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* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2024 Jagannathan Sampath
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* For more information, please visit
#include "din.h"
#include "drone.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "vector2d.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
extern multi_curve drone_mod_am_crv, drone_mod_fm_crv;
extern solver warp_vol, warp_pitch;
extern const char spc;
extern void get (float& g, float& gx, float& gy, defvelaccel& dva);
extern int gethandlesize ();
extern int gettrailsize ();
extern void initlaunch (drone*);
extern const float TWO_PI;
extern float getlifetime ();
void drone::setis () {
if (IS == DRONE_OR_NOISE) is = get_rand_bit (); else is = IS;
drone::drone (float bottom) : mod (&drone_mod_fm_crv, &drone_mod_am_crv), modv (this) {
id = ++UID;
setis ();
step = vol = 0;
range = 0;
pos = 0.0f;
r = g = b = 0;
cx = cy = 0;
x = y = 0;
dy = 0;
xv = 0; yv = 0;
xa = 0; ya = 0;
sx = 0;
sel = 0;
state = DEAD;
frozen = 0;
froze_at = 0;
handle_size = gethandlesize ();
trail.set (gettrailsize());
vrev = 1;
get (V, vx, vy, v0); modv.val = V;
get (A, ax, ay, a0);
gravity = 0;
attractor = 0;
orbiting = 0;
launcher = 0;
tracking = 0;
tracked_drone = 0;
initlaunch (this);
launched_by = 0;
insert = INSERTTIME;
target = 0;
cur_target = 0;
num_targets = 0;
update_pv = UNSET;
snap = 0;
nconn = 0;
type = CHAIN;
gab.set (1.0f, 0.0f, 0, 1.0f);
tovol = 0.0f;
finl = 0;
note_num = -1;
reincarnate = 0;
setlife (getlifetime());
if (ARE == IMMORTAL) {
birth = -1;
} else {
if (ARE == REINCARNATE) reincarnate = 1;
birth = ui_clk ();
drone::~drone () {
void drone::move_center () {
cx += (x - xi);
cy += (y - yi);
drone* drone::eval_conns () {
if (nconn) {
int n = 0;
proc_conn [this] = true;
list<double>::iterator mi = mags.begin();
drone_iterator p = connections.begin ();
drone* c0 = *p;
for (drone_iterator q = connections.end (); p != q; ++p, ++mi) {
drone* pdc = *p;
if (proc_conn[pdc] == false) {
proc_conn [pdc] = true;
drone& dc = *pdc;
double now = magnitude (cx, cy,,;
double org = *mi;
if (now > org) {
double lead = STIFFNESS * (now - org);
float ux, uy; unit_vector<float, int> (ux, uy,,, cx, cy);
dc.set_center ( + lead * ux, + lead * uy);
if (n) return this; else return c0;
return 0;
void drone::remagconns () {
list<double>::iterator mi = mags.begin();
drone_iterator p = connections.begin ();
for (drone_iterator q = connections.end (); p != q; ++p, ++mi) {
drone* pd = *p;
*mi = magnitude<double> (cx, cy, pd->cx, pd->cy);
void drone::set_center (float xx, float yy, int e) {
cx = xx;
cy = yy;
if (frozen) set_pos (cx +, cy +;
if (e) eval_conns ();
void drone::set_pos (float xx, float yy) {
// position
x = xx;
y = yy;
// position affects vectors?
if (posafxvel.yes && !autorot.v.yes && !gravity && !tracking && !orbiting) {
double mag = magnitude (,, x, y);
if (mag > posafxvelt::minmag) {
direction (vx, vy,,, x, y);
vx /= mag;
vy /= mag;
ax = vy;
ay = -vx; = x; = y;
// locate range on microtonal-keyboard
range = din0.find_range (x, range);
::range& dr = din0.ranges[range];
// pitch position in range
int delta_left = x - dr.extents.left;
pos = delta_left * 1.0f / dr.extents.width;
if (pos < 0 || pos > 1.0f) ; else pos = warp_pitch (pos);
// pitch snap
if (snap) {
if (pos <= din0.dinfo.snap.left)
note_num = 0;
else if (pos > din0.dinfo.snap.right)
note_num = 1;
goto normal;
if (note_num) {
pos = 1;
sx = dr.extents.right;
} else {
pos = 0;
sx = dr.extents.left;
} else {
note_num = -1;
sx = x;
calc_handle ();
update_pv = EMPLACE; // update pitch volume b4 rendering drones
void drone::calc_handle () {
handle (sx - handle_size, y - handle_size, sx + handle_size, y + handle_size);
void drone::update_pitch_volume () {
::range& dr = din0.ranges[range];
dy = y - BOTTOM;
float iv = dy * 1.0f / dr.extents.height;
if (dy < 0) vol = -warp_vol (-iv); else vol = warp_vol (iv);
if (note_num == -1) {
float n0step = dr.notes[0].step, n1step = dr.notes[1].step;
float nstep = n0step + pos * (n1step - n0step);
if (nstep > 0) step = nstep;
} else {
step = dr.notes[note_num].step;
if (is == DRONE) {
float v = mastervolume * fdr.amount * gab.amount * vol;
player.set_interpolated_pitch_volume (step, v, 1);
} else
setnoise ();
void drone::setnoise () {
nsr.set_samples (1.0f / step);
nsr.set_spread ( fabs(vol) );
void drone::change_bpm (mod_params& mp, float delta) { ( + delta);
void drone::change_bpm (int i, int what, float delta) {
mod_params* modpar [] = {&, &};
mod_params& modwhat = *modpar[what];
change_bpm (modwhat, delta);
static const char* whatstr [] = {", AM bpm = ", ", FM bpm = "};
cons << "drone: " << i << whatstr[what] << << eol;
void drone::change_depth (int i, int what, float delta) {
float* whats [] = {&, &};
checkbutton* cbs [] = {MENUP.damd0, MENUP.dfmd0};
float& whati = *whats[what];
static const char* whatstr [] = {", AM depth = ", ", FM depth = "};
whati += delta;
if (cbs[what]->state && whati < 0.0f) whati = 0.0f;
cons << "drone: " << i << whatstr[what] << whati << eol;
void drone::change_modpos (int i, int what, float val) {
float* whats [] = {&, &};
float& whatv = *whats[what];
whatv += val;
clamp (0.0f, whatv, 1.0f);
static const char* whatstr [] = {", AM position = ", ", FM position = "};
cons << "drone: " << i << whatstr[what] << whatv << eol;
void drone::clear_targets () {
targets.clear ();
cur_target = 0;
num_targets = 0;
void drone::handle_time_pass () {
double now = ui_clk ();
double tp = now - froze_at;
mod.t += tp;
if (autorot.v.yes) autorot.v.tik.startt += tp;
if (autorot.a.yes) autorot.a.tik.startt += tp;
if (birth != -1) birth += tp;
if (launcher) launch_every.startt += tp;
fdr.start_time = now - fdr.alpha * fdr.delta_time;
// cons << "fdr: alpha = " << fdr.alpha << " delta_time = " << fdr.delta_time << eol;
int drone::freeze () {
froze_at = ui_clk ();
update_pv = drone::EMPLACE;
if (chuck.yes && chuckt::autoresettrails && chuck.sat) chuck.resettrail (chuck.sat);
return 1;
int drone::thaw () {
if (--frozen < 1) {
frozen = 0;
handle_time_pass ();
if (chuck.yes && chuckt::autoresettrails && chuck.sat) chuck.resettrail (chuck.sat);
return 1;
return 0;
group::group (std::vector<drone*> mem, int _n) {
n = _n;
if (n) {
drones.resize (n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) drones[i] = mem[i];
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& f, drone::arrowt& aw) {
f << aw.u << spc << aw.v << spc << aw.t << spc << aw.cap;
return f;
std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& f, drone::arrowt& aw) {
f >> aw.u >> aw.v >> aw.t >> aw.cap;
return f;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& f, drone::chuckt& ch) {
f << ch.len << spc << ch.speed << spc << ch.dir << spc << ch.ux << spc << << spc;
if (ch.sun) f << ch.sun->id << spc; else f << 0 << spc;
if (ch.sat) f << ch.sat->id; else f << 0;
return f;
std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& f, drone::chuckt& ch) {
f >> ch.len >> ch.speed >> ch.dir >> ch.ux >>;
uintptr_t sun; f >> sun; ch.sun = (drone*) sun;
uintptr_t sat; f >> sat; ch.sat = (drone*) sat;
return f;
void drone::chuckt::re (drone& p) {
if (sun) p.chuck.len = unit_vector (p.chuck.ux,, sun->cx, sun->cy,,;
void drone::chuckt::print () {
stringstream ss;
ss << " || Speeds: This = " << speed;
if (sun) {
ss << ", Previous = " << sun->chuck.speed;
} else ss << ", Previous = none";
if (sat) {
ss << ", Next = " << sat->chuck.speed;
} else
ss << ", Next = none";
cons << ss.str ();
void drone::chuckt::resettrail (drone* d) {
d->trail.reset ();
drone* sat = d->chuck.sat;
if (sat) sat->chuck.resettrail (sat);
void drone::setcolor (drone& d, float a) {
if (is == drone::NOISE)
r = g = b = 1;
else {
rnd<float> rd (-a, a);
r = d.r + rd() * d.r; clamp (0.0f, r, 1.0f);
g = d.g + rd() * d.g; clamp (0.0f, g, 1.0f);
b = d.b + rd() * d.b; clamp (0.0f, b, 1.0f);
void drone::setlife (float l) {
if (l <= 0) { l = 0.001f; life = 0.0f; } else life = l;
modv._1life = 1.0 / l;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& f, anglet& a) {
f << a.deg;
return f;
std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& f, anglet& a) {
f >> a.deg;
a.torad ();
return f;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& f, nnmaxt& a) {
f << a.n << spc << a.max;
return f;
std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& f, nnmaxt& a) {
f >> a.n >> a.max;
return f;