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* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2017 Jagannathan Sampath
* For more information, please visit
#include "main.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "ui_list.h"
#include "viewwin.h"
#include "din.h"
#include "keyboard_keyboard.h"
#include "mondrian.h"
#include "sounding_board.h"
#include "tcl_interp.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "recorder.h"
#include "oscilloscope.h"
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
extern ofstream dlog;
extern int mousex, mousey;
extern beat2value octave_shift;
extern std::string INSTRUMENT;
extern void load_instrument ();
extern float VOICE_VOLUME;
extern int NUM_OCTAVES;
extern float PHRASE_TEMPO;
extern const int MILLION;
extern void setup_plugin_labels ();
extern oscilloscope scope;
extern const float PI_BY_180;
extern char BUFFER [];
menu::menu () : gater_style_lis (ol_gater_style, "gr", " Style = "), am_style_lis (ol_am_style, "am", " Voice AM style = "), fm_style_lis (ol_fm_style, "fm", " Voice FM style = "), s_phrase_position (192, 16), td_tap_display (36), abm_left (12), abm_right(12), abm_up(12), abm_down(12), bm_zoom_in(16), bm_zoom_out(16), abe_left (12), abe_right(12), abe_up(12), abe_down(12), pb_zoom_in (16), mb_zoom_out (16), abl_left (12, arrow_button::left), abl_right (12, arrow_button::right) {
num_tabs = 0;
filtered = 0;
la = 0;
am_depth = fm_depth = 0;
dam_depth = dfm_depth = dam_bpm = dfm_bpm = 0;
void menu::setup_items () {
// all widgets
widget* im [] = {
// tabs
num_tabs = 0;
last_tab = cur_tab = 0;
checkbutton* cbns [] = {
&cb_file, &cb_instrument, &cb_editors,
&cb_mkb_voice, &cb_mkb_drone_tools, &cb_mkb_drone_parameters, &cb_mkb_misc,
&cb_mon_tools, &cb_mon_parameters, &cb_mon_misc,
static const char* const cbn_lbls [] = {
"File", "Instrument", "Editors",
"Voice", "Drone Tools", "Drone Parameters", "Misc",
"Tools", "Parameters", "Misc",
for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
checkbutton* cbni = cbns[i];
cbni->set_label (cbn_lbls[i]);
cbni->set_listener (this);
widget* wfile [] = {
}; // file
cb_record.set_listener (&recl);
b_clear_record.set_listener (&recl);
b_save.set_listener (&recl);
lf_file.fld.typing_lsnr = &recl;
lf_file.fld.set_text ("din.wav");
lf_file.lbl.set_text ("File on Desktop:");
widget* winst [] = {
widget* weds [] = {
widget* wvoice [] = {
for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) static_cast<button*>(wvoice[i])->set_listener (&pcl); // phrase commands listener
widget* wdrone_params [] = {
//unsigned char mr = 0xff, mg = 0x99, mb = 0x4d;
//unsigned char mr = 0xff, mg = 0xc0, mb = 0x61;
unsigned char mr = 0xfa, mg = 0xca, mb = 0x82;
spinner<float>* spn [] = {&sp_am_depth, &sp_fm_depth, &sp_am_bpm, &sp_fm_bpm};
spinner<float>* dspn [] = {&sp_dam_depth, &sp_dfm_depth, &sp_dam_bpm, &sp_dfm_bpm};
static const char* txt [] = {"AM Depth", "FM Depth", "AM BPM", "FM BPM"};
static const int ori [] = {mouse_slider_listener::Y, mouse_slider_listener::X, mouse_slider_listener::Y, mouse_slider_listener::X};
static const string change = "Change ";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
spinner<float>* dspni = dspn[i];
const char* txti = txt[i];
dspni->set_label (change + txti);
dspni->set_delta (1.0f);
dspni->set_listener (this);
dspni->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
dspni->orient = ori[i];
spinner<float>* spni = spn[i];
spni->set_label (txti);
spni->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
spni->set_listener (this);
spni->orient = ori[i];
for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) spn[i]->set_delta (1.0f);
sp_am_depth.set_delta (din0.am_delta.depth);
sp_am_bpm.set_limits (0, MILLION);
sp_fm_bpm.set_limits (0, MILLION);
widget* wdrone_tools [] = {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) static_cast<button*>(wdrone_tools[i])->set_listener (&dcl); // drone commands listener
//for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) wdrone_tools[i]->set_moveable (1);
widget* wmisc [] = {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) static_cast<button*>(wmisc[i])->set_listener (&rsl); // range size listener
widget* wetools [] = { // curve editors tools
widget* wmon [] = { // mondrian tools
arrow_button* mnav[] = {&abm_left, &abm_down, &abm_right, &abm_up};
int mdirs [] = {arrow_button::left, arrow_button::bottom, arrow_button::right, arrow_button::top};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
arrow_button* ab = mnav[i];
ab->set_direction (mdirs[i]);
widget* wmon_pars [] = { // mondrian parameters
widget* wmon_misc [] = { // mondrian misc
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) static_cast<button*>(wmon_misc[i])->set_listener (&monl);
for (int i = 6; i < 11; ++i) static_cast<checkbutton*>(wmon_misc[i])->set_listener (&monl);
options_list* oll [] = {&ol_ball_types, &ol_split_types_h, &ol_split_types_v, &ol_selection_targets};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
options_list* oli = oll[i];
oli->set_listener (&monl);
oli->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
//oli->set_moveable (1);
ol_split_types_h.set_text (mondrian_listener::split_types[monl.hsplit]);
ol_split_types_v.set_text (mondrian_listener::split_types[monl.vsplit]);
ol_selection_targets.set_text (mondrian_listener::selection_targets[mondrian0.sel_tar]);
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
widget* wm = wmon[i];
wm->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
static_cast<button*>(wm)->set_listener (&monl);
for (int i = 4; i < 16; ++i) wmon_pars[i]->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) wmon_misc[i]->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) static_cast<button*>(wetools[i])->set_listener (&pzl);
for (int i = 6; i < 10; ++i) static_cast<checkbutton*>(wetools[i])->set_listener (&snl);
b_undo.click_repeat = b_redo.click_repeat = 1;
abl_left.click_repeat = abl_right.click_repeat = 1;
button* crvops [] = {
for (int i = 0; i < 19; ++i) crvops[i]->set_listener (&col);
cb_label_vertices.set_listener (&col);
cb_mark_segments.set_listener (&col);
//cb_mark_segments.set_moveable (1);
cb_draw_curve.set_listener (&col);
sp_curve_limit.set_listener (&col);
lf_curve_name.set_listener (&col);
widget* wsbd [] = { // sounding board
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) static_cast<button*>(wsbd[i])->set_listener (&bdl); // binaural drones commands
cb_close_octave.set_listener (&bdl);
cb_resize_separation.set_listener (&bdl);
ol_justification.set_listener (&bdl);
ol_key_note.set_listener (&bdl);
sp_bd_fade_time.set_listener (&bdl);
sp_bd_master_volume.set_label ("Master volume");
sp_bd_master_volume.set_limits (0.0f, MILLION);
sp_bd_master_volume.set_delta (0.01f);
sp_bd_master_volume.set_listener (&bdl);
sp_bd_master_volume.orient = mouse_slider_listener::NONE;
sp_bd_separation.set_label ("Separation (Hz)");
sp_bd_separation.set_limits (0, MILLION);
sp_bd_separation.set_value (1.0f);
sp_bd_separation.set_delta (1.0f);
sp_bd_separation.orient = mouse_slider_listener::NONE;
sp_bd_pairs.set_label ("Number of Pairs");
sp_bd_pairs.set_value (1);
sp_bd_pairs.set_delta (1);
sp_bd_pairs.set_limits (1, MILLION);
sp_bd_pairs.orient = mouse_slider_listener::NONE;
sp_bd_fade_time.set_label ("Fade time");
sp_bd_fade_time.set_limits (0, MILLION);
sp_bd_fade_time.set_delta (1);
sp_bd_fade_time.orient = mouse_slider_listener::NONE;
lf_bd_spacing.set_label ("Spacing (Hz)");
lf_bd_spacing.set_text ("50");
lf_bd_start_pitch.set_label ("Start Pitch (Hz)");
lf_bd_start_pitch.set_text ("100");
lf_bd_start_pitch.set_listener (&bdl);
cb_select_launched.set_listener (&dcl);
b_mute_drones.set_listener (&dcl);
const int num_editors = 17;
for (int i = 0; i < num_editors; ++i) editors.push_back (weds[i]);
widget** wmap [] = {wfile, winst, weds, wvoice, wdrone_tools, wdrone_params, wmisc, wetools, wmon, wmon_pars, wmon_misc, wsbd};
int numw [] = {9, 4, num_editors, 11, 26, 21, 20, 46, 37, 16, 11, 15};
//for (int i = 0; i < 21; ++i) wdrone_params[i]->set_moveable(1);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
int n = numw[i];
widget** wmi = wmap[i];
vector<widget*>& vw = tab_members[cbns[i]];
for (int m = 0; m < n; ++m) {
vw.push_back (wmi[m]);
//wmi[m]->set_moveable(1); // mover
tab_sep.set_name ("separator");
vw.push_back (&tab_sep);
tab_sep.set_extents (640);
tab_sep.set_color (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
int si [] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 6, 14, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 4, 5, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 24}; // editor indices
//unsigned char ir = 0xFA, ig = 0xCA, ib = 0x82;
for (int i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) {
items[i] = im[i];
if (i < n_inst_ed) {
if (i > 3) {
is_inst[i] = 0;
is_ed[i] = 1;
} else {
is_ed[i] = 0;
is_inst[i] = 1;
scr_id [i] = si[i];
static_cast<button*>(items[i])->set_listener (this);
items[i]->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
// voice volume
sp_voice_volume.set_label ("Volume");
sp_voice_volume.set_delta (0.005f);
sp_voice_volume.set_limits (0.0f, MILLION);
sp_voice_volume.set_listener (&vvl);
//unsigned char vr = 85, vg = 154, vb = 207;
sp_voice_volume.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
ol_am_style.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
ol_fm_style.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
// octave shift
l_octave_shift.set_text ("Octave Shift");
ab_octave_down.set_direction (arrow_button::left);
ab_octave_down.set_listener (&osl);
ab_octave_up.set_direction (arrow_button::right);
ab_octave_up.set_listener (&osl);
int arrow_size = 24;
ab_octave_up.set_size (arrow_size);
ab_octave_down.set_size (arrow_size);
sp_octave_shift_bpm.set_label ("BPM");
sp_octave_shift_bpm.set_delta (1);
sp_octave_shift_bpm.set_listener (&osl);
widget* wos [] = {&l_octave_shift, &ab_octave_down, &ab_octave_up, &sp_octave_shift_bpm};
//unsigned char osr = 0xfd, osg = 0x63, osb = 0x39;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
widget* w = wos[i];
w->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
//w->set_moveable (1);
sp_octave_shift_bpm.set_limits (0.0f, MILLION); // max 1 MILLION beats/min
// gater
l_gater.set_text ("Gater");
//l_gater.set_moveable (1);
sp_gater_bpm.set_label ("BPM");
sp_gater_bpm.set_delta (1);
sp_gater_bpm.set_limits (0, MILLION);
sp_gater_bpm.set_listener (&gbl);
ol_gater_style.set_text (" style = ");
//ol_gater_style.set_moveable (1);
ol_gater_style.set_listener (&gater_style_lis);
//unsigned char gtr = 0x99, gtg = 0xfd, gtb = 0x63;
l_gater.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_gater_bpm.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
ol_gater_style.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
// drones
// ol_drone_master_volume.set_moveable (1);
ol_drone_master_volume.set_text (" Drone Master Volume: ");
ol_drone_master_volume.set_click_repeat (1);
ol_drone_master_volume.set_listener (this);
lf_delta_drone_master_volume.set_label ("@");
lf_delta_drone_master_volume.fld.set_text (DELTA_DRONE_MASTER_VOLUME);
lf_delta_drone_master_volume.fld.change_lsnr = this;
cb_show_anchors.set_listener (&dcl);
sp_change_drone_handle_size.set_label ("Change handle size");
sp_change_drone_handle_size.set_delta (1);
sp_change_drone_handle_size.set_value (0);
sp_change_drone_handle_size.set_listener (&dhsl);
sp_change_drone_trail_length.set_label ("Change trail length");
sp_change_drone_trail_length.set_value (0);
sp_change_drone_trail_length.set_delta (1);
sp_change_drone_trail_length.set_listener (&dtl);
//unsigned char dr = 249, dg = 232, db = 38;
b_mute_drones.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_change_drone_handle_size.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_change_drone_trail_length.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_change_drone_vel.set_label ("Change velocity");
sp_change_drone_vel.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_change_drone_vel.set_listener (&dvl);
sp_change_drone_vel.set_delta (0.1);
sp_change_drone_vel.set_limits (-MILLION, +MILLION);
cb_show_vel.set_listener (&dcl);
sp_change_drone_accel.set_label ("Change acceleration");
sp_change_drone_accel.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_change_drone_accel.set_listener (&dal);
sp_change_drone_accel.set_delta (0.05);
sp_change_drone_accel.set_limits (-MILLION, +MILLION);
cb_show_accel.set_listener (&dcl);
cb_show_gravity.set_listener (&dcl);
sp_rotate_drone_vel.set_label ("Rotate velocity");
sp_rotate_drone_vel.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_rotate_drone_vel.set_listener (&rdvl);
sp_rotate_drone_vel.set_delta (1.0f);
sp_rotate_drone_vel.orient = mouse_slider_listener::X;
sp_drones_per_min.set_label ("Change drones per minute");
sp_drones_per_min.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_drones_per_min.set_delta (1);
sp_drones_per_min.set_listener (&dpml);
sp_drone_lifetime.set_label ("Change lifetime");
sp_drone_lifetime.set_delta (0.05);
sp_drone_lifetime.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_drone_lifetime.set_listener (&dlf);
sp_orbit_insertion_time.set_label ("Change orbit insertion time");
sp_orbit_insertion_time.set_delta (0.05);
sp_orbit_insertion_time.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_orbit_insertion_time.set_listener (&oil);
sp_rotate_drones.set_label ("Rotate");
sp_rotate_drones.set_delta (1.0f);
sp_rotate_drones.set_value (0.0f);
sp_rotate_drones.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_rotate_drones.set_listener (this);
sp_scale_drones.set_label ("Scale");
sp_scale_drones.set_delta (0.01f);
sp_scale_drones.set_value (0.0f);
sp_scale_drones.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_scale_drones.set_listener (this);
spinner<int>* msh [] = {&sp_mesh_rows, &sp_mesh_cols};
static const char* const mlb [] = {"Rows", "Columns"};
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
spinner<int>* sp = msh[i];
sp->set_value (2);
sp->set_limits (1, MILLION);
sp->set_delta (1);
sp->set_label (mlb[i]);
sp->set_listener (this);
sp->orient = mouse_slider_listener::NONE;
lf_delta_drone_master_volume.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
ol_drone_master_volume.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
// modulation
ol_modulation.set_listener (this);
ol_am_style.set_listener (&am_style_lis);
ol_fm_style.set_listener (&fm_style_lis);
/*ol_am_style.set_moveable (1);
ol_fm_style.set_moveable (1);*/
l_phrase_position.set_text ("Phrase position ");
s_phrase_position.set_limits (0.0f, 1.0f);
s_phrase_position.set_listener (this);
for (int i = 1; i < 9; ++i) wfile[i]->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
b_exit_din.set_listener (&miscl);
b_turn_off_ui.set_listener (&miscl);
b_menu.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
uis.l_mondrian_voices.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
l_range_size.set_text ("Range size?");
cb_snap_drones.set_listener (&sdl);
//unsigned char dr1 = 100, dg1 = 200, db1 = 255;
widget* dbt [] = {
&b_add_drones, &b_move_drones, &b_move_drones_under_gravity, &b_delete_drones, &b_select_all_drones,
&b_invert_drone_selection, &b_select_attractees, &b_select_attractors, &b_orbit_selected_drones,
&b_launch_drones, &b_stop_launching_drones, &b_create_mesh, &b_track_drones, &b_select_tracked_drones,
&sp_mesh_rows, &sp_mesh_cols, &sp_bounces, &sp_rebound, &b_track_gravity, &b_set_targets, &b_clear_targets,
&b_freeze_drones, &b_thaw_drones, &b_select_launchers
for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) dbt[i]->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
widget* pbt [] = {&b_record_phrase, &b_clear_phrases, &l_phrase_position, &s_phrase_position};
widget* rst [] = {&l_range_size, &b_current_to_all, &b_default_to_current, &b_default_to_all};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
pbt[i]->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
rst[i]->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
b_key_to_pitch_at_cursor.set_listener (&miscl);
b_key_to_pitch_at_cursor.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
cb_scope.set_label ("Show oscilloscope");
cb_scope.set_listener (&scol);
//cb_scope.set_moveable (1);
sp_scope_height.set_label ("Height");
sp_scope_height.set_limits (0, MILLION);
sp_scope_samples.set_label ("Samples");
sp_scope_samples.set_limits (1, MAX_SAMPLES);
l_tap_bpm.set_text ("Tap BPM");
checkbutton* cb_tars [] = {&cb_am, &cb_fm, &cb_gater, &cb_octave_shift, &cb_auto_reset};
static const char* const cb_text [] = {"AM", "FM", "Gater", "Octave Shift", "Auto reset"};
cb_auto_reset.turn_on ();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
checkbutton* cbi = cb_tars[i];
cbi->set_label (cb_text[i]);
cbi->set_listener (&tbl);
//cbi->set_moveable (1);
td_tap_display.set_listener (&tbl);
/*td_tap_display.set_moveable (1);
l_tap_bpm.set_moveable (1);
l_tap_bpm_value.set_moveable (1);*/
//float tr = 1.0, tg = 0.6, tb = 0.6;
l_tap_bpm.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
l_tap_bpm_value.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
td_tap_display.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
spinner<int>* sco [] = {&sp_scope_height, &sp_scope_samples};
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
spinner<int>* sp = sco[i];
sp->set_delta (1);
sp->set_color(mr, mg, mb);
sp->set_listener (&scol);
const char* bpmstr [] = {"os", "fm", "am", "gr"};
spinner<float>* bpmspn [] = {&sp_octave_shift_bpm, &sp_fm_bpm, &sp_am_bpm, &sp_gater_bpm};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) bpm_map[bpmstr[i]] = bpmspn[i];
// editor tools
arrow_button* enav[] = {&abe_left, &abe_down, &abe_right, &abe_up};
int edirs [] = {arrow_button::left, arrow_button::bottom, arrow_button::right, arrow_button::top};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
arrow_button* ab = enav[i];
ab->set_direction (edirs[i]);
l_snap.set_text ("Snap:");
checkbutton* cb_snaps [] = {&cb_snapx, &cb_snapy, &cb_snapboth, &cb_snapnone};
const char* cb_snap_str [] = {"X", "Y", "Both", "None"};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
checkbutton* cbi = cb_snaps[i];
cbi->set_label (cb_snap_str[i]);
//l_snap.add_child (cbi);
l_library.set_text ("Library");
lf_curve_name.set_label ("Curve name");
l_capture.set_text ("Capture");
ol_vertices_carry_tangents.set_listener (this);
ol_mirror_tangents.set_listener (this);
//ol_curve_style.set_moveable (1);
ol_curve_style.set_text ("Waveform is Classical");
ol_curve_style.set_listener (this);
sp_curve_rpm.set_label ("RPM");
sp_curve_rpm.set_value (0.0f);
sp_curve_rpm.set_delta (0.05f);
sp_curve_rpm.set_limits (0.0f, MILLION);
sp_curve_rpm.set_listener (&col);
sp_curve_rpm.lbl.add_child (&b_stop_rotating);
b_stop_rotating.set_listener (&col);
cb_show_waveform_samples.set_listener (&col);
//cb_show_waveform_samples.set_moveable (1);
sp_waveform_hz.set_label ("Hz");
sp_waveform_hz.set_delta (1);
sp_waveform_hz.set_limits (0.01, MILLION);
sp_waveform_hz.set_listener (&col);
sp_waveform_hz.orient = mouse_slider_listener::NONE;
sp_waveform_periods.set_label ("Cycles");
sp_waveform_periods.set_delta (1);
sp_waveform_periods.set_limits (1, MILLION);
sp_waveform_periods.set_listener (&col);
sp_waveform_periods.orient = mouse_slider_listener::NONE;
sp_curve_limit.set_label ("Curve roughness");
sp_curve_limit.set_limits (0.001, MILLION);
sp_curve_limit.set_delta (0.001);
// editor tools color
for (int i = 0; i < 44; ++i) wetools[i]->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
const char* labels [] = {
"Microtonal Keyboard",
"Keyboard Keyboard",
"Binaural Drones",
"Drone Waveform",
"Drone Modulation",
"Voice Modulation",
"MIDI Velocity",
"Octave Shift",
"Morse Code",
"Exit DIN Is Noise",
"Show anchors",
"Select all",
"Invert selected",
"Record a phrase",
"Clear phrase",
"Current to all",
"Default to current",
"Default to all",
"Snap drones to notes",
"Set key to pitch at cursor",
"Insert vertex",
"Delete vertex",
"Fold tangents",
"Unfold tangents",
"Mirror about X",
"Draw & replace curve",
"Label vertices",
"Selection only",
"Show waveform",
"Pick curve",
"Draw curve only",
"Select attractees",
"Select attractors",
"Show velocity",
"Show acceleration",
"Show gravity",
"Move under gravity",
"Stop launch",
"Create mesh",
"Select tracked",
"Track gravity",
"Add ",
"Move balls",
"Delete selected balls",
"Delete all balls",
"Select all balls",
"Invert ball selection",
"Select balls in box",
"Split box horizontally",
"Split box vertically",
"Delete box",
"Freeze balls",
"Thaw balls",
"Turn Off UI",
"Set targets",
"Clear targets",
"Clear modulations",
"Modulate balls up",
"Modulate balls down",
"Create binaural drones on the notes of the scale",
"Create binaural drones using parameters above",
"List all binaural drones",
"Sync all binaural drones",
"Delete all binaural drones",
"Close octave",
"Auto-change ball direction clockwise",
"Auto-change ball direction anti-clockwise",
"Stop auto-changing ball direction",
"Flip ball direction",
"Randomize box color",
"Resize separation",
"Add / Remove slits",
"Toggle wreckers",
"Toggle healers",
"Toggle bouncers",
"Healers <> Wreckers",
"Select wreckers",
"Select healers",
"Remove slits on edge",
"Toggle slit animation",
"Auto adjust voices",
"Draw boxes",
"Fill boxes",
"Draw notes",
"Label notes",
"Draw balls",
"Make note grid",
"Make N x N grid",
"Delete all boxes",
"Select launchers",
"Auto select launched drones",
"Mark segments"
button* buttons [] = {
for (int i = 0; i < 127; ++i) {
button* bi = buttons[i];
bi->set_label (labels[i]);
//cb_mondrian_auto_adjust_voices.set_moveable (1);
sp_bounces.set_label ("Bounces");
sp_bounces.set_value (0);
sp_bounces.set_limits (0, MILLION);
sp_bounces.set_delta (1);
sp_bounces.set_listener (this);
sp_rebound.set_label ("Speed %");
sp_rebound.set_value (99);
sp_rebound.set_limits (0, MILLION);
sp_rebound.set_delta (1);
sp_rebound.set_listener (this);
sp_mondrian_min_voices.set_label ("Min Voices");
sp_mondrian_min_voices.set_limits (1, MILLION);
sp_mondrian_min_voices.set_delta (1);
sp_mondrian_min_voices.set_listener (&monl);
sp_mondrian_min_voices.draw_more = 0;
cb_mondrian_auto_adjust_voices.set_listener (&monl);
sp_mondrian_change_attack_time.set_label ("Change ball attack time");
sp_mondrian_change_attack_time.set_delta (0.01f);
sp_mondrian_change_attack_time.set_listener (&batl);
sp_mondrian_change_decay_time.set_label ("Change ball decay time");
sp_mondrian_change_decay_time.set_delta (0.01f);
sp_mondrian_change_decay_time.set_listener (&bdtl);
sp_mondrian_change_speed.set_label ("Change ball speed");
sp_mondrian_change_speed.set_listener (&bsl);
sp_mondrian_change_speed.set_listener (&monl, 1);
sp_mondrian_change_dir.set_label ("Change ball direction");
sp_mondrian_change_dir.set_delta (1.0f);
sp_mondrian_change_dir.orient = mouse_slider_listener::X;
sp_mondrian_change_dir.set_listener (&brl);
sp_mondrian_change_dir.set_listener (&monl, 1);
sp_mondrian_change_trail_size.set_label ("Change ball trail length");
sp_mondrian_change_trail_size.set_delta (1);
sp_mondrian_change_trail_size.set_listener (&tll);
sp_mondrian_change_note_poly_points.set_label ("Change note polygon points");
sp_mondrian_change_note_poly_points.set_delta (1);
sp_mondrian_change_note_poly_points.set_listener (&nppl);
sp_mondrian_change_note_poly_radius.set_label ("Change note polygon radius");
sp_mondrian_change_note_poly_radius.set_delta (1);
sp_mondrian_change_note_poly_radius.set_listener (&nprl);
sp_mondrian_change_slit_size.set_label ("Change slit size");
sp_mondrian_change_slit_size.set_delta (1.0f);
sp_mondrian_change_slit_size.set_listener (&ssl);
sp_mondrian_change_slit_anim_time.set_label ("Change slit open/close time");
sp_mondrian_change_slit_anim_time.set_value (0.0f);
sp_mondrian_change_slit_anim_time.set_delta (0.05f);
sp_mondrian_change_slit_anim_time.set_listener (&satl);
sp_mondrian_change_vol.set_label ("Change ball volume");
sp_mondrian_change_vol.set_value (0);
sp_mondrian_change_vol.set_delta (0.01);
sp_mondrian_change_vol.set_limits (-MILLION, MILLION);
sp_mondrian_change_vol.set_listener (&bvl);
sp_mondrian_num_boxes.set_limits (0, MILLION);
sp_mondrian_num_boxes.set_label ("N");
sp_mondrian_num_boxes.set_delta (1);
sp_mondrian_num_boxes.draw_more = 0;
sp_mondrian_num_boxes.set_color (mr, mg, mb);
sp_mondrian_num_boxes.set_listener (&monl);
button* pb[] = {&sp_mondrian_change_dir.increase, &sp_mondrian_change_dir.decrease};
set_repeat (pb, 2, 0.005);
for (int i = 0; i < 13; ++i) {
wsbd[i]->set_color (mr, mg, mb);
//wsbd[i]->set_moveable (1);
/*ol_key_note.set_moveable (1);
uis.b_close.set_listener (&miscl);
recl.typing (lf_file.fld);
void menu::update () {
position_menu_items ();
for (int i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) items[i]->update ();
position_tabs ();
void menu::setup () {
dlog << "*** setting up menu ***" << endl;
show = 0;
screen_mousex = screen_mousey = 0;
setup_items ();
widget_load ("d_menu", items, num_items);
b_menu.set_listener (this);
dlog << "+++ menu setup complete +++" << endl;
void menu::set_pos (int x, int y) {
b_menu.set_pos (x, y);
void menu::draw () {
b_menu.draw ();
if (show) {
// draw transparent bg
glEnable (GL_BLEND);
glColor4f (0, 0, 0, 0.9f);
glRecti (bg_extents.left, bg_extents.bottom, bg_extents.right,; //max (0, bg_bottom), b_stop_launching_drones.extents.right, min (bg_top, view.ymax));
glDisable (GL_BLEND);
glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT, GL_LINE);
glColor3f (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
glRecti (bg_extents.left, bg_extents.bottom, bg_extents.right,;
glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
// draw items
for (int i = 0; i < num_tabs; ++i) tabs[i]->draw ();
if (cur_tab) {
vector<widget*>& ti = tab_members [cur_tab];
for (int i = 0, j = ti.size (); i < j; ++i) ti[i]->draw ();
if (cur_tab == &cb_mkb_voice && din0.phrasor0.state == phrasor::playing) s_phrase_position.set_val (din0.phrasor0.amount);
void menu::setup_tabs (ui* scr) {
checkbutton* com [] = {&cb_file, &cb_instrument, &cb_editors};
checkbutton* mkb [] = {&cb_mkb_voice, &cb_mkb_drone_tools, &cb_mkb_drone_parameters, &cb_mkb_misc};
checkbutton* eds [] = {&cb_ed_tools};
checkbutton* mon [] = {&cb_mon_tools, &cb_mon_parameters, &cb_mon_misc};
checkbutton* sbd [] = {&cb_sounding_board_tools};
int clear_existing_tabs = 1;
setup_tabs (com, 3, clear_existing_tabs);
if (scr == &din0) { // microtonal keyboard
setup_tabs (mkb, 4);
} else if (scr == &keybd2) { // keyboard-keyboard
} else if (scr == &mondrian0) { // mondrian
setup_tabs (mon, 3);
} else if (scr == &sounding_board0) { // sounding-board
setup_tabs (sbd, 1);
} else { // is an editor
setup_tabs (com, 3, clear_existing_tabs);
setup_tabs (eds, 1);
changed (cb_ed_tools);
position_tabs ();
void menu::setup_tabs (checkbutton** tlist, int n, int clear) {
if (clear) tabs.clear ();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) tabs.push_back (tlist[i]);
num_tabs = tabs.size ();
void menu::position_tabs () {
if (num_tabs) {
int x = cb_file.posx, y = cb_file.posy, spacing = 20;
int i = 1, j = 0;
for (; i < num_tabs; ++i, j = i - 1) {
x = x + get_char_width (tabs[j]->label) + spacing;
tabs[i]->set_pos (x, y);
tab_sep.set_extents (x + get_char_width (tabs[j]->label) - cb_file.posx);
calc_bg ();
checkbutton* lt = tabs[num_tabs - 1];
menu_mousex = lt->extents.right + 1;
menu_mousey = view.ymax - lt->posy;
void menu::remove_from_tab (checkbutton* cb, widget* w) {
vector<widget*>& tw = tab_members [cb];
vector<widget*>::iterator end = tw.end (), i = find (tw.begin(), end, w);
if (i != end) tw.erase (i);
void menu::add_to_tab (checkbutton* cb, widget* w) {
vector<widget*>& tw = tab_members[cb];
vector<widget*>::iterator end = tw.end (), i = find (tw.begin(), end, w);
if (i == end) tw.push_back (w);
int menu::handle_input () {
if (b_menu.handle_input ()) return 1; // menu button present on all screens
if (show) { // menu is visible
// find tab mouse is hovering on
for (int i = 0; i < num_tabs; ++i) tabs[i]->handle_input ();
if (cur_tab) { // handle tab's items
vector<widget*>& tm = tab_members [cur_tab];
for (int i = 0, j = tm.size (); i < j; ++i) {
if (tm[i]->handle_input()) return 1;
if (cur_tab == &cb_mkb_misc) {
if (b_current_to_all.hover || b_default_to_current.hover || b_default_to_all.hover)
din0.mark_current_range = 1;
din0.mark_current_range = 0;
return 0;
void menu::after_drone_selection () {
sp_change_drone_trail_length.set_value (0); dtl.last = 0;
sp_change_drone_handle_size.set_value (0); dhsl.last = 0;
sp_change_drone_vel.set_value (0); dvl.last = 0;
sp_change_drone_accel.set_value (0); dal.last = 0;
sp_rotate_drone_vel.set_value (0); rdvl.last = 0;
sp_drones_per_min.set_value (0); dpml.last = 0;
sp_drone_lifetime.set_value (0); dlf.last = 0;
sp_orbit_insertion_time.set_value (0); oil.last = 0;
sp_rotate_drones.set_value (0); la = 0.0f;
sp_scale_drones.set_value (0);
init_modulation ();
void menu::init_modulation () {
spinner<float>* spn [] = {&sp_am_depth, &sp_fm_depth, &sp_am_bpm, &sp_fm_bpm}; // for voice
float vals [] = {din0.am_depth, din0.fm_depth, (), ()};
spinner<float>* dspn [] = {&sp_dam_depth, &sp_dfm_depth, &sp_dam_bpm, &sp_dfm_bpm}; // for drones
float* d_prev_vals [] = {&dam_depth, &dfm_depth, &dam_bpm, &dfm_bpm};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
spinner<float>* dspni = dspn[i];
dspni->limits = 0;
dspni->set_value (0);
*d_prev_vals[i] = 0;
spinner<float>* spni = spn[i];
spni->set_value (vals[i]);
am_depth = din0.am_depth;
fm_depth = din0.fm_depth;
void menu::toggle () {
show = !show;
if (show) {
if (filtered) unfilter ();
b_menu.set_label ("Close menu");
style_listener* sl [] = {&gater_style_lis, &am_style_lis, &fm_style_lis};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) sl[i]->get_style ();
if (uis.crved) uis.crved->setup_tools_menu ();
if (din0.adding_drones) din0.toggle_adding_drones ();
else if (din0.moving_drones) din0.toggle_moving_drones ();
din0.stop_creating_mesh ();
din0.finish_phrase_recording ();
keybd2.turn_off_bend ();
screen_mousex = mousex;
screen_mousey = mousey;
::warp_mouse (menu_mousex, menu_mousey);
after_drone_selection ();
from_mondrian ();
scol.setup ();
} else {
b_menu.set_label ("Menu");
menu_mousex = mousex;
menu_mousey = mousey;
/*if (uis.current == &din0) {
if (uis.cb_voice.state || filtered == 0) warp_mouse (screen_mousex, screen_mousey);
} else {*/
if (!filtered) warp_mouse (screen_mousex, screen_mousey);
din0.mark_current_range = 0;
uis.update_bottom_line ();
void menu::position_menu_items () {
static const int lines = 4;
int targety = view.ymax - lines * get_line_height ();
int dy = targety - cb_file.extents.bottom;
for (int p = 0; p < num_items; ++p) items[p]->move (0, dy);
void misc_listener::clicked (button& b) {
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_exit_din)
try_quit ();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_turn_off_ui) {
turn_off_ui ();
} else if (&b == &uis.b_close) {
uis.main_menu.unfilter ();
} else din0.set_key_to_pitch_at_cursor ();
void menu::clicked (button& b) {
if (&b == &b_menu) {
cons << console::yellow << "You can right-click to open or close the menu!" << eol;
toggle ();
if (show) {
const static char* instruments [] = {"keyboard_keyboard", "microtonal_keyboard", "mondrian", "sounding_board"};
for (int i = 0; i < n_inst_ed; ++i) { // only check for instrument or editors
if (&b == items[i]) { // close menu when instrument or editor selected
if (i < 4) { // an instrument
scope.save_current_instrument ();
INSTRUMENT = instruments[i];
curve_editor* ed = uis.crved;
load_instrument ();
if (ed) cons << console::yellow << "From a curve editor, you can press 1 or ESC to come here!" << eol;
} else { // an editor
ui* ed = uis.uis [scr_id[i]];
setup_tabs (ed);
uis.set_current (ed);
setup_plugin_labels ();
void menu::changed (checkbutton& tb) { // current tab has changed
int dont_call_listener = 0;
cur_tab = &tb;
tb.turn_on (dont_call_listener);
if (cur_tab == last_tab) return;
if (last_tab) { // hide last tab memebers
last_tab->turn_off (dont_call_listener);
vector<widget*>& v = tab_members [last_tab];
for (int i = 0, j = v.size (); i < j; ++i) v[i]->hide ();
vector<widget*>& v = tab_members [cur_tab];
for (int i = 0, j = v.size (); i < j; ++i) v[i]->show ();
last_tab = cur_tab;
calc_bg ();
// save last tab to reload when loading new instrument
extern checkbutton* LAST_TABS [];
checkbutton* com [] = {&cb_file, &cb_instrument, &cb_editors, &cb_ed_tools}; // ignore these tabs
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) if (com[i] == cur_tab) return;
void menu::changed (field& f) {
if (&f == &sp_am_depth.f_value) {
float v = f, dv = v - am_depth;
din0.change_depth (din::AM, dv);
am_depth = v;
filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_am_depth);
} else if (&f == &sp_fm_depth.f_value) {
float v = f, dv = v - fm_depth;
din0.change_depth (din::FM, dv);
fm_depth = v;
filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_fm_depth);
} else if (&f == &sp_am_bpm.f_value) {
float v = f;
v = (v);
cons << YELLOW << "Voice AM bpm = " << v << eol;
filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_am_bpm);
} else if (&f == &sp_fm_bpm.f_value) {
float v = f;
v = (v);
cons << YELLOW << "Voice FM bpm = " << v << eol;
filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_fm_bpm);
else if (&f == &sp_dam_depth.f_value) {
float v = f, dv = v - dam_depth;
din0.change_drone_depth (drone_modulation::AM, dv);
dam_depth = v;
filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_dam_depth);
} else if (&f == &sp_dfm_depth.f_value) {
float v = f, dv = v - dfm_depth;
din0.change_drone_depth (drone_modulation::FM, dv);
dfm_depth = v;
filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_dfm_depth);
} else if (&f == &sp_dam_bpm.f_value) {
float v = f, dv = v - dam_bpm;
din0.change_drone_bpm (drone_modulation::AM, dv);
dam_bpm = v;
filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_dam_bpm);
} else if (&f == &sp_dfm_bpm.f_value) {
float v = f, dv = v - dfm_bpm;
din0.change_drone_bpm (drone_modulation::FM, dv);
dfm_bpm = v;
filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_dfm_bpm);
} else if (&f == &lf_delta_drone_master_volume.fld) {
} else if (&f == &sp_mesh_rows.f_value) {
din0.dinfo.rows = f;
mkb_selector.set_mesh (din0.create_mesh, din0.dinfo.rows, din0.dinfo.cols);
} else if (&f == &sp_mesh_cols.f_value) {
din0.dinfo.cols = f;
mkb_selector.set_mesh (din0.create_mesh, din0.dinfo.rows, din0.dinfo.cols);
} else if (&f == &sp_bounces.f_value) {
din0.dinfo.bounces = (int) uis.main_menu.sp_bounces.f_value;
cons << YELLOW << "Bounces = " << din0.dinfo.bounces << eol;
} else if (&f == &sp_rebound.f_value) {
din0.dinfo.rebound = (int) uis.main_menu.sp_rebound.f_value;
cons << YELLOW << "Rebound = " << din0.dinfo.rebound << " %" << eol;
} else if (&f == &sp_rotate_drones.f_value) {
float r = float(sp_rotate_drones.f_delta) * PI_BY_180;
if (sp_rotate_drones.dir < 0) din0.rotate_selected_drones (r); else if (sp_rotate_drones.dir > 0) din0.rotate_selected_drones (-r);
filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_rotate_drones);
} else if (&f == &sp_scale_drones.f_value) {
float s = sp_scale_drones.f_delta;
if (sp_scale_drones.dir < 0) din0.scale_selected_drones (-s); else if (sp_scale_drones.dir > 0) din0.scale_selected_drones (+s);
filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_scale_drones);
void menu::changed (slider<float>& s) {
din0.phrasor0.set_cur (s.get_val());
void menu::picked (label& lbl, int dir) {
const static char* vct [] = {" Vertices desert tangents", " Vertices carry tangents"};
const static char* mit [] = {" Tangents are not mirrored", " Tangents are mirrored"};
if (&lbl == &ol_modulation.option) {
din0.switch_modulation ();
} else if (&lbl == &ol_drone_master_volume.option) {
din0.update_drone_master_volume (dir * DELTA_DRONE_MASTER_VOLUME);
set_drone_master_volume ();
} else if (&lbl == &ol_vertices_carry_tangents.option) {
uis.crved->carry_tangents = !uis.crved->carry_tangents;
lbl.set_text (vct[uis.crved->carry_tangents]);
} else if (&lbl == &ol_mirror_tangents.option) {
uis.crved->mirror_tangents = !uis.crved->mirror_tangents;
lbl.set_text (mit[uis.crved->mirror_tangents]);
} else if (&lbl == &ol_curve_style.option) {
uis.crved->toggle_curve_style ();
void menu::calc_bg () {
if (cur_tab && num_tabs) {
vector<widget*>& v = tab_members [cur_tab];
if (v.size () == 0) return;
widget* w0 = v[0];
bg_extents.left = cb_file.extents.left;
bg_extents.right = bg_extents.left;
bg_extents.bottom = w0->extents.bottom; = tabs[0]->;
for (int i = 0, j = v.size (); i < j; ++i) {
widget* wi = v[i];
if (wi->extents.left < bg_extents.left) bg_extents.left = wi->extents.left;
if (wi->extents.right > bg_extents.right) bg_extents.right = wi->extents.right;
if (wi->extents.bottom < bg_extents.bottom) bg_extents.bottom = wi->extents.bottom;
if (wi-> > = wi->;
static const int GUTTER = 5;
bg_extents.resize (GUTTER, GUTTER);
void menu::set_drone_master_volume () {
sprintf (BUFFER, " Drone Master Volume = %.6f", din0.drone_master_volume);
ol_drone_master_volume.set_text (BUFFER);
void menu::show_editors (ui* inst) {
int starts [] = {5, 0, 9, 12};
int ends [] = {9, 5, 12, 13};
int starti = starts[CURRENT_INSTRUMENT], endi = ends[CURRENT_INSTRUMENT];
vector<widget*>& tw = tab_members [&cb_editors];
for (int i = starti; i < endi; ++i) {
widget* ei = editors[i];
tw.push_back (ei);
void menu::hide_editors () {
vector<widget*>& tw = tab_members [&cb_editors];
for (int i = 0; i < 13; ++i) {
widget* ei = editors[i];
vector<widget*>::iterator itr = find (tw.begin(), tw.end(), ei);
if (itr != tw.end()) tw.erase (itr);
void menu::update_bpm (const string& name, float value) {
spinner<float>* psp = bpm_map [name];
if (psp) psp->set_value (value);
void menu::mark_tap_target () {
interpreter ("set taptarget");
tokenizer tz (interpreter.result);
int dont_call_listener = 0;
while (1) {
string target; tz >> target;
if (target == "") break;
if (target == "gr") cb_gater.turn_on (dont_call_listener);
else if (target == "am") cb_am.turn_on (dont_call_listener);
else if (target == "fm") cb_fm.turn_on (dont_call_listener);
else if (target == "os") cb_octave_shift.turn_on (dont_call_listener);
menu::~menu () {
widget_save ("d_menu", items, num_items);
void octave_shift_listener::clicked (button& b) {
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.ab_octave_up || &b == &uis.ab_octave_up) modulate_up (); else modulate_down ();
void octave_shift_listener::changed (field& f) {
float v = f;
v = octave_shift.set_bpm (v);
static const string los = "Octave shift BPM = ";
cons << YELLOW << los << v << eol;
void voice_volume_listener::changed (field& f) {
static const string vv ("Voice volume = ");
cons << YELLOW << vv << VOICE_VOLUME << eol;
void gater_bpm_listener::changed (field& f) {
float v = f;
v = din0.gatr.set_bpm (v);
static const string gt = "Gater BPM = ";
cons << YELLOW << gt << v << eol;
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_gater_bpm);
void drone_handle_size_listener::changed (field& f) {
int now = f;
int d = now - last;
din0.change_drone_handle_size (d);
last = now;
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_change_drone_handle_size);
void drone_trail_length_listener::changed (field& f) {
int now = f;
int d = now - last;
din0.change_drone_trail_points (d);
last = now;
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_change_drone_trail_length);
void change_drone_vel_listener::changed (field& f) {
float now = f;
float d = now - last;
din0.change_drone_vel (d);
last = now;
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_change_drone_vel);
void change_drone_accel_listener::changed (field& f) {
float now = f;
float d = now - last;
din0.change_drone_accel (d);
last = now;
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_change_drone_accel);
void rotate_drone_vel_listener::changed (field& f) {
float now = f;
float d = now - last;
din0.rotate_drone_vel (-d);
last = now;
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_rotate_drone_vel);
void drones_per_min_listener::changed (field& f) {
int now = f;
int d = now - last;
last = now;
din0.change_drones_per_min (d);
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_drones_per_min);
void drone_lifetime_listener::changed (field& f) {
now = f; find_delta ();
din0.change_drone_lifetime (delta);
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_drone_lifetime);
void orbit_insertion_time_listener::changed (field& f) {
now = f; find_delta ();
din0.change_orbit_insertion_time (delta);
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_orbit_insertion_time);
void style_listener::set_style (const string& style) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_styles; ++i) {
if (styles[i] == style) {
id = i;
string command ("set-style " + what + " " + style);
interpreter (command);
oplist.set_text (prefix + style);
void style_listener::get_style () {
string command ("get-style " + what);
interpreter (command);
oplist.set_text (prefix + interpreter.result);
void style_listener::next_style (int dir) {
id += dir;
if (id < 0) id = last_style; else if (id >= num_styles) id = 0;
set_style (styles[id]);
void style_listener::picked (label& lbl, int dir) {
next_style (dir);
void drone_commands_listener::clicked (button& b) {
int toggle = 1;
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_add_drones) din0.toggle_adding_drones (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_move_drones) din0.toggle_moving_drones (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_delete_drones) din0.delete_selected_drones (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_select_all_drones) {toggle = 0; din0.select_all_drones ();} else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_launch_drones) din0.make_launchers (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_orbit_selected_drones) din0.orbit_selected_drones (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_freeze_drones) din0.freeze_drones (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_thaw_drones) din0.thaw_drones (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_select_launchers) {toggle = 0; din0.select_launchers (); } else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_set_targets) din0.set_targets (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_select_attractors) {toggle = 0; din0.select_attractors (); } else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_select_attractees) {toggle = 0; din0.select_attractees (); } else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_stop_launching_drones) din0.destroy_launchers (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_move_drones_under_gravity) din0.set_drones_under_gravity (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_invert_drone_selection) {toggle = 0; din0.invert_selected_drones();} else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_track_drones) din0.make_trackers (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_select_tracked_drones) {toggle = 0; din0.select_tracked_drones (); } else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_track_gravity) din0.set_gravity_to_track_drone (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_create_mesh) din0.toggle_create_mesh (); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_clear_targets) din0.clear_targets(); else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_mute_drones) {
din0.drone_master_volume = 0;
din0.update_drone_tone ();
uis.main_menu.set_drone_master_volume (); // on menu
if (toggle) uis.main_menu.toggle ();
void drone_commands_listener::changed (checkbutton& cb) {
int state = cb.state;
if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_show_vel) din0.dinfo.vel = state; else
if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_show_accel) din0.dinfo.accel = state; else
if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_show_gravity) {if (state) (); else din0.dinfo.gravity.hide ();} else
if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_show_anchors) din0.dinfo.anchor = state; else
if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_select_launched) din0.auto_select_launched = state;
void phrase_commands_listener::clicked (button& b) {
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_record_phrase) din0.do_phrase_recording ();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_clear_phrases) din0.clear_all_phrases ();
void range_size_listener::clicked (button& b) {
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_current_to_all) {
din0.current_range_to_all ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_default_to_current) {
din0.default_range_to_current ();
} else {
din0.default_range_to_all ();
void snap_drones_listener::changed (checkbutton& cb) {
drone::SNAP_TO_NOTES = cb.state;
void scope_listener::changed (field& f) {
int n = f;
if (&f == &uis.main_menu.sp_scope_height.f_value) {
scope.set_height (n);
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_scope_height);
static const string ht = "Height = ";
cons << YELLOW << ht << n << eol;
} else {
scope.set_num_samples (n);
static const string ns = "Samples = ";
cons << YELLOW << ns << n << eol;
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_scope_samples);
void scope_listener::changed (checkbutton& cb) {
scope.set_visible (cb.state);
void scope_listener::setup () {
if (scope.visible) uis.main_menu.cb_scope.turn_on (0); else uis.main_menu.cb_scope.turn_off(0);
uis.main_menu.sp_scope_height.set_value (scope.height);
uis.main_menu.sp_scope_samples.set_value (scope.num_samples);
void tap_bpm_listener::changed (tap_display& td) {
sprintf (BUFFER, "%.3f", td.bpm);
uis.main_menu.l_tap_bpm_value.set_text (BUFFER);
extern double TAP_BPM; TAP_BPM = td.bpm;
Tcl_UpdateLinkedVar (interpreter.interp, "tapbpm");
void tap_bpm_listener::changed (checkbutton& cb) {
checkbutton* cbs [] = {&uis.main_menu.cb_am, &uis.main_menu.cb_fm, &uis.main_menu.cb_gater, &uis.main_menu.cb_octave_shift};
const char* targets [] = {"am", "fm", "gr", "os"};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
checkbutton* cbi = cbs[i];
if (&cb == cbi) {
if (cbi->state)
sprintf (BUFFER, "add-tap-target %s", targets[i]);
sprintf (BUFFER, "remove-tap-target %s", targets[i]);
interpreter (BUFFER);
if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_auto_reset) {
if (uis.main_menu.cb_auto_reset.state) interpreter ("set resetbeat 1"); else interpreter ("set resetbeat 0");
void pan_zoom_listener::clicked (button& b) {
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.abe_left) {uis.crved->do_panx (1); cons << console::yellow << "You can press a to move curves left" << eol;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.abe_right) {uis.crved->do_panx (-1); cons << console::yellow << "You can press d to move curves right"<< eol;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.abe_up) {uis.crved->do_pany (-1); cons << console::yellow << "You can press w to move curves up" << eol;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.abe_down) {uis.crved->do_pany (+1); cons << console::yellow << "You can press s to move curves down" << eol;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.pb_zoom_in) {uis.crved->do_zoom (-1); cons << console::yellow << "You can press e to zoom in" << eol;}
else {uis.crved->do_zoom (+1);cons << console::yellow << "You can press q to zoom out" << eol;}
void snap_listener::changed (checkbutton& cb) {
int dont_call_listener = 0;
checkbutton* snaps [] = {&uis.main_menu.cb_snapnone, &uis.main_menu.cb_snapx, &uis.main_menu.cb_snapy, &uis.main_menu.cb_snapboth};
int ids [] = {basic_editor::SNAP_NONE, basic_editor::SNAP_X, basic_editor::SNAP_Y, basic_editor::SNAP_BOTH};
const char* mesgs [] = {"You can press n to turn off snapping", "You can press x to snap in X",
"You can press y to snap in Y", "You can press b to snap in both X and Y"};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
checkbutton* si = snaps[i];
si->turn_off (dont_call_listener);
if (&cb == si) {
uis.crved->set_snap (ids[i]);
cb.turn_on (dont_call_listener);
cons << console::yellow << mesgs[i] << eol;
void menu::set_snap (int what) {
int dont_call_listener = 0;
checkbutton* snaps [] = {&cb_snapnone, &cb_snapx, &cb_snapy, &cb_snapboth};
int ids [] = {basic_editor::SNAP_NONE, basic_editor::SNAP_X, basic_editor::SNAP_Y, basic_editor::SNAP_BOTH};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
checkbutton* si = snaps[i];
si->turn_off (dont_call_listener);
if (what == ids[i]) si->turn_on (dont_call_listener);
void menu::set_vertices_carry_tangents (int i) {
const static char* vct [] = {" Vertices desert tangents", " Vertices carry tangents"};
ol_vertices_carry_tangents.option.set_text (vct[i]);
void menu::set_mirror_tangents (int i) {
const static char* mit [] = {" Tangents are not mirrored", " Tangents are mirrored"};
ol_mirror_tangents.option.set_text (mit[i]);
void menu::set_repeat (button** B, int n, double dt) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
button* bi = B[i];
bi->click_repeat = 1;
bi->first_repeat_time = bi->subsequent_repeat_time = dt;
void menu::set_pan_repeat (double dt) {
button* ab [] = {&abe_left, &abe_right, &abe_up, &abe_down, &abm_left, &abm_right, &abm_up, &abm_down};
set_repeat (ab, 8, dt);
void menu::set_zoom_repeat (double dt) {
button* zb [] = {&pb_zoom_in, &mb_zoom_out, &bm_zoom_in, &bm_zoom_out};
set_repeat (zb, 4, dt);
void menu::filter (widget* w) {
if (filtered || return;
filtered = w;
uis.widgets_of [uis.current].push_back (w);
uis.b_close.set_pos (w->posx, w->posy - get_line_height ()); ();
if (is_menu_visible()) toggle ();
void menu::unfilter () {
if (filtered) {
uis.remove (filtered);
uis.b_close.hide ();
filtered = 0;
draw_slit_cutter (0);
void curve_ops_listener::clicked (button& b) {
int toggle = 1;
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_undo) {
cons << console::yellow << "You can press z to undo!" << eol;
uis.crved->do_undo ();
toggle = 0;
} else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_redo) {
cons << console::yellow << "You can press LSHIFT + z to redo!" << eol;
uis.crved->do_redo ();
toggle = 0;
} else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.abl_left) {
uis.crved->do_load_curve (-1);
toggle = 0;
} else
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.abl_right) {
uis.crved->do_load_curve (+1);
toggle = 0;
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_insert_vertex) {
uis.crved->insert_using_menu ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_delete_vertex) {
uis.crved->remove_using_menu ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_fold_tangents) {
uis.crved->fold_tangents_using_menu ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_unfold_tangents) {
uis.crved->unfold_tangents_using_menu ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_mirror_curve) {
uis.crved->mirror_using_menu ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_copy) {
uis.crved->copy_using_menu ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_paste) {
uis.crved->paste_using_menu ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_pick_curve) {
uis.crved->do_pick_curve ();
// to library
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_add_curve) {
uis.crved->add_curve ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_replace_curve) {
uis.crved->replace_curve ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_delete_curve) {
uis.crved->delete_curve ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_draw_replacement_curve) {
uis.crved->draw_replacement_curve_using_menu ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_start_capture) {
uis.crved->start_mouse_capture_from_menu ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_assign_capture) {
uis.crved->assign_mouse_capture_from_menu ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_delete_capture) {
uis.crved->remove_mouse_capture_from_menu ();
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_stop_rotating) {
uis.main_menu.sp_curve_rpm.set_value (0);
uis.crved->set_rpm (0);
if (toggle) uis.main_menu.toggle ();
void curve_ops_listener::changed (checkbutton& cb) {
if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_mark_segments) {
uis.crved->mark_segments = cb.state;
} else if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_label_vertices) {
uis.crved->label_vertices = cb.state;
} else if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_show_waveform_samples) {
uis.crved->toggle_waveform_samples_display ();
} else if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_draw_curve) {
uis.crved->draw_curve_only = cb.state;
uis.main_menu.toggle ();
void curve_ops_listener::changed (field& f) {
if (&f == &uis.main_menu.sp_waveform_hz.f_value) {
uis.crved->set_hz (f);
} else if (&f == &uis.main_menu.sp_waveform_periods.f_value) {
uis.crved->set_periods (f);
} else if (&f == &uis.main_menu.sp_curve_rpm.f_value) {
uis.crved->set_rpm (f);
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_curve_rpm);
} else if (&f == &uis.main_menu.sp_curve_limit.f_value) {
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_curve_limit);
uis.crved->set_limit (f);
} else {
if (f.text == "") f.set_text ("nameless");
uis.crved->set_picked_curve_name (f.text);
void recording_listener::clicked (button& b) {
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_clear_record) {
recorder0.clear ();
uis.cb_record.set_label ("Record");
uis.main_menu.cb_record.set_label ("Record");
if ( uis.main_menu.toggle ();
} else {
recorder0.start_saving ();
void recording_listener::typing (field& f) {
string fname (recorder0.folder + f.text);
string cmd ("file exists " + fname);
interpreter (cmd); int result; stringstream ss; ss << interpreter.result; ss >> result;
if (result) uis.main_menu.b_save.set_label ("Overwrite"); else uis.main_menu.b_save.set_label ("Save");
recorder0.fname = f.text;
void recording_listener::changed (checkbutton& cb) {
int state = cb.state;
if (state == 0) { // show recording save section of file menu
uis.main_menu.changed (uis.main_menu.cb_file);
if ( == 0) uis.main_menu.toggle ();
} else { // close file menu
if ( == 1) uis.main_menu.toggle ();
dont_call_listener (uis.cb_record, state);
dont_call_listener (uis.main_menu.cb_record, state);
void mondrian_listener::handle_split (int& var, int dir, float t) {
switch (var) {
case 0: // into 2 boxes
mondrian0.split_rect (dir, t);
case 1: // into notes
mondrian0.multi_split_rect (dir);
case 2: // into n x n grid
mondrian0.multi_split_rect (mondrian0.num_boxes, dir);
void mondrian_listener::clicked (button& b) {
int toggle = 1;
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_split_horizontal) handle_split (hsplit, split::HORIZONTAL,;
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_split_vertical) handle_split (vsplit, split::VERTICAL,;
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_add_balls) mondrian0.do_add_balls (mondrian0.added_ball_type);
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_add_remove_slits) mondrian0.start_slitting ();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_modulate_balls_up) {if (!mondrian0.modulate_balls (+1)) cons << console::red << "Please select some balls!" << eol;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_modulate_balls_down) {if (!mondrian0.modulate_balls (-1)) cons << console::red << "Please select some balls!" << eol;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_select_all_targets) {mondrian0.select_all_targets ();toggle=0;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_invert_selected_targets) {mondrian0.invert_selected_targets ();toggle=0;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_select_targets_in_box) {mondrian0.select_box_targets ();toggle=0;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_delete_box) mondrian0.delete_current_rect ();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_delete_all_boxes) mondrian0.delete_all_rects = 1;
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_freeze_balls) mondrian0.freeze_balls (mondrian0.get_balls());
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_thaw_balls) mondrian0.thaw_balls (mondrian0.get_balls());
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_delete_all_targets) mondrian0.delete_all_targets ();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_delete_selected_targets) mondrian0.delete_selected_targets ();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_move_selected_balls) mondrian0.do_move_balls ();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_toggle_wreckers) mondrian0.toggle_balls_type (ball::WRECKER);
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_toggle_healers) mondrian0.toggle_balls_type (ball::HEALER);
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_toggle_bouncers) mondrian0.toggle_balls_type (ball::BOUNCER);
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_switch_ball_type) mondrian0.switch_balls_type ();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_select_wreckers) mondrian0.select_type (ball::WRECKER);
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_select_healers) mondrian0.select_type (ball::HEALER);
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_remove_slits_on_edge) mondrian0.remove_slits_on_current_edge ();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_toggle_slit_anim) mondrian0.toggle_slit_anim ();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_clear_modulations) mondrian0.clear_modulations (mondrian0.get_balls());
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_auto_change_direction_clockwise) {mondrian0.set_auto_rotate (-1);}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_auto_change_direction_anti_clockwise) {mondrian0.set_auto_rotate (1);}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_stop_auto_changing_direction) {mondrian0.set_auto_rotate (0);}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_flip_direction) {mondrian0.flip_velocity();}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_make_random_color) mondrian0.randomise_box_color();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_make_note_grid) mondrian0.make_note_grid ();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_make_nxn_grid) mondrian0.make_nxn_grid ();
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.abm_left) {mondrian0.do_panx (1); toggle=0;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.abm_right) {mondrian0.do_panx (-1); toggle=0;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.abm_up) {mondrian0.do_pany (+1);toggle=0;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.abm_down) {mondrian0.do_pany (-1); toggle=0;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.bm_zoom_in) {mondrian0.do_zoom(-1); toggle=0;}
else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.bm_zoom_out) {mondrian0.do_zoom(+1); toggle=0;}
if (toggle) uis.main_menu.toggle ();
void mondrian_listener::changed (checkbutton& cb) {
if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_draw_boxes) {
mondrian0.draw__boxes = uis.main_menu.cb_draw_boxes.state;
} else if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_fill_boxes) {
mondrian0.fill_boxes = uis.main_menu.cb_fill_boxes.state;
} else if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_draw_notes) {
mondrian0.draw__notes = uis.main_menu.cb_draw_notes.state;
} else if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_label_notes) {
mondrian0.label_notes = uis.main_menu.cb_label_notes.state;
} else if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_draw_balls) {
mondrian0.draw__balls = uis.main_menu.cb_draw_balls.state;
} else if (&cb == &uis.main_menu.cb_mondrian_auto_adjust_voices) {
mondrian0.auto_adjust_voices = uis.main_menu.cb_mondrian_auto_adjust_voices.state;
void menu::from_mondrian () {
dv_get<float>* lisf [] = {&nprl, &bsl, &brl, &batl, &bdtl, &bvl, &satl, &ssl};
dv_get<int>* lisi [] = { &nppl, &tll};
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) lisf[i]->reset ();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) lisi[i]->reset ();
spinner<float>* spnf [] = {
&sp_mondrian_change_attack_time, &sp_mondrian_change_decay_time,
&sp_mondrian_change_dir, &sp_mondrian_change_speed, &sp_mondrian_change_vol,
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) spnf[i]->set_value (0.0f);
spinner<int>* spni [] = {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) spni[i]->set_value (0);
mondrian0.stop_doing_stuff ();
void ball_speed_listener::changed (field& f) {
mondrian0.change_speed (get_dv(f));
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_speed);
void ball_direction_listener::changed (field& f) {
mondrian0.rotate_velocity (get_dv(f));
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_dir);
void ball_volume_listener::changed (field& f) {
mondrian0.change_ball_vol_mult (get_dv(f));
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_vol);
void trail_length_listener:: changed (field& f) {
mondrian0.change_trail_size (get_dv(f));
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_trail_size);
void ball_decay_time_listener:: changed (field& f) {
//if (!mondrian0.change_decay_time (get_dv(f))) uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_decay_time.set_value (0.0f);
mondrian0.change_decay_time_kb (get_dv(f));
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_decay_time);
void ball_attack_time_listener:: changed (field& f) {
//if (!mondrian0.change_attack_time (get_dv(f))) uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_attack_time.set_value (0.0f);
mondrian0.change_attack_time_kb (get_dv(f));
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_attack_time);
void slit_size_listener:: changed (field& f) {
int dv = get_dv (f);
cons << "dv = " << dv << eol;
mondrian0.change_slit_size (dv); //get_dv (f));
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_slit_size);
void slit_anim_time_listener:: changed (field& f) {
mondrian0.change_slit_anim_time (get_dv(f));
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_slit_anim_time);
void note_poly_radius_listener::changed (field& f) {
mondrian0.change_poly_radius (get_dv(f));
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_note_poly_radius);
void note_poly_points_listener::changed (field& f) {
mondrian0.change_poly_points (get_dv(f));
uis.main_menu.filter (&uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_note_poly_points);
void mondrian_listener::changed (field& f) {
if (&f == &uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_dir.f_delta) {
mondrian0.delta_rotate_velocity = float (uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_dir.f_delta);
button* pb[] = {&uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_dir.increase, &uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_dir.decrease};
uis.main_menu.set_repeat (pb, 2, 0.005 * mondrian0.delta_rotate_velocity);
else if (&f == &uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_change_speed.f_delta) mondrian0.delta_speed = f;
else if (&f == &uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_min_voices.f_value) {
mondrian0.min_voices = f;
uis.update_bottom_line ();
cons << YELLOW << "Min voices = " << mondrian0.min_voices << eol;
} else if (&f == &uis.main_menu.sp_mondrian_num_boxes.f_value) {
mondrian0.num_boxes = f;
cons << YELLOW << "Number of boxes = " << mondrian0.num_boxes << eol;
void mondrian_listener::picked (label& lbl, int dir) {
if (&lbl == &uis.main_menu.ol_ball_types.option) {
mondrian0.added_ball_type += dir;
if (mondrian0.added_ball_type < ball::BOUNCER)
mondrian0.added_ball_type = ball::HEALER;
else if (mondrian0.added_ball_type > ball::HEALER)
mondrian0.added_ball_type = ball::BOUNCER;
uis.main_menu.ol_ball_types.set_text (ball::types_str[mondrian0.added_ball_type]);
} else if (&lbl == &uis.main_menu.ol_split_types_h.option) {
hsplit += dir;
check_split_type (uis.main_menu.ol_split_types_h, hsplit);
} else if (&lbl == &uis.main_menu.ol_split_types_v.option) {
vsplit += dir;
check_split_type (uis.main_menu.ol_split_types_v, vsplit);
} else if (&lbl == &uis.main_menu.ol_selection_targets.option) {
mondrian0.clear_selected_targets ();
mondrian0.sel_tar = !mondrian0.sel_tar;
uis.main_menu.ol_selection_targets.set_text (selection_targets[mondrian0.sel_tar]);
static const char* bb [] = {"Select all balls", "Select balls in box", "Invert selected balls", "Delete all balls", "Delete selected balls"};
static const char* bs [] = {"Select all slits", "Select slits in box", "Invert selected slits", "Remove all slits", "Remove selected slits"};
const char** pb [] = {bs, bb};
button* bt [] = {
&uis.main_menu.b_select_all_targets, &uis.main_menu.b_select_targets_in_box,
&uis.main_menu.b_invert_selected_targets, &uis.main_menu.b_delete_all_targets,
const char** cb = pb[mondrian0.sel_tar];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) bt[i]->set_label (cb[i]);
void mondrian_listener::check_split_type (options_list& ol, int& o) {
if (o < 0) o = MAX_SPLIT_TYPES; else if (o > MAX_SPLIT_TYPES) o = 0;
ol.set_text (split_types[o]);
void binaural_drones_listener::clicked (button& b) {
if (sounding_board0.fading) {
cons << console::red << "Still executing last command, please try again later!" << console::yellow << eol;
sounding_board0.separation = uis.main_menu.sp_bd_separation.f_value;
sounding_board0.master_volume = uis.main_menu.sp_bd_master_volume.f_value;
sounding_board0.pairs = uis.main_menu.sp_bd_pairs.f_value;
sounding_board0.close_octave = uis.main_menu.cb_close_octave.state;
sounding_board0.resize_separation = uis.main_menu.cb_resize_separation.state;
if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_create_binaurals_on_notes) {
cons << console::yellow << "Creating binaural drones [fading in], please wait!" << eol;
float tonic;
if (sounding_board0.keynote == sounding_board::START_PITCH)
tonic = sounding_board0.starting_pitch;
tonic = get_tonic (&sounding_board0);
string intervals;
vector<string>& notes = sounding_board0.scaleinfo.notes;
int j = notes.size (); if (sounding_board0.close_octave == 0) --j;
for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i) intervals = intervals + notes[i] + " ";
stringstream cmd;
cmd << "create-binaurals-on-notes " << tonic << ' ' << sounding_board0.separation << " {" << intervals << "}" << ' ' << sounding_board0.resize_separation;
interpreter (cmd.str());
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_create_binaurals_from_pitch) {
cons << console::yellow << "Creating binaural drones [fading in], please wait!" << eol;
stringstream cmd;
string start_pitch = uis.main_menu.lf_bd_start_pitch.fld.text;
string spacing = uis.main_menu.lf_bd_spacing.fld.text;
cmd << "create-binaurals-from-pitch " << start_pitch << ' ' << sounding_board0.separation << ' ' << sounding_board0.pairs << ' ' << spacing;
interpreter (cmd.str());
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_list_all_binaurals) {
if (sounding_board0.sounders.size ()) {
cons.rollup (0);
interpreter ("list-all-binaurals");
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_sync_all_binaurals) {
cons << console::yellow << "Syncing all binaural drones [fade out + sync + fade in], please wait!" << eol;
interpreter ("sync-all-binaurals");
} else if (&b == &uis.main_menu.b_delete_all_binaurals) {
if (sounding_board0.num_sounders) cons << console::yellow << "Deleting all binaural drones [fade out], please wait!" << eol;
interpreter ("delete-all-binaurals");
uis.main_menu.toggle ();
void binaural_drones_listener::changed (field& f) {
if (&f == &uis.main_menu.lf_bd_start_pitch.fld) {
sounding_board0.starting_pitch = float(f);
} else if (&f == &uis.main_menu.sp_bd_master_volume.f_value) {
stringstream cmd;
cmd << "set-binaurals-volume " << float(f);
interpreter (cmd.str());
} else if (&f == &uis.main_menu.sp_bd_fade_time.f_value) {
sounding_board0.set_fade_time (float(f));
void binaural_drones_listener::changed (checkbutton& cb) {
sounding_board0.close_octave = uis.main_menu.cb_close_octave.state;
void binaural_drones_listener::picked (label& lbl, int dir) {
if (&lbl == &uis.main_menu.ol_justification.option) {
int j = sounding_board0.change_justification (dir);
string justs [] = {"Left", "Right", "Center"};
uis.main_menu.ol_justification.set_text (" Justification = " + justs[j]);
} else {
int k = sounding_board0.change_key_note (dir);
string kn [] = {"start pitch", "from scale"};
uis.main_menu.ol_key_note.set_text (" Key note is " + kn[k]);