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* multi_curve.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2025 Jagannathan Sampath
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* For more information, please visit
#ifndef __MULTICURVE__
#define __MULTICURVE__
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include "point.h"
#include "curve.h"
#include "box.h"
typedef std::vector< pointinfo<float> > points_array;
struct multi_curve {
// multiple bezier curves
std::vector<curve> curv; // bezier curves of this multi_curve
int ncurvs;
points_array vertices;
points_array left_tangents;
points_array right_tangents;
int num_vertices; // same number of left and right tangents
int last_vertex;
multi_curve ();
multi_curve (const std::string& filename);
void clear (int all = 1); // all => color & name
// vertex ops
int set_vertex (int i, float x, float y);
void get_vertex (int i, float& x, float& y);
void add_vertex (float x, float y, int p = 0);
int insert (float x, float y, float tx, float ty);
int remove (int i);
// tangent ops
void add_left_tangent (float x, float y, int p = 0);
void add_right_tangent (float x, float y, int p = 0);
void get_left_tangent (int i, float& x, float& y);
void get_right_tangent (int i, float& x, float& y);
int set_left_tangent (int i, float x, float y);
int set_right_tangent (int i, float x, float y);
double get_tangent_mag (int i, points_array& pa);
double get_left_tangent_mag (int i);
double get_right_tangent_mag (int i);
float limit; // same for all curves (see curve.h)
void set_limit (float d);
int shapeform; // shapeform?
void setcentroid (int _shapeform);
void set_shapeform (int yesno);
void check_shapeform ();
void get_xy (double d, float& x, float& y);
// profile of multi_curve ie of all bezier curves
void require_eval ();
void evaluate ();
int get_profile_points (std::vector<crvpt>& profile); // all curves
std::vector<crvpt>& get_profile_points (int i); // for ith curve
int get_total_points ();
int get_total_points (std::vector<int>& crvs);
// xform
point<float> cen;
float cx, cy; // centroid
void calc_bbox (box<float>& b);
void rotate (float angle);
void scale (float sx, float sy);
void move (float dx, float dy);
// visual
float r, g, b; // color of profile
float rt, gt, bt; // color of tangents
void set_color (); // random color
void set_color (float rr, float gg, float bb);
void get_color (float& rr, float& gg, float& bb) { rr = r; gg = g; bb = b;}
void calc_tangent_color ();
// utils
std::string name; // name
void set_name (const std::string& name);
void load (const std::string& filename);
void load (std::ifstream& file);
void save (const std::string& filename);
void save (std::ofstream& file);
void create_polyline (multi_curve& crv, const points_array& pts);
void convert2_polyline (multi_curve& crv);
void convert2_catmull_rom (multi_curve& crv, float tangent_size);
multi_curve* get_curve (const std::string& name);
multi_curve* check_list (multi_curve** lst, int n, const std::string& name);