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* field.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2024 Jagannathan Sampath
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* For more information, please visit
#ifndef __field
#define __field
#include "widget.h"
#include <string>
#include <list>
struct typing_listener;
struct field : widget { // text field
enum {dec3, dec4, dec6, inf};
static const char* fmts [];
int fmt;
enum {pushback, insert, unknown};
int mode;
std::string text; // text of the field
int len; // length of text
int last; // last char
int cursor; // cursor pos ie char position
int offset; // offset from left
// focus
int focus; // 1 - field has focus, 0 - lost focus
int lmb_clicked;
int edited; // edited?
// listeners
change_listener<field>* change_lsnr;
typing_listener* typing_lsnr;
void call_listener ();
int expr; // evaluate contents as TCL math expression?
std::string type; // data type of expression
field ();
field (int x, int y, const std::string& str = "");
void init ();
void set_text (const std::string& txt, int _edited = 0);
void set_text (int i, int _edited = 0);
void set_text (float f, int _edited = 0);
const std::string& get_text () {return text;}
int handle_input ();
int hittest (int x, int y);
int has_focus () {return focus;}
void calc_cursor ();
void update ();
void draw ();
void draw_cursor (int x, int y);
operator int() const;
operator float() const;
operator double() const;
operator short() const;
field& operator= (int i) {
set_text (i);
return *this;
field& operator= (float f) {
set_text (f);
return *this;
struct typing_listener {
virtual void typing (field& f) = 0;
#define DECL_FIELD_LISTENER(name) struct name : change_listener<field> { void changed (field& f); };
#define MAKE_FIELD_LISTENER(name,var)\
struct name : change_listener<field> { \
void changed (field& f); \
} var;
#define VALUE_CHANGED(scope,name) void scope::name::changed (field& f)