(root)/wip/src/keyboard_keyboard.h - Rev 2061
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* keyboard_keyboard.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2023 Jagannathan Sampath
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* For more information, please visit https://dinisnoise.org/
#ifndef __keyboard_keyboard
#define __keyboard_keyboard
#include "ui.h"
#include "instrument.h"
#include "note.h"
#include "solver.h"
#include "play.h"
#include "multi_curve.h"
#include "curve_editor.h"
#include "listeners.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "triggered_note.h"
#include "curve_library.h"
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
struct key_info {
Uint8 id; // from SDL
// visual
char ch; // character
int x, y; // position
float r, g, b; // color
int attacked; // attacked?
key_info (int i = -1, char c = '.', int a = 0) : id (i), ch (c), attacked (a) {r = g = b = 1;}
struct keyboard_keyboard : instrument, scale_listener {
multi_curve wave; // waveform
curve_editor waved; // waveform shape editor
wave_listener wavlis; // waveform edit listener
void update_waveform (multi_curve& crv);
std::vector<note> notes; // notes of the scale
void setup_notes (int overwrite = 1);
int num_triggered_notes;
std::list <triggered_note> triggered_notes; // currently active notes
int trig_what;
void remove_finished_notes ();
void attack_note (int ky);
void decay_note (int ky);
int render_audio (float* L, float* R);
std::map <int, std::vector<key_info> > scale2keybd;
static const int MAX_KEYS = 256; // assume no keycode exceeds 255
int keybd2notes [MAX_KEYS];
std::vector<key_info> keys;
// attack & decay curve
multi_curve attackcrv, decaycrv;
curve_editor attacked, decayed;
attack_listener attacklis;
decay_listener decaylis;
void update_attack ();
void update_decay ();
int handle_input ();
// visual
int pts[8]; // for opengl
float recent_note_hz;
int show_nearby_notes;
// mouse based pitch bend
int last_mousex, last_mousey;
int marker_x;
void mouse_bend ();
void calc_mouse_bend (triggered_note& ti);
int turn_off_bend ();
int pressx, hearx; // for the words Press and Hear (see draw ())
int arm, ymarker, ychars, ynotes, spacing;
void calc_visual_params ();
void draw ();
std::string fname;
keyboard_keyboard ();
~keyboard_keyboard ();
void setup ();
help helptext;
static const int MIDI_MAX = 128;
static const int color_index [];
note midi_notes [MIDI_MAX];
void setup_midi_notes ();
void note_on (unsigned char id, unsigned char vel);
void note_off (unsigned char id);
void pitch_bend (float v);
// MIDI velocity curve
multi_curve velcrv;
velocity_listener vellis;
curve_editor veled;
curve_library vellib;
solver velsol;
void enter ();
void bg ();
void load_scale (int dummy = 0);
void scale_changed ();
void scale_loaded ();
void tonic_changed ();
extern keyboard_keyboard keybd2;
extern float ATTACK_TIME;
extern float DECAY_TIME;
extern int PITCH_BEND;
extern float PITCH_BEND_PER_PIXEL;
extern float NOTE_VOLUME;