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* drone.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2021 Jagannathan Sampath
* For more information, please visit
#ifndef __drone__
#define __drone__
#include "fader.h"
#include "solver.h"
#include "play.h"
#include "trail.h"
#include "alarm.h"
#include "modulator.h"
#include "noiser.h"
#include "container.h"
#include "vector2d.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <ostream>
extern int TRAIL_LENGTH;
extern int BOTTOM;
extern float DELTA_VOLUME;
extern float ARROW_U, ARROW_V;
struct din;
struct drone;
typedef std::list<drone*>::iterator drone_iterator;
struct attractee {
int id;
drone* d;
attractee (int _id = -1, drone* _d = 0) {id = _id; d = _d;}
bool operator== (const attractee& ae) {return (d == ae.d);}
struct drone {
static float mastervolume;
static int UID; // unique id
int id; // this drone id
play player;
solver sol;
float step; // determines pitch (see note.h)
float vol; // actual volume
int range; // range number on microtonal-keyboard
float pos; // position in range (0 - left, 1 - right, can go < 0 & > 1 too)
int sel; // selected?
float cx, cy; // unmodulated position
float x, y; // current position
int snap; // snap to range edge?
float sx; // snapped x (used for note snap)
int note_num; // 0 = left note, 1 = right note of range
float dy; // height from microtonal-keyboard bottom
float r, g, b; // color
void setcolor ();
// visuals
trail_t trail; // trail points
box<float> handle; // for picking
static int HANDLESIZE; // default size
int handle_size;
struct arrowt {
float u, v;
arrowt () { reset (); }
void reset () {u = ARROW_U; v = ARROW_V; }
} arrow;
void calc_handle ();
struct posafxvelt {
int yes; // drone position affects velocity vector?
point<float> pt;
static double minmag;
posafxvelt() : yes(0), pt (0.0f,0.0f) {}
} posafxvel;
// connections
static float STIFFNESS;
static std::map<drone*,bool> proc_conn;
int nconn;
std::list<drone*> connections;
std::list<double> mags;
enum {LINK=0, CHAIN=1};
int type;
drone* eval_conns ();
void remagconns ();
// states
int state; // current
fader fdr; // for rising/falling -> fade in/out
int frozen; // frozen?
double froze_at; // time when frozen
int freeze ();
int thaw ();
void handle_time_pass ();
// mute/unmute ; drone <> noise
fader gab;
float tovol;
static double gabt;
// modulation
modulator mod;
// orbitals & rocketry
int attractor; // attractor?
int orbiting; // orbiting?
std::list<attractee> attractees; // list of drones attracted by this drone
static float V0; // initial speed
float vx0, vy0; // initial velocity vector
float V; // speed
float vx, vy; // current velocity vector
float v_mult; // multiplier for velocity vector used in orbit insertion
void initv (float y);
void resetv ();
float A; // acceleration
float ax, ay; // acceleration unit vector
float xi, yi; // interim position
double insert; // time to insert into orbit
float xv, yv; // position of velocity vector tip
float xa, ya; // position of acceleration vector tip
int gravity; // accelerated by gravity?
int bounces; // number of bounces from bottom of microtonal-keyboard
int launcher; // launches drones?
alarm_t launch_every; // alarm time in seconds
float dpm; // drones per minute
drone* launched_by;
// targets for launchers to launch drones to
std::vector<drone*> targets;
int cur_target;
int num_targets;
void clear_targets ();
drone* target;
static double LIFETIME;
double birth; // time at birth
double life; // lifetime
int reincarnate;
static double INSERTTIME; // time for insert into orbit
enum {NONE, POINT, USE};
int tracking;
drone* tracked_drone; // the tracked drone
// wanding
static struct wandt {
int dist;
int dist2;
wandt (int d) {set (d);}
void set (int d) {
dist = d;
dist2 = d * d;
} wand;
int update_pv;
void update_pitch_volume ();
drone (float bottom = 0.0f);
static int ref; // for debug
void set_pos (float x, float y);
void set_center (float _cx, float _cy, int e = 1);
void move_center ();
void change_depth (int i, int what, float delta);
void change_bpm (int i, int what, float delta);
void change_bpm (mod_params& mp, float delta);
enum {DRONE, NOISE};
static int IS;
int is;
noiser nsr;
void setnoise ();
// for drone <> noise conversions
struct fin {
virtual void finished (din& d, drone* pd) = 0;
} *finl;
static struct drone2noise : fin {
void finished (din& mkb, drone* pd);
} dnl;
static struct noise2drone : fin {
void finished (din& mkb, drone* pd);
} ndl;
static fin* fins [3]; // 0 = null, 1 = drone2noise, 2 = noise2drone, init @
struct chuckt { // virtual geometric chuck
static float apt; // angle per turn
int yes;
drone* sun; // this drone aka planet orbits around sun
drone* sat; // planet's satellite
float ux, uy; // unit vector of sun -> planet vector
float len; // length of sun -> planet vector
float speed; // angular speed, scales apf
float speed0; // for toggling speed, 0
int dir; // -1 = clockwise; +1 = clockwise
float cx, cy; // center b4 chucked
chuckt () {
yes = 0;
sun = sat = 0;
ux = uy = 0.0f;
len = 0.0f;
speed = 1.0f;
speed0 = 0.0f;
dir = 1;
cx = cy = 0.0f;
void set (int y, drone* n) {
yes = y;
sun = n;
void calc (drone* planet) {
len = unit_vector (ux, uy, sun->cx, sun->cy, planet->cx, planet->cy);
if (sat) sat->chuck.calc (sat);
void de () {
if (sat) {
sat->chuck.sun = sun;
if (sun) {
sun->chuck.sat = sat;
sat->chuck.calc (sat);
} else {
if (sun) sun->chuck.sat = 0;
yes = 0;
void re (drone& p);
} chuck;
static int are;
std::istream& operator>> (std::istream&, drone::chuckt&);
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, drone::chuckt&);
struct group {
int n;
std::vector<drone*> drones;
group () {n = 0;}
group (std::vector<drone*> mem, int n);
int member (drone* d) {
std::vector<drone*>::iterator db = drones.begin (), de = drones.end();
if (find (db, de, d) == de) return 0; else return 1;
int remove (drone* d) {
if (erase (drones, d)) {
return 1;
return 0;
struct drone_pendulum_group : group {
int orient;
int depth;
drone_pendulum_group (int o = 0, int d = 0) { orient = o; depth = d;}
drone_pendulum_group (int o, int d, std::vector<drone*> mem, int n) : group (mem, n), orient(o), depth(d) {}
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& f, drone::arrowt& aw);
/*struct connect {
int dirty;
drone* d1;
drone* d2;
point<float> p1, p2;
double mag;
connect (drone* _d1, drone* _d2);
int eval (drone** ret);
void draw ();
void align_vel ();