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* font.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2024 Jagannathan Sampath
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* For more information, please visit
#ifndef _FONT
#define _FONT
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include "dingl.h"
#include "glyph.h"
#define MAKETYPE(N, T, U, V) \
struct N { \
T U;\
T V;\
N () { U = 0; V = 0;}\
MAKETYPE (charwidtht, int, max, avg)
MAKETYPE (charheightt, int, max, avg)
MAKETYPE (cellsizet, int, x, y)
MAKETYPE (spacingt, int, ch, word)
struct font {
std::string fname;
std::string name;
int nchars;
charwidtht charwidth;
charheightt charheight;
cellsizet cellsize;
spacingt spacing;
int lift;
int headroom; // space above char
std::map <char, glyph> characters; // vector desc of chars
std::map < char, std::map<char, int> > kern; // char-char kerning
int mod;
font (const std::string& fn);
~font ();
void load (const std::string& fn);
void load (std::ifstream& file);
void save ();
const std::string& filename () const { return fname;}
int char_width (char c);
int char_height (char c);
void calc_line_height ();
void draw_char (char c, int x, int y, int z = 0);
const std::map<char, glyph>& get_chars ();
void set_chars (const std::map<char, glyph>& chars);
#ifdef __SVG_OUT__
std::ofstream svg;
void write_char (char c, int x, int y, int z = 0);
#ifdef __PLOTTER_OUT__
std::ofstream hpgl;
void plot_char (char c, int x, int y, int z = 0);
extern font fnt;
extern int line_height;
inline void draw_char (char c, int x, int y, int z = 0) {
fnt.draw_char (c, x, y, z);
int draw_string (const std::string& s, int x, int y, int z = 0);
#ifdef __SVG_OUT__
int write_string (const std::string& s, int x, int y, int z = 0);
#ifdef __PLOTTER_OUT__
int plot_string (const std::string& s, int x, int y, int z = 0);
int get_char_width (const std::string& s);
int get_char_height (const std::string& s);
void get_char_width_height (const std::string& s, int& w, int& h);