(root)/wip/src/mouse_slider.cc - Rev 352
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* mouse_slider.cc
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2017 Jagannathan Sampath
* For more information, please visit http://dinisnoise.org/
#include "mouse_slider.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "viewwin.h"
#include "container.h"
#include "ui_list.h"
extern int lmb;
extern int mousex, mousey, mouseyy;
extern void warp_mouse (int x, int y);
extern viewport view;
typedef std::list<mouse_slider_listener*>::iterator mouse_slider_listener_iterator;
mouse_slider_listener::mouse_slider_listener () {orient = Y;}
mouse_slider::mouse_slider () {
initx = inity = lowx = lowy = midx = midy = highx = highy = prevx = prevy = nmslx = nmsly = lmb_clicked = 0;
void mouse_slider::draw () {
glColor3f (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
glBegin (GL_LINES);
glVertex2f (initx, inity);
glVertex2f (mousex, mouseyy);
glEnd ();
int mouse_slider::handle_input () {
if (mousex < lowx || mousex > highx) {
warp_mouse (midx, mousey);
initx = prevx = mousex;
if (mousey < lowy || mousey > highy) {
warp_mouse (mousex, midy);
inity = prevy = mouseyy;
if (nmslx) {
int dx = mousex - prevx;
if (dx != 0) {
for (mouse_slider_listener_iterator i = mslx.begin (), j = mslx.end (); i != j; ++i) (*i)->moused (dx);
if (nmsly) {
int dy = mouseyy - prevy;
if (dy != 0) {
for (mouse_slider_listener_iterator i = msly.begin (), j = msly.end (); i != j; ++i) (*i)->moused (dy);
prevx = mousex;
prevy = mouseyy;
if (is_lmb (this)) {
lmb_clicked = 1;
} else {
if (lmb_clicked) {
deactivate ();
lmb_clicked = 0;
return 1;
void mouse_slider::add (mouse_slider_listener* msl) {
if (msl->orient == mouse_slider_listener::X) { push_back (mslx, msl); ++nmslx; } else { push_back (msly, msl); ++nmsly; }
void mouse_slider::remove (mouse_slider_listener* msl) {
if (msl->orient == mouse_slider_listener::X) { erase (mslx, msl); --nmslx; } else { erase (msly, msl); --nmsly; }
if (nmslx == 0 && nmsly == 0) deactivate ();
int mouse_slider::activate () {
if (nmslx == 0 && nmsly == 0) return active;
const int margin = 5;
lowx = margin; highx = view.xmax - lowx;
lowy = margin; highy = view.ymax - lowy;
midx = view.xmax / 2;
midy = view.ymax / 2;
prevx = mousex;
prevy = mouseyy;
initx = mousex;
inity = mouseyy;
string xchange, ychange;
if (nmslx) {
for (mouse_slider_listener_iterator i = mslx.begin (), j = mslx.end (); i != j; ++i) {
mouse_slider_listener* msl = *i;
xchange = xchange + msl->name + ", ";
if (nmsly) {
for (mouse_slider_listener_iterator i = msly.begin (), j = msly.end (); i != j; ++i) {
mouse_slider_listener* msl = *i;
ychange = ychange + msl->name + ", ";
active = 1;
lmb_clicked = 0;
is_lmb.tie = this;
cons << GREEN << "Just move";
if (xchange != "") cons << " in X to " << xchange;
if (ychange != "") cons << " in Y to " << ychange;
cons << "ESC or Right Click to stop" << eol;
return active;
extern void draw_slit_cutter (int);
void mouse_slider::deactivate () {
if (nmslx) {for (mouse_slider_listener_iterator i = mslx.begin (), j = mslx.end (); i != j; ++i) { (*i)->finished_mousing(); }}
if (nmsly) {for (mouse_slider_listener_iterator i = msly.begin (), j = msly.end (); i != j; ++i) { (*i)->finished_mousing(); }}
mslx.clear ();
msly.clear ();
nmslx = nmsly = 0;
erase (uis.widgets_of[uis.current], &mouse_slider0);
active = 0;
lmb_clicked = 0;
is_lmb.clear (this);
draw_slit_cutter (0);
cons << RED << "Stopped mouse slider" << eol;
void activate_mouse_slider () {
if (uis.main_menu.show) uis.main_menu.toggle ();
if (mouse_slider0.activate ()) {
if (uis.is_widget_on_screen (&mouse_slider0, uis.current) == 0)
uis.widgets_of [uis.current].push_back (&mouse_slider0);
int is_mouse_slider_active () {
return mouse_slider0.active;
void cant_mouse_slide () {
cons << RED << "Sorry, mouse slider is already active!" << eol;