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* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2024 Jagannathan Sampath
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* For more information, please visit
#include "state_button.h"
#include "capturer.h"
#include "binaural_drones.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "din.h"
#include "ui_list.h"
#include "fractaliser.h"
#include "keyboard_keyboard.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "mondrian.h"
#include "oscilloscope.h"
#include "recorder.h"
#include "tcl_interp.h"
#include "authors_note.h"
state_button* capturer_t::add () {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
if (ncaps == 1) {
cons << RED << "Can add more mouse captures in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
return 0;
state_button* sb = new state_button;
sb->set_pos (sbx, sby);
sbx += state_button::SIZE2;
title.add_child (sb);
caps.push_back (sb);
return sb;
i_binaural_drones::i_binaural_drones () :
wav ("binaural-drones-waveform.crv"),
waved ("binaural-drones-waveform.ed"),
fdrcrv ("fader.crv"),
hlp ("binaural-drones.hlp")
instrument::load ("bd.ins");
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
name = "binaural-drones [Evaluation Version]";
name = "binaural-drones";
#endif = this;
waved.add (&wav, &wavlis);
extern curve_library wav_lib;
waved.attach_library (&wav_lib);
prev_mousex = prev_mousey = 0;
vol_fader.sol (&fdrcrv);
pitch_fader.sol (&fdrcrv);
abort = 0;
inst = 1;
din::din (cmdlist& cl) :
wave ("microtonal-keyboard-waveform.crv"),
waved ("microtonal-keyboard-waveform.ed"),
wavlis (wave_listener::MICROTONAL_KEYBOARD),
win (0, 0, view.xmax, view.ymax),
drone_wave ("drone.crv"),
droneed ("drone.ed"),
dronelis (wave_listener::DRONE),
fm ("fm", "fm.crv"),
am ("am", "am.crv"),
moded ("modulation.ed"),
gatr ("gr", "gater.crv"),
gated ("gater.ed"),
gatlib ("gater-patterns.lib"),
helptext ("din.hlp")
load ("mkb.ins");
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
name = "microtonal-keyboard [Evaluation Version]";
name = "microtonal-keyboard";
prev_mousex = prev_mousey = delta_mousex = delta_mousey = 0;
win_mousex = win_mousey = prev_win_mousex = prev_win_mousey = 0;
tonex = toney = 0;
current_range = 0;
adding = 0;
wanding = 0;
moving_drones = 0;
rising = falling = 0;
n_dvap = 0;
dvap = 0;
dcol = 0;
dap = 0;
n_dap = 0;
num_drones = 0;
create_drone_pend = 0;
static const int cap = 1024;
selected_drones.reserve (cap);
scaleinfo.scl = this;
fdr_gater_prev_amount = 0;
rvec.reserve (cap);
svec.reserve (cap);
xforming = NONE;
num_selected_drones = num_browsed_drones = 0;
ptr_scaleinfo = &all_notes;
nstepz = 0;
con_pts = 0;
con_clr = 0;
con_size = 0;
totcon = 0;
_2totcon = 0;
ec = 0;
inst = 1;
dinfo.cen.lis = this;
void din::chuck () {
if (num_selected_drones > 1) {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
if (num_selected_drones > 3) {
cons << RED << "Chuck with more than 3 drones possible in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
int yes = 1;
drone* sun = selected_drones[0];
sun->chuck.set (yes, 0);
drone* planet = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < num_selected_drones; ++i) {
sun->trail.set (0);
planet = selected_drones[i];
planet->chuck.set (yes, sun);
sun->chuck.sat = planet;
planet->chuck.sat = 0;
planet->chuck.calc (planet);
sun = planet;
planet->trail.set (10000);
cons << GREEN << "Chucked " << num_selected_drones << " drones" << eol;
} else {
cons << RED_A2D << eol;
void din::create_drone_pendulum () {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
cons << RED << "Can create drone pendulums only in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
int o = dinfo.drone_pend.orient;
int no = !o;
double along[] = {rgn.width, rgn.height};
int num_drones = dinfo.drone_pend.n;
double xl [] = {double(rgn.left), double(rgn.midx)};
double yl [] = {double((rgn.bottom + / 2.0), double(rgn.bottom)};
double x = xl [o], y = yl [o];
double* xy [] = {&x, &y};
double& xyo = *xy[o];
double depths [] = {double( - rgn.midy), double(rgn.right - rgn.midx)};
double depth = depths[o];
int nd1 = num_drones - 1;
double spacing = along[o] * 1.0 / nd1;
double _1bylast = 1.0 / nd1;
double a = 0.0f, da = _1bylast;
float obpm = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < num_drones; ++i) {
get_color::data.p = i * _1bylast;
drone* pd = add_drone (x, y);
drone& d = *pd;
if (!dinfo.seloncre) {
d.sel = 1;
selected_drones.push_back (pd);
} = 1;
mod_params* mods [] = {&, &};
mod_params& mod = *mods[o];
mod.depth = warp_depth (a) * depth;
obpm = warp_bpm (a) * dinfo.drone_pend.bpm; (obpm);
mods[no]->bv.set_bpm (obpm);
a += da;
xyo += spacing;
if (!dinfo.seloncre) print_selected_drones ();
drone_pendulum_group* grp = new drone_pendulum_group (o, depth, selected_drones, num_selected_drones);
drone_pendulums.push_back (grp);
uis.dpeu.bpm.set_value (dinfo.drone_pend.bpm);
uis.dpeu.depth.set_value (depth);
cons << GREEN << "Created a drone pendulum of " << num_drones << " drones." << eol;
void din::create_drone_mesh () {
mkb_selector.mesh = 0;
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
if (mkb_selector.rowcol > 4) {
cons << RED << "Can only create a 2 x 2 drone mesh with the Evaluation Version oF DIN Is Noise" << eol;
mkb_selector.orderer = mkb_selector.orderers [dinfo.mesh_vars.order];
mkb_selector.order_order ();
amd.triggert = dinfo.mesh_vars.duration * 1.0f / mkb_selector.rowcol;
amd.i = 0;
amd.j = mkb_selector.cols;
amd.start ();
void din::change_range_note (int i, int d) {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
cons << RED << "Change Left/Right Note/Octave is available in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
int cn = dinfo.change_note;
scale_info& si = *ptr_scaleinfo;
range& sr = ranges [dinfo.sel_range];
if (cn)
sr.change_note (i, d, si);
sr.change_octave (i, d, si);
int ri, rj;
ri = rj = dinfo.sel_range;
if (i) {
int srr = dinfo.sel_range + 1;
if (srr < num_ranges) {
range& rsrr = ranges [srr];
if (cn)
rsrr.change_note (0, d, si);
rsrr.change_octave (0, d, si);
ri = dinfo.sel_range; rj = srr;
} else {
int srl = dinfo.sel_range - 1;
if (srl > -1) {
range& rsrl = ranges [srl];
if (cn)
rsrl.change_note (1, d, si);
rsrl.change_octave (1, d, si);
ri = srl; rj = dinfo.sel_range;
if (ri == rj)
refresh_drones (ri);
refresh_drones (ri, rj);
note& L = sr.notes[0];
note& R = sr.notes[1];
sprintf (BUFFER, "Left Note = %s @ %0.3f Hz, Right Note = %s @ %0.3f Hz, Hz/pixel = %0.3f",, L.hz,, R.hz, sr.hz_per_pix ());
cons << YELLOW << BUFFER << eol;
int din::connect_drones () {
if (num_selected_drones < 2) {
cons << RED_A2D << eol;
return 0;
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
#define MAX_CONN 4
if (num_selected_drones > MAX_CONN) {
cons << RED << "Can only connect upto " << MAX_CONN << " drones in the Evaluation Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
return 0;
if (nstepz == 0) {
cons << RED << "Bad Steps value, please check Menu > Drone Tools > Steps" << eol;
return 0;
for (int s = 0; s < nstepz; ++s) {
int ds = stepz[s];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < num_selected_drones; ++i) {
j = i + ds;
if (MENU.cb_conn_wrap.state) j %= num_selected_drones;
if (j < num_selected_drones) {
drone* pdi = selected_drones[i];
drone& di = *pdi;
drone* pdj = selected_drones[j];
drone& dj = *pdj;
if (can_connect (pdi, pdj)) {
double m = magnitude (pdi->cx, pdi->cy, pdj->cx, pdj->cy);
di.connections.push_back (pdj);
dj.connections.push_back (pdi);
di.mags.push_back (m);
dj.mags.push_back (m);
totcon += 2;
_2totcon = 2 * totcon;
alloc_conns ();
if (MENU.trackcon.state) {
int last = num_selected_drones - 1;
drone* pld = selected_drones [last];
drone *pdi = 0, *pdj = 0;
for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < last; ++i, ++j) {
pdi = selected_drones [i];
pdj = selected_drones [j];
push_back (trackers, pdi);
pdi->tracking = drone::POINT;
pdi->tracked_drone = pdj;
pld->tracking = drone::USE;
pld->tracked_drone = pdi;
push_back (trackers, pld);
return 1;
int plugin::apply (multi_curve& crv) {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
cons << RED << "Can apply plugins only in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
return 0;
int n = points.size ();
if (n == 0) return 0;
crv.clear (0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
point<float>& p = points[i];
crv.add_vertex (p.x, p.y);
crv.add_left_tangent (p.x, p.y);
crv.add_right_tangent (p.x, p.y);
if (shapeform)
crv.set_shapeform (1);
crv.evaluate ();
CRVED->set_curve_style (&crv);
return 1;
int fractaliser::apply (multi_curve& crv) { // needed bcos of tangents
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
cons << RED << "Can apply plugins only in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
return 0;
render ();
int npts = points.size ();
if (npts == 0) return 0;
crv.clear (0);
// if (change_curve_name) crv.set_name (ss.str());
typedef std::list< point<float> >::iterator points_list_iterator;
points_list_iterator lti = left_tangents.begin (), rti = right_tangents.begin ();
for (int i = 0; i < npts; ++i) {
point<float>& p = points[i];
point<float>& lt = *lti++;
point<float>& rt = *rti++;
crv.add_vertex (p.x, p.y);
crv.add_left_tangent (lt.x, lt.y);
crv.add_right_tangent (rt.x, rt.y);
crv.set_shapeform (shapeform);
crv.evaluate ();
return 1;
keyboard_keyboard::keyboard_keyboard () :
wave ("keyboard-keyboard-waveform.crv"),
waved ("keyboard-keyboard-waveform.ed"),
wavlis (wave_listener::KEYBOARD_KEYBOARD),
attackcrv ("attack.crv"), decaycrv ("decay.crv"),
attacked ("attack.ed"), decayed ("decay.ed"),
helptext ("keyboard-keyboard.hlp"), velcrv ("velocity.crv"),
veled ("velocity.ed"), vellib ("velocity.lib")
load ("kbkb.ins");
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
name = "keyboard-keyboard [Evaluation Version]";
name = "keyboard-keyboard";
last_mousex = last_mousey = -1;
num_triggered_notes = 0;
scaleinfo.scl = this;
show_nearby_notes = 0;
fname = "keyboard-keyboard.settings";
ifstream file ((user_data_dir + fname).c_str (), ios::in);
if (!file) {
dlog << "!!! couldnt load: " << fname << endl;
} else {
string ignore;
file >> ignore >> show_nearby_notes;
file >> ignore >> ATTACK_TIME;
file >> ignore >> DECAY_TIME;
file >> ignore >> NOTE_VOLUME;
file >> ignore >> PITCH_BEND;
file >> ignore >> trig_what;
inst = 1;
extern const char* INSTRUMENTS [];
extern const char* INSTRUMENTS_SHORT [];
extern string INSTRUMENT;
extern instrument* INSTRUMENT_PTR [];
extern checkbutton* LAST_TABS [];
extern oscilloscope scope;
void load_instrument (instrument* inst) {
if (inst == 0) inst = get_current_instrument ();
MENU.b_microtonal_keyboard.turn_off (DONT_CALL_LISTENER);
MENU.b_keyboard_keyboard.turn_off (DONT_CALL_LISTENER);
MENU.b_mondrian.turn_off (DONT_CALL_LISTENER);
MENU.b_binaural_drones.turn_off (DONT_CALL_LISTENER);
if (inst == &keybd2) {
MENU.b_keyboard_keyboard.turn_on ();
MENU.next_tab = MENUP.cb_instrument;
} else if (inst == &din0) {
MENU.b_microtonal_keyboard.turn_on ();
checkbutton* pcb = LAST_TABS [CURRENT_INSTRUMENT];
if (pcb) {
MENU.next_tab = pcb;
} else {
if (din0.num_selected_drones)
MENU.next_tab = MENUP.cb_mkb_drone_params;
MENU.next_tab = MENUP.cb_mkb_voice;
} else if (inst == &mondrian0) {
MENU.b_mondrian.turn_on ();
MENU.cb_instrument.turn_on ();
checkbutton* pcb = LAST_TABS [CURRENT_INSTRUMENT];
if (pcb) MENU.next_tab = pcb; else MENU.next_tab = MENUP.cb_mon_tools;
} else /*if (inst == &binaural_drones0)*/ {
MENU.b_binaural_drones.turn_on ();
MENU.cb_instrument.turn_on ();
checkbutton* pcb = LAST_TABS [CURRENT_INSTRUMENT];
if (pcb) MENU.next_tab = pcb; else MENU.next_tab = MENUP.cb_binaural_drones_tools;
scope.load_current_instrument ();
MENU.scol.setup ();
MENU.next_tab_instr = inst;
uis.set_current (inst);
MENU.hide_editors ();
MENU.show_editors (inst);
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
if (dynamic_cast<ui*>(inst) != &anote)
MENU.setup_tabs (inst);
setup_plugin_labels ();
cons ("setup-editors");
uis.update_bottom_line ();
extern string VERSION_NUMBER;
extern string APP_NAME;
void make_app_name () {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
#elif defined __LICENSED__
void range_mod_lis::clicked (button& b) {
if (&b == MENUP.b_rm_start_all) {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
cons << RED << "Range modulation available only on the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
din0.set_ran_mod (1);
} else if (&b == MENUP.b_rm_stop_all) {
din0.set_ran_mod (0);
} else if (&b == MENUP.b_rm_toggle) {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
cons << RED << "Range modulation available only on the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
din0.toggle_ran_mod ();
} else if (&b == MENUP.b_rm_pause_resume) {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
cons << RED << "Range modulation available only on the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
din0.pause_resume_ran_mod ();
} else {
din0.dinfo.sel_range = din0.current_range;
MENU.load_range (din0.dinfo.sel_range);
void range_mod_lis::changed (checkbutton& cb) {
if (&cb == MENUP.cb_mod_ran) {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
cons << RED << "Range modulation available only on the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
cb.set_state (!cb.state, 0);
modulator& srm = din0.ranges[din0.dinfo.sel_range].mod;
int& a =;
if (a) a *= cb.state; else a = cb.state;
} else
din0.dinfo.mark_sel_range = cb.state;
void recording_listener::clicked (button& b) {
if (&b == MENUP.b_clear_record) {
recorder0.clear ();
uis.cb_record.set_text ("Record");
MENU.cb_record.set_text ("Record");
if ( MENU.toggle ();
} else {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
cons << RED << "Can save recordings only in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
recorder0.start_saving ();
void binaural_drones_listener::clicked (button& b) {
if (&b == MENUP.bbd_select_all) { (1); // 1 == all
} else if (&b == MENUP.bbd_select_none) { (0); // 0 == none
//MENU.il_binaural_drones.last = 0;
} else if (&b == MENUP.bbd_invert_select) {
MENU.il_binaural_drones.invert_select ();
//if (MENU.il_binaural_drones.num_selected() == 0) MENU.il_binaural_drones.last = 0;
} else if (&b == MENUP.bbd_select2) {
if (select_rule == ID) {
tokenizer tv (MENU.bdf_value.text);
int s, e, i; tv >> s >> e >> i;
--s; --e; // bcos starts at 1 on ui :(
clamp (0, s, MENU.il_binaural_drones.n);
clamp (0, e, MENU.il_binaural_drones.n);
clamp (1, i, MENU.il_binaural_drones.n);
sprintf (BUFFER, "wrap-get-nums %d %d %d", s, e, i);
} else {
const char* get [] = {"left", "right", "separation", "volume"};
const char* op [] = {"==", ">=", "<=", "<>"};
sprintf (BUFFER, "filter-binaurals %s %s %s", get[select_what], op[select_rule], MENU.bdf_value.text.c_str());
interpreter (BUFFER);
tokenizer tz (interpreter.result);
if (!MENU.il_binaural_drones.select_these (tz)) cons << RED << "No matching binaural drone pairs found!" << eol;
if (binaural_drones0.busy ()) {
cons << RED << "Still executing your command, please wait or ESC to abort" << YELLOW << eol;
binaural_drones0.separation = MENU.sp_bd_separation.value;
binaural_drones0.master_volume = (float) MENU.lf_master_volume.fld / 100.0f;
binaural_drones0.pairs = MENU.sp_bd_pairs.value;
binaural_drones0.close_octave = MENU.cb_close_octave.state;
binaural_drones0.resize_separation = MENU.cb_resize_separation.state;
const char* selerr = "Please select some binaural drone pairs";
if (&b == MENUP.b_create_binaurals_on_notes) {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
cons << RED << "Available only in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
cons << YELLOW << "Creating binaural drones [fading in], please wait" << eol;
float tonic;
if (binaural_drones0.keynote == i_binaural_drones::START_PITCH)
tonic = binaural_drones0.starting_pitch;
tonic = get_tonic (&binaural_drones0);
string intervals;
vector<string>& notes = binaural_drones0.scaleinfo.notes;
int j = notes.size (); if (binaural_drones0.close_octave == 0) --j;
for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i) intervals = intervals + notes[i] + " ";
stringstream cmd;
cmd << "create-binaurals-on-notes " << tonic << ' ' << binaural_drones0.separation << " {" << intervals << "}" << ' ' << binaural_drones0.resize_separation;
interpreter (cmd.str());
MENU.changed (MENU.cb_binaural_drones_edit);
} else if (&b == MENUP.b_create_binaurals_from_pitch) {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
if (binaural_drones0.num_binaural_drones || binaural_drones0.pairs > 1) {
cons << RED << "Can create > 1 binaural drone pair in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
cons << YELLOW << "Creating binaural drones [fading in], please wait" << eol;
string start_pitch = MENU.lf_bd_start_pitch.fld.text;
string spacing = MENU.lf_bd_spacing.fld.text;
sprintf (BUFFER, "create-binaurals-from-pitch %f %f %d %f", binaural_drones0.starting_pitch, binaural_drones0.separation, binaural_drones0.pairs, binaural_drones0.spacing);
interpreter (BUFFER);
MENU.changed (MENU.cb_binaural_drones_edit);
} else if (&b == MENUP.bbd_sync) {
if (MENU.il_binaural_drones.num_selected ()) {
cons << YELLOW << "Syncing (fade-out + sync + fade-in) : please wait or ESC to abort" << eol;
interpreter ("sync-selected-binaurals");
} else {
cons << RED << selerr << eol;
} else if (&b == MENUP.bbd_delete) {
if (MENU.il_binaural_drones.num_selected ()) {
cons << YELLOW << "Deleting (after fade-out) : please wait or ESC to abort" << eol;
interpreter ("delete-selected-binaurals");
} else {
cons << RED << selerr << eol;
} else if (&b == MENUP.bd_modulate_up) {
if (MENU.il_binaural_drones.num_selected ()) {
cons << YELLOW << "Modulating up: please wait or ESC to abort" << eol;
sprintf (BUFFER, "modulate-selected-binaurals %f", binaural_drones0.modulation_amount);
interpreter (BUFFER);
} else {
cons << RED << selerr << eol;
} else if (&b == MENUP.bd_modulate_down) {
if (MENU.il_binaural_drones.num_selected ()) {
cons << YELLOW << "Modulating down: please wait or ESC to abort" << eol;
sprintf (BUFFER, "modulate-selected-binaurals %f", 1.0f / binaural_drones0.modulation_amount);
interpreter (BUFFER);
} else {
cons << RED << selerr << eol;
} else if (&b == MENUP.bbd_flip) {
if (MENU.il_binaural_drones.num_selected ()) {
for (int i = 0; i < MENU.il_binaural_drones.n; ++i) {
if (MENU.il_binaural_drones.items[i].sel) {
binaural_drone* bi = binaural_drones0.binaural_drones[i];
float r_hz = bi->l_hz, l_hz = bi->r_hz;
bi->set_hz (binaural_drone::LEFT, l_hz);
bi->set_hz (binaural_drone::RIGHT, r_hz);
binaural_drones0.pitch_fader.start ("Pitch flip");
cons << YELLOW << "Flipping Hz: please wait or ESC to abort" << eol;
interpreter ("flip-selected-binaurals");
} else {
cons << RED << selerr << eol;
void mondrian::load_settings (ifstream& file) {
std::string ignore;
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
name = "Mondrian [Evaluation Version]";
name = "Mondrian";
float l, b, r, t;
file >> ignore >> l >> b >> r >> t;
win.set (l, b, r, t);
file >> ignore >> win_chunk.x >> win_chunk.y;
file >> ignore >> obj_chunk.x >> obj_chunk.y;
win_per_obj (win_chunk.x / obj_chunk.x, win_chunk.y / obj_chunk.y);
obj_per_win (obj_chunk.x / win_chunk.x , obj_chunk.y / win_chunk.y);
file >> ignore >> win_resolution;
/*float dummy1 = 0, dummy2 = 0;
win2obj (win_resolution, dummy1, obj_resolution, dummy2);*/
file >> ignore >> label_hz_vol;
file >> ignore >> min_voices;
file >> ignore >>;
file >> ignore >> auto_del_rect.triggert;
file >> ignore >>;
file >> ignore >> auto_split_rect.triggert;
file >> ignore >> auto_split_orient;
file >> ignore >> auto_split_at;
file >> ignore >> split_leaf;
file >> ignore >> delete_leaf;
file >> ignore >> mondrian::min_split_size;
file >> ignore >> draw__boxes;
file >> ignore >> draw_ball.position;
file >> ignore >> draw_ball.heading;
file >> ignore >> draw__notes;
file >> ignore >> label_notes;
file >> ignore >> fill_boxes;
file >> ignore >> num_boxes;
file >> ignore >> added_ball_type;
file >> ignore >> cursor;
file >> ignore >> auto_adjust_voices;
file >> ignore >> slit::HALF_SIZE;
file >> ignore >> MENU.cb_turn_sync.state;
file >> ignore >> MENU.cb_speed_sync.state;
file >> ignore >> MENU.texture.state;
file >> ignore >> tuning;
MENU.cb_turn_sync.set_state (MENU.cb_turn_sync.state);
MENU.cb_speed_sync.set_state (MENU.cb_speed_sync.state);
MENU.texture.set_state (MENU.texture.state);
extern float MIN_TIME;
extern int can_wheel ();
extern int IPS;
int mondrian::handle_input () {
if (moving_balls) move_balls (win.mousex - win.mousex_prev, win.mousey - win.mousey_prev);
if (editing_slit) slit_lip.edit (); else
if (editing_edge) set_edge (hit, edge, win.mousex, win.mousey);
if (lmb) {
if (lmb_clicked == 0) {
if (stop_moving_balls ());
else if (stop_editing_slit ());
else if (stop_editing_edge ());
else if (try_slitting ());
else {
finding f; find (root, win.mousex, win.mousey, f);
hit = f.found;
if (hit) { // box hit
box<float>& bf = hit->extents;
edge = bf.get_edge_hit (win.mousex, win.mousey, gutter2);
if (edge != edge::NONE) { // edge hit
// slit hit?
slit_lip.slitt = 0;
float* curs [rect::nedges] = {&win.mousex, &win.mousey, &win.mousex, &win.mousey};
slit_lip.cur = curs[edge];
if (get_slit_lip (slit_lip, hit, edge, *slit_lip.cur)) { // slit hit!
float* prevs [rect::nedges] = {&win.mousex_prev, &win.mousey_prev, &win.mousex_prev, &win.mousey_prev};
slit_lip.prev = prevs[edge];
toggle_flag (editing_slit, "Just move mouse to edit slit. ESC to stop."); // edit this slit
} else toggle_flag (editing_edge, "Just move mouse to move edge. ESC or click to stop."); // edit this edge
mon_selector.abort ();
if (adding_balls) { // user is adding balls
if (started_making_ball == 0) {
started_making_ball = 1;
new_ball = new ball (added_ball_type);
new_ball->set_velocity (1.0f, 1.0f);
mon_selector.abort ();
} else {
float dx, dy;
win.diff_mouse (dx, dy);
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0); else new_ball->set_velocity (dx, dy);
new_ball->x = win.mousex;
new_ball->y = win.mousey;
lmb_clicked = 1;
} else {
lmb_clicked = 0;
if (new_ball) {
new_ball->frozen = 0;
finding f; find (root, new_ball->x, new_ball->y, f);
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
if (num_balls) {
cons << RED << "Can create more balls in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
f.found = 0;
if (f.found) {
new_ball->R = f.found;
f.found->balls.push_back (new_ball);
balls.push_back (new_ball);
browse.clear ();
clear_selected<ball> (selected_balls, num_selected_balls);
new_ball->select = 1;
selected_balls.push_back (new_ball);
after_selection ();
} else
delete new_ball;
started_making_ball = 0;
new_ball = 0;
static const double reptf = 1./7, repts = 1./48.;
double repts1 = 1./IPS;
// octave shift
if (keypressed (SDLK_z)) {if (!modulate_balls (-1)) modulate_down ();}
else if (keypressed (SDLK_x)) {if (!modulate_balls (1)) modulate_up ();}
// split box
if (keypressed (SDLK_r)) { // vertically
if (recting ()) ; else {
if (SHIFT)
multi_split_rect (split::VERTICAL); // vertically at notes
else if (CTRL)
multi_split_rect (num_boxes, split::VERTICAL); // vertically make num_boxes
split_rect (split::VERTICAL, win.mousex); // into 2 new boxes
else if (keypressed (SDLK_f)) { // horizontally
if (recting ()) ; else {
if (SHIFT)
multi_split_rect (split::HORIZONTAL); // horizontally at notes
else if (CTRL)
multi_split_rect (num_boxes, split::HORIZONTAL); // horizontally make num_boxes
split_rect (split::HORIZONTAL, win.mousey); // into 2 new boxes
else if (keypressed (SDLK_t)) {
if (recting ()) ; else {
if (SHIFT || CTRL)
make_nxn_grid (); // make grid of num_boxes x num_boxes
make_note_grid (); // make note grid
if (keypressed(SDLK_RETURN)) toggle_triggered_sound ();
// change ball speed
static const float delta_speed = 0.25;
if (keypressedd (SDLK_LEFTBRACKET)) change_speed (MENU.sp_mondrian_change_speed, -delta_speed);
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET)) change_speed (MENU.sp_mondrian_change_speed, delta_speed);
// change ball attack & decay time
if (keypressedd (SDLK_SEMICOLON, reptf, repts)) {
if (SHIFT) {
delta_attack_time -= MIN_TIME;
if (delta_attack_time < MIN_TIME) delta_attack_time = MIN_TIME;
sprintf (BUFFER, "delta attack time = %0.3f secs", delta_attack_time);
cons << BUFFER << eol;
} else
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_QUOTE, reptf, repts)) {
if (SHIFT) {
delta_attack_time += MIN_TIME;
sprintf (BUFFER, "delta attack time = %0.3f secs", delta_attack_time);
cons << BUFFER << eol;
} else
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_COMMA, reptf, repts)) {
if (SHIFT) {
delta_decay_time -= MIN_TIME;
if (delta_decay_time < MIN_TIME) delta_decay_time = MIN_TIME;
sprintf (BUFFER, "delta decay time = %0.3f secs", delta_decay_time);
cons << BUFFER << eol;
} else
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_PERIOD, reptf, repts)) {
if (SHIFT) {
delta_decay_time += MIN_TIME;
sprintf (BUFFER, "delta decay time = %0.3f secs", delta_decay_time);
cons << BUFFER << eol;
} else
// change ball course
if (keypressedd (SDLK_o, reptf, repts1)) {
if (CTRL)
toggle_auto_rotate (1); // always change anti-clockwise
else if (SHIFT) {
change_ball_dtheta (-1);
rotate_velocity (+1);
} else if (keypressedd (SDLK_p, reptf, repts1)) {
if (CTRL)
toggle_auto_rotate (-1); // always change clockwise
else if (SHIFT) {
change_ball_dtheta (+1);
rotate_velocity (-1); // rotate velocity vector clockwise
// ball / slit selection
if (keypressed (SDLK_l)) {
select_all_targets ();
} else if (keypressed (SDLK_i)) {
if (SHIFT)
MENU.cb_label_hz_vol.toggle (); // label pitch/volume of triggered notes
invert_selected_targets ();
} else if (keypressed (SDLK_k)) { // box
select_box_targets ();
} else if (keypressed (SDLK_n)) {
clear_selected_targets ();
// ball browsing
if (keypressedd (SDLK_LEFT)) browse_ball (-1); // MENU.bolis.picked (MENU.ol_browse_balls.option, -1);
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_RIGHT)) browse_ball (+1); // MENU.bolis.picked (MENU.ol_browse_balls.option, +1);
// freeze/thaw balls
if (keypressed (SDLK_SPACE)) {
list<ball*>& balls = get_balls ();
if (SHIFT) freeze_balls (balls);
else if (CTRL) thaw_balls (balls);
else freeze_thaw_balls (balls);
if (keypressed (SDLK_j)) flip_velocity (); // flip ball velocity ie flips ball direction
if (keypressedd (SDLK_KP_PLUS, reptf, repts)) ++MENU.sp_mondrian_change_slit_size;
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_KP_MINUS, reptf, repts)) --MENU.sp_mondrian_change_slit_size;
if (keypressedd (SDLK_MINUS, reptf, repts)) --MENU.sp_mondrian_change_trail_size;
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_EQUALS, reptf, repts)) ++MENU.sp_mondrian_change_trail_size;
if (keypressed (SDLK_b)) {
if (SHIFT) do_add_balls (ball::WRECKER);
else if (CTRL) do_add_balls (ball::HEALER);
else do_add_balls (); // add bouncers
if (keypressed (SDLK_m)) do_move_balls (); // move balls
if (keypressed (SDLK_c)) delete_selected_targets ();
if (keypressedd (SDLK_y)) change_min_voices (-1);
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_u)) change_min_voices (+1);
if (keypressed (SDLK_F9)) remove_slits_on_current_edge ();
else if (keypressed (SDLK_F10)) remove_slits_on_current_box ();
else if (keypressed (SDLK_F11)) remove_slits_on_boxes_with_balls ();
else if (keypressed (SDLK_F12)) remove_all_slits ();
if (keypressed (SDLK_F3)) toggle_balls_type (ball::WRECKER);
else if (keypressed (SDLK_F4)) toggle_balls_type (ball::HEALER);
else if (keypressed (SDLK_F5)) toggle_balls_type (ball::BOUNCER);
else if (keypressed (SDLK_F6)) switch_balls_type ();
else if (keypressed (SDLK_F7)) select_type (ball::WRECKER);
else if (keypressed (SDLK_F8)) select_type (ball::HEALER);
if (keypressed (SDLK_v)) {
if (recting()) ; else {
if (SHIFT) delete_all_rects = !delete_all_rects;
delete_current_rect ();
if (keypressed (SDLK_g)) {
MENU.monl.picked (MENU.ol_selection_targets.option, +1);
if (sel_tar == SELECT_BALLS)
cons << GREEN << "Selection target: balls" << eol;
cons << GREEN << "Selection target: slits" << eol;
if (keypressed (SDLK_h)) toggle_slit_anim ();
if (! {
if (keypressedd (SDLK_9)) {
if (SHIFT) --MENU.sp_mondrian_change_note_poly_radius; else --MENU.sp_mondrian_change_note_poly_points;
} else if (keypressedd (SDLK_0)) {
if (SHIFT) ++MENU.sp_mondrian_change_note_poly_radius; else ++MENU.sp_mondrian_change_note_poly_points;
if (keypressed (SDLK_SLASH)) {if (! start_slitting ();}
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_INSERT)) ++MENU.sp_mondrian_change_slit_anim_time;
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_DELETE)) --MENU.sp_mondrian_change_slit_anim_time;
if (keypressed (SDLK_F1)) _help ();
// movement
if (can_wheel ()) do_zoom (-wheel * zoom);
double pan_rept = window::PAN_REPEAT, zoom_rept = window::ZOOM_REPEAT;
if (keypressedd (SDLK_a, pan_rept, pan_rept)) do_panx (-pan);
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_d, pan_rept, pan_rept)) do_panx (+pan);
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_w, pan_rept, pan_rept)) do_pany (+pan);
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_s, pan_rept, pan_rept)) do_pany (-pan);
if (! {
if (keypressedd (SDLK_q, zoom_rept, zoom_rept)) do_zoom (+zoom); // zoom out
else if (keypressedd (SDLK_e, zoom_rept, zoom_rept)) do_zoom (-zoom); // zoom in
return 1;
void mondrian::clone_ball (ball* b) {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
if (num_balls) cons << RED << "Can clone balls in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
ball* cb = new ball;
b->clone_this (cb);
locate_ball (cb);
balls.push_back (cb);
state_button* point_modulator::add (hit_t& h) {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
if (nlst == 1) {
cons << RED << "Can add more point modulators in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
return 0;
on_lst (_desel);
state_button* sb = new state_button;
sb->set_pos (sbx, sby);
sbx += state_button::SIZE2;
title.add_child (sb);
const float bpm = 5.0f;
mod_dat md (h, sb, bpm);
lst.push_back (md);
sb->set_listener (this);
sb->set_state (1);
set_title ();
return sb;
int ui_list::handle_input () {
// handle quit
#ifdef __MACOSX_CORE__
if (keydown (SDLK_LMETA) && keypressed (SDLK_q)) { // command key + q on mac os x
return 1;
if (ALT && keypressed (SDLK_F4)) { // alt + f4 on windows & linux
return 1;
// handle widgets
basic_editor::hide_cursor =;
if (widget::focus) { // handle input of widget with focus
widget::focus->handle_input ();
return 1;
} else {
vector<widget*> widgets = widgets_of [current];
for (vector<widget*>::size_type i = 0, j = widgets.size (); i < j; ++i) {
widget* wi = widgets[i];
if (wi->visible && wi->enabled) {
wi->handle_input ();
if (widget::focus) return 1;
// toggle menu
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
if (current != &anote) { // no menu on author's note
if (rmb) {
if (!rmb_clicked) {
rmb_clicked = 1;
if (escape_from_things ());
else main_menu.toggle ();
} else rmb_clicked = 0;
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
// handle current screen
current->handle_input ();
if (keypressed (SDLK_BACKQUOTE)) { // flip to last screen
if (prev && ! {
if (prev->ed) load_editor (prev);
else if (prev->inst) load_instrument (dynamic_cast<instrument*>(prev));
else set_current (prev); // settings screen for now
if ( == 0) {
if (keypressed (SDLK_1)) { // switch instrument
if (current->inst) goto_next_instrument (); // else back to current instrument
load_instrument ();
} else { // load editors attached to keys 2 - 8
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EDITORS; ++i) {
if (keypressed (key[i])) {
ui* edi = ed[i];
if (edi) load_editor (edi);
/*if (keypressed(SDLK_RETURN)) {
if (alt_down ()) { // clear recording
main_menu.recl.clicked (main_menu.b_clear_record);
} else if (CTRL) { // start recording
if (cb_record.state == 0) cb_record.turn_on (); else cb_record.turn_off ();
if (keypressed (SDLK_F2)) {
if (UI_OFF) turn_on_ui (); else turn_off_ui ();
if (keypressed (SDLK_PAUSE)) {
scope.visible = !scope.visible;
main_menu.cb_scope.set_state (scope.visible, 0);
if (keypressed (SDLK_MENU)) main_menu.mbl.clicked (main_menu.b_menu);
if (keypressed (SDLK_ESCAPE)) {
if (UI_OFF) turn_on_ui ();
else if ( escape_from_things() ) ;
else { // ask to press esc again to really quit
if (esct == -1) {
cons << console::red << "Press ESC again to quit" << eol;
esct = ui_clk();
} else {
double dt = ui_clk() - esct;
if (dt > 1.0) { // 1 sec timeout
esct = -1;
goto esc;
} else if (quit != TRY) try_quit ();
return 1;
extern ui* SCREENS [];
void ui_list::setup () {
// all screens
int nscreens = 41;
uis.resize (nscreens);
uis[0] = 0;
ui** si = SCREENS;
for (int i = 1; i < nscreens; ++i, ++si) uis[i] = *si;
// bottom line
int dirs [] = {arrow_button::left, arrow_button::right, arrow_button::up, arrow_button::down};
arrow_button* scrl [] = {&ab_scroll_left, &ab_scroll_right, &ab_scroll_up, &ab_scroll_down};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
arrow_button* si = scrl[i];
si->set_dir (dirs[i]);
si->set_size (12);
si->set_listener (&sal);
si->click_repeat = 1;
si->first_repeat_time = 0.005;
si->subsequent_repeat_time = 0.015;
cb_voice.set_listener (&vlis);
cb_voice.colorize (0);
cb_gater.set_listener (&glis);
cb_gater.colorize (0);
cb_delay.set_listener (&dlis);
cb_delay.colorize (0);
cb_compress.set_listener (&clis);
b_settings.set_listener (&slis);
cb_record.set_listener (&main_menu.recl);
sp_voices.set ("Voices", 1, 1, MILLION, &vov, 0);
sp_attack_time.set ("Attack time", 0.1f, 0.0f, MILLION, &atv, 0);
sp_decay_time.set ("Decay time", 0.1f, 0.0f, MILLION, &dkv, 0);
sp_pitch_bend.set ("Hz/Pixel", 0.01f, 0.0f, MILLION, &pbl, 0);
sp_octave_shift_bpm.set ("BPM", 1, 0.0f, MILLION, &osl, 0);
cb_show_nearby_notes.set_listener (&pbl);
cb_show_nearby_notes.turn_off ();
// waveform display
l_waveform_display.set_text ("Waveform");
ab_prev_wav.set_dir (arrow_button::left);
ab_prev_wav.set_listener (&wdl);
ab_next_wav.set_dir (arrow_button::right);
ab_next_wav.set_listener (&wdl);
ab_prev_wav.click_repeat = ab_next_wav.click_repeat = 1;
ab_prev_wav.first_repeat_time = ab_next_wav.first_repeat_time = 0.33;
ab_prev_wav.subsequent_repeat_time = ab_next_wav.subsequent_repeat_time = 1/20.;
cd_waveform_display.set_size (96, 96);
cd_waveform_display.crv = &keybd2.wave; // keyboard-keyboard's waveform
cd_waveform_display.setbbox (keybd2.wave.shapeform);
// octave shift
l_octave_shift.set_text ("Octave Shift");
ab_octave_down.set_dir (arrow_button::left);
ab_octave_down.set_listener (&osl);
ab_octave_up.set_dir (arrow_button::right);
ab_octave_up.set_listener (&osl);
int arrow_size = 24;
ab_octave_up.set_size (arrow_size);
ab_octave_down.set_size (arrow_size);
b_abort_octave_shift.set_text ("Abort");
b_abort_octave_shift.set_listener (&main_menu.aosl);
// keys trigger? notes or noise
ol_trig_what.set_listener (&twl);
widget_load ("d_parameters", pw, npars);
for (int i = 1; i < npars; ++i) {
d_parameters.add_child (pw[i]);
d_parameters.set_name ("Parameters");
d_parameters.set_moveable (1);
ab_parameters.set_listener (&pal);
cb_voice.set_state (din0.dinfo.voice);
cb_gater.set_state (din0.dinfo.gater);
cb_delay.set_state (din0.dinfo.delay);
cb_compress.set_state (din0.dinfo.compress);
cb_show_pitch_volume_board.set_listener (&spvl);
cb_show_pitch_volume_drones.set_listener (&spvl);
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
anote.setup ();
plugin__browser.setup ();
settings_scr.setup ();
main_menu.setup ();
void nagscr () {
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
cons.clear ();
uis.set_current (&anote); // nag screen :(
#elif defined __LICENSED__
load_instrument (); // open with last used instrument
void drone_commands_listener::startwanding () {
int* flags [] = {&din0.adding, &din0.wanding};
static const char* mesg [] = {"Click to add drones, ESC or Right Click to stop", "Just move mouse to add drones, ESC or Right Click to stop"};
din0.adding = din0.wanding = 0;
*flags[din0.dinfo.wand] = 1;
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
if (din0.wanding) {
din0.wanding = 0;
cons << RED << "Wand only available in the Licensed Version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
cons << GREEN << mesg[din0.dinfo.wand] << eol;
void drone_commands_listener::clicked (button& b) {
int toggle = 1;
if (&b == MENUP.ol_add_wand.option) startwanding (); else
if (&b == MENUP.b_delete_drones) din0.delete_selected_drones (); else
if (&b == MENUP.b_select_all_drones) {toggle = 0; din0.select_all_drones ();} else
if (&b == MENUP.b_launch_drones) din0.make_launchers (); else
if (&b == MENUP.b_orbit_selected_drones) din0.orbit_selected_drones (); else
if (&b == MENUP.b_freeze_drones) din0.freeze_drones (); else
if (&b == MENUP.b_thaw_drones) din0.thaw_drones (); else
if (&b == MENUP.b_select_launchers) {toggle = 0; din0.select_launchers (); } else
if (&b == MENUP.b_set_targets) din0.set_targets (); else
if (&b == MENUP.b_select_attractors) {toggle = 0; din0.select_attractors (); } else
if (&b == MENUP.b_select_attractees) {toggle = 0; din0.select_attractees (); } else
if (&b == MENUP.b_stop_launching_drones) din0.destroy_launchers (); else
if (&b == MENUP.b_invert_drone_selection) {toggle = 0; din0.invert_selected_drones();} else
if (&b == MENUP.b_track_drones) din0.make_trackers (); else
if (&b == MENUP.b_select_tracked_drones) {toggle = 0; din0.select_tracked_drones (); } else
if (&b == MENUP.ol_create_this.option) din0.toggle_create_this (); else
if (&b == MENUP.b_clear_targets) din0.clear_targets(); else
if (&b == MENUP.b_flip_rows_cols) {
int r = MENU.sp_mesh_rows.value, c = MENU.sp_mesh_cols.value;
MENU.sp_mesh_rows.set_value (c);
MENU.sp_mesh_cols.set_value (r);
din0.dinfo.rows = c;
din0.dinfo.cols = r;
mkb_selector.set_mesh (din0.meshh.create, din0.dinfo.rows, din0.dinfo.cols);
MENU.picked (MENU.ol_mesh_point.option, 0);
toggle = 0;
if (toggle) MENU.toggle ();
VALUE_CHANGED(menu,genslis) {
int& gens = din0.dinfo.gens;
gens = MENU.gens.value;
#ifdef __EVALUATION__
if (gens > 1) {
cons << RED << "Generations > 1 only in the licensed version of DIN Is Noise" << eol;
gens = 1;
MENU.gens.set_value (1);
cons << GREEN << "Default Generations = " << gens << eol;