.set_state (make_shapeform);
cb_make_shapeform.set_listener (this);
cb_paint_harmonics.set_text ("Paint harmonics");
cb_paint_harmonics.set_listener (this);
if (auto_apply) {
cb_auto_apply.set_state (1, 0);
plugin::mix = undo = 0;
ol_sin.set_listener (this);
fb_mover.movlis = this;
widget_load ("d_sine_mixer", ctrls);
fb_mover.set_pos (sine_levels.extents.right + sine_levels.elem_width, sine_levels.extents.bottom);
fb_mover.set_moveable (1);
b_edit.set_text ("Edit");
b_lshift.set_pos (fb_mover.extents.left, b_lshift.extents.bottom);
b_lshift.set_text ("<<");
b_rshift.set_text (">>");
b_slide.set_text ("Slide");
cb_wrap.set_text ("Wrap");
cb_wrap.set_state (sine_levels.wrap);
cb_wrap.set_listener (this);
b_all.set_text ("All");
b_inv.set_text ("Invert");
b_non.set_text ("None");
button* bhl [] = {&plus, &minus, &cross};
click_listener* cl [] = {&pll, &mil, &crl};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) bhl[i]->set_listener (cl[i]);
button* bw [] = {&b_edit, &b_lshift, &b_rshift, &b_slide, &b_all, &b_inv, &b_non};
for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
button* bwi = bw[i];
bwi->set_listener (this);
b_lshift.click_repeat = b_rshift.click_repeat = 1;
set_type ();
num_harmonics (sine_levels.nlev);
render ();
for (int i = 0, j = hlba.size (), y = minus.extents.bottom - state_button::SIZE2; i < j; ++i) {
harmonics_list_button* hlb = hlba[i];
hlb->set_pos (minus.extents.left, y);
hlb->set_listener (&hal);
y -= state_button::SIZE2;
ctrls.push_back (hlb);
void sine_mixer::set_type () {
if (type) {
pf_sin = &cp_sin;
ol_sin.option.set_text (" Custom sin");
b_edit.set_color (clr.r, clr.g, clr.b);
b_edit.set_listener (this);
} else {
pf_sin = &st_sin;
ol_sin.option.set_text (" Standard sin");
b_edit.set_color (0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f);
b_edit.set_listener (0);
int spacer = 10; b_edit.set_pos (ol_sin.option.extents.right + spacer, ol_sin.option.extents.bottom);
void sine_mixer::changed (field& f) {
if (&f == &sp_points.f_value) {
set_samples (f);
do_render ();
void sine_mixer::changed (levels& l) {
mix ();
do_render ();
void sine_mixer::changed (checkbutton& cb) {
if (&cb == &cb_make_shapeform) {
render ();
apply_not_auto_apply ();
} else if (&cb == &cb_paint_harmonics) {
sine_levels.paint = cb_paint_harmonics.state;
} else if (&cb == &cb_wrap) {
sine_levels.wrap = cb_wrap.state;
} else plugin::changed (cb);
void sine_mixer::set_samples (int s) {
prep_harmonics ();
void sine_mixer::apply_not_auto_apply () {
if (cb_auto_apply.state) {
plugin::mix = undo = 1;
uis.crved->apply_plugin (this);
plugin::mix = undo = 0;
} else uis.crved->apply_plugin (this);
void sine_mixer::picked (label& lbl, int dir) {
type = !type;
set_type ();
prep_harmonics ();
render ();
void sine_mixer::shift_apply () {
mix ();
render ();
apply_not_auto_apply ();
void sine_mixer::sel_all_harms () {
for (int i = 0; i < sine_levels.nlev; ++i) {
if (sine_levels.heights[i]) sine_levels.selection[i] = 1;
sine_levels.nsel += sine_levels.nlev;
clear_bookmarks ();
void sine_mixer::desel_all_harms () {
for (int i = 0; i < sine_levels.nlev; ++i) sine_levels.selection[i] = 0;
sine_levels.nsel = 0;
clear_bookmarks ();
void sine_mixer::inv_sel_harms () {
for (int i = 0; i < sine_levels.nlev; ++i) {
bool& si = sine_levels.selection[i];
int& nsel = sine_levels.nsel;
if (si) {
si = 0;
else if (sine_levels.heights[i]) {
si = 1;
clear_bookmarks ();
void sine_mixer::clicked (button& b) {
if (&b == &b_lshift) {
if (sine_levels.lshift ()) shift_apply ();
} else if (&b == &b_rshift) {
if (sine_levels.rshift ()) shift_apply ();
} else if (&b == &b_all) {
sel_all_harms ();
} else if (&b == &b_inv) {
inv_sel_harms ();
} else if (&b == &b_non) {
desel_all_harms ();
} else if (&b == &b_slide) {
extern mouse_slider mouse_slider0;
if (mouse_slider_active ())
else {
mouse_slider0.add (this);
activate_mouse_slider ();
} else if (&b == &b_edit) {
uis.set_current (&sin_ed);
} else plugin::clicked (b);
void sine_mixer::edited (curve_editor* e, int i) {
cp_sin.sol.update ();
curve_listener::edited (e, i);
prep_harmonics ();
render ();
void sine_mixer::moved () {
if (sine_levels.extents.top > fb_mover.extents.bottom) {
sine_levels.height = sine_levels.extents.height = sine_levels.extents.top - fb_mover.extents.bottom;
sine_levels.set_pos (sine_levels.posx, fb_mover.posy);
sine_levels.reheight ();
fb_mover.set_pos (sine_levels.extents.right + sine_levels.elem_width, fb_mover.extents.bottom);
void sine_mixer::moused (int dx) {
if (dx > 0) sine_levels.rshift (); else sine_levels.lshift ();
shift_apply ();
void sine_mixer::bookmark_harmonics () {
if (sine_levels.nsel) {
harmonics_list_button* hlb = new harmonics_list_button ();
int n = hlba.size ();
if (n) {
int l = n - 1;
harmonics_list_button* lb = hlba[l];
hlb->set_pos (minus.extents.left, lb->extents.bottom - state_button::SIZE2);
} else {
hlb->set_pos (minus.extents.left, minus.extents.bottom - state_button::SIZE2);
for (int i = 0; i < sine_levels.nlev; ++i) if (sine_levels.selection[i]) hlb->harmonics.push_back (i);
clear_bookmarks ();
hlb->set_state (1, 0);
hlb->set_listener (&hal);
minus.add_child (hlb);
hlba.push_back (hlb);
ctrls.push_back (hlb);
} else {
cons << RED << "No harmonics selected to bookmark. SHIFT+click a harmonic to select" << eol;
void sine_mixer::rem_all_bookmarks () {
for (int i = 0, j = hlba.size (); i < j; ++i) {
harmonics_list_button* hlb = hlba[i];
erase (ctrls, hlb);
delete hlb;
hlba.clear ();
minus.children.clear ();
void sine_mixer::rem_bookmarks () {
for (vector<harmonics_list_button*>::iterator i = hlba.begin (), j = hlba.end (); i != j; ) {
harmonics_list_button* hlb = *i;
if (hlb->state) {
i = hlba.erase (i);
j = hlba.end ();
minus.remove_child (hlb);
erase (ctrls, hlb);
delete hlb;
} else {
void sine_mixer::clear_bookmarks () {
for (int i = 0, j = hlba.size (); i < j; ++i) {
harmonics_list_button* hlb = hlba[i];
hlb->set_state (0, 0);
CLICKED_BUTTON (sine_mixer, plus_lis) {
sinemixer.bookmark_harmonics ();
CLICKED_BUTTON (sine_mixer, minus_lis) {
sinemixer.rem_bookmarks ();
CLICKED_BUTTON (sine_mixer, cross_lis) {
sinemixer.rem_all_bookmarks ();
CLICKED_CHECKBUTTON (sine_mixer, harm_lis) {
harmonics_list_button& hlb = dynamic_cast<harmonics_list_button&>(cb);
int s = hlb.state;
if (SHIFT)
else {
sinemixer.desel_all_harms ();
if (s == 0) s = 1;
hlb.set_state (s, 0);
vector<harmonics_list_button*>& hlba = sinemixer.hlba;
for (int i = 0, j = hlba.size (); i < j; ++i) {
if (&hlb == hlba[i]) {
vector<int>& hs = hlb.harmonics;
int n = hs.size ();
for (int m = 0; m < n; ++m) sinemixer.sine_levels.selection [hs[m]] = s;
sinemixer.sine_levels.nsel += (n * s);