(root)/wip/src/mouse_slider.h - Rev 2153
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* mouse_slider.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2024 Jagannathan Sampath
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* For more information, please visit https://dinisnoise.org/
#ifndef __mouse_slider
#define __mouse_slider
#include "widget.h"
#include "arrow_button.h"
#include "checkbutton.h"
#include <list>
struct mouse_slider_listener {
std::string name;
enum {X, Y, NONE};
int orient;
double delta0, delta;
checkbutton* vary;
checkbutton* lim;
void togger (checkbutton* cb, const char* str);
void togvary ();
void toglim ();
mouse_slider_listener ();
virtual void moused (int dir, double scl = 1.0) {}
virtual void after_slide () {}
struct mouse_slider : widget {
int sz, sz_2, szn, szn_1;
arrow_button axl, axr;
arrow_button ayb, ayt;
void update_x_arrows ();
void update_y_arrows ();
static const int margin = 10;
int lowx, highx, midx;
int lowy, highy, midy;
int prevx, prevy;
int initx, inity, inityy;
std::list<mouse_slider_listener*> mslx, msly;
int nmslx, nmsly;
void print (std::list<mouse_slider_listener*>&, std::list<mouse_slider_listener*>&);
void print (std::list<mouse_slider_listener*>&);
int dx, dy;
int justx ();
int justy ();
int active;
static int warp;
int lmb_clicked;
mouse_slider ();
~mouse_slider ();
int handle_input ();
int pts [8];
void draw ();
void add (mouse_slider_listener* sl);
void remove (mouse_slider_listener* sl);
double base;
int shift;
struct scalet {
int style;
double value;
void operator*= (const double& v) { value *= v; }
void operator/= (const double& v) { value /= v; }
void calcvalue (double& b, int s);
} scale;
int activate (int shft = 0, int scalestyle = scalet::CHANGING);
int deactivate ();
void cant_mouse_slide ();
void activate_mouse_slider (int shift = 0, int scalestyle = mouse_slider::scalet::CHANGING);
extern mouse_slider mouse_slider0;
#define MAKE_MOUSE_SLIDER_LISTENER(name,var) struct name : mouse_slider_listener { void after_slide (); void moused (int dir, double scl); }; name var;
#define AFTER_SLIDE(scope,name) void scope::name::after_slide ()
#define MOUSED(scope,name) void scope::name::moused (int dir, double scl)