(root)/wip/src/oscilloscope.h - Rev 2061
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* oscilloscope.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2023 Jagannathan Sampath
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* For more information, please visit https://dinisnoise.org/
#ifndef __oscilloscope
#define __oscilloscope
#include "box.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "arrow_button.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct oscilloscope_params_t {
int left, base, height;
int num_samples;
float opacity;
int visible;
int folded;
oscilloscope_params_t (int l, int b, int h, int ns, float op, int v, int f);
struct oscilloscope : ui, click_listener, widget {
struct sample_t {
static float lmin, lmax; // min/max of L
static float rmin, rmax; // min/max of R
float left, right; // L and R value
sample_t () {left = right = 0;}
sample_t* samples;
int num_samples, max_samples, startsamp;
void alloc (int n);
void add_samples (float* outl, float* outr, int n);
void set_num_samples (int n);
int folded;
void set_folded (int f);
int left, base, height;
oscilloscope (const std::string& _settingsf);
~oscilloscope ();
std::vector<oscilloscope_params_t> params; // for each instrument
std::string settingsf;
int load ();
int save ();
void load_current_instrument ();
void save_current_instrument ();
// gl
int* vertices;
float* colors;
int ndraw;
// ui
// channel labels
int lly, lry, lh;
static const int buf_size = 256;
char lbuf1 [buf_size], rbuf1 [buf_size];
arrow_button fold;
box<int> win, pick_win;
int leftx, rightx, endx;
float lr, lg, lb; // L color
float rr, rg, rb; // R color
int lmb_clicked;
int px, py;
int move, stop_move;
int handle_input ();
void set_height (int h);
void calc_draw_params ();
void draw ();
void show ();
void clicked (button& b);
float opacity;
void setopacity (float o) { opacity = o; }
int limit;