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#include "random.h"
struct din_info {
// applies to microtonal-keyboard only
// din used to be just the microtonal-keyboard
struct scroll_t {
double rept; // key repeat time
int rate; // scrolls per second
int dx, dy; // x & y amount per scroll
scroll_t () : rate (80), dx(15), dy(1) {}
void calc_repeat_time () {if (rate) rept = 1./ rate;}
scroll_t scroll;
int height; // din board height
int gater; // gater?
int delay; // delay?
int compress; // compressor?
int voice; // lead voice?
int anchor; // draw drone anchor?
int vel; // draw velocity vectors of drones?
int accel; // draw acceleration vectors of drones?
gravity_t gravity; // gravity vector
// drone bounce
struct bounce_t {
enum {FORWARD=0, BACK};
int style;
int n;
int speed;
bounce_t () : style (FORWARD), n(1), speed (100) {}
} bounce;
int create_this;
// drone mesh
int rows, cols;
struct mesh_vars_t {
int order;
int point;
float duration;
int sync;
int use_drone_pend;
int dpp;
struct _apply_to{
int active;
int am;
int fm;
void set (int* what, int val) {
*what = val;
calc_active ();
void calc_active () {
active = am || fm;
_apply_to () {
active = am = fm = 0;
} apply_to;
} mesh_vars;
// drone pendulum
struct drone_pend_t {
int orient; // 0 - vertical, 1 - horizontal
int spacing; // inter drone spacing
float depth; // am or fm depth depending on orientation
float bpm; // initial bpm of drones
} drone_pend;
enum {DRONE, NOISE};
int drone_is;
// show pitch & volume
struct s_show_pitch_volume {
int board;
int drones;
s_show_pitch_volume () { board = drones = 0;}
} show_pitch_volume;
// for drone rise, fall times
struct s_time_range {
float min, max;
rnd<float> rd;
s_time_range (float _min = 1.0f, float _max = 1.0f) : min(_min), max(_max), rd (min, max) {}
float set_min (float m) {
if (m < 0) return min;
else if (m > max) max = m;
min = m;
rd = rnd<float> (min, max);
return min;
float set_max (float m) {
if (m < min) max = min;
else max = m;
rd = rnd<float> (min, max);
return max;
float operator() () { return rd(); }
} drone_rise_time, drone_fall_time;
// drone snapping
struct snap_t {
int style;
float left, right;
} snap;
int set_unset_toggle; // for drone.mod_afx_vel and drone.snap
// ranges
int sel_range;
int mark_sel_range;
int change_note;
static const char* cnno [];
static const char* cnn_opts[];
int change_note_style;
// pitch/volume distribution
struct dist_t {
int vol;
int pitch;
int pix;
static const int PIX_PER_LEVEL = 5;
dist_t () : vol(0), pitch(0), pix (PIX_PER_LEVEL) {}
} dist;
int phrasor_right; // phrase position slider's right
int select_launched;
int voice_is_voice; // 0 => noise
din_info ();
void save ();