(root)/wip/src/curve_library.cc - Rev 1077
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* curve_library.cc
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2019 Jagannathan Sampath
* For more information, please visit http://dinisnoise.org/
#include "curve_library.h"
#include "curve_editor.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "solver.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
extern ofstream dlog;
extern console cons;
extern gotog _gotog;
void curve_library::load (const string& fname) {
extern string user_data_dir;
ifstream inf ((user_data_dir + fname).c_str(), ios::in);
if (inf) {
string ignore;
int ncurves; inf >> ignore >> ncurves;
curves.resize (ncurves);
for (int i = 0; i < ncurves; ++i) {
multi_curve& m = curves[i];
m.load (inf);
if (has_sustain) {
float sus; inf >> ignore >> sus;
sustains.push_back (sus);
dlog << "+++ loaded " << curves.size () << " curves from: " << fname << " +++" << endl;
cur = 0;
curve_library::curve_library (const string& fname, int hs) {
cur = 0;
filename = fname;
has_sustain = hs;
load (filename);
curve_library::~curve_library () {
save ();
void curve_library::add (const multi_curve& m) {
curves.push_back (m);
if (has_sustain) sustains.push_back (_gotog.g);
cons << "added curve " << num_curves() - 1 << eol;
void curve_library::del () {
curves.erase (curves.begin() + cur);
if (has_sustain) sustains.erase (sustains.begin() + cur);
clamp<int> (0, cur, curves.size () - 1);
cons << "erased curve " << cur << eol;
void curve_library::replace (const multi_curve& m) {
curves[cur] = m;
if (has_sustain) sustains[cur] = _gotog.g;
cons << "replaced curve " << cur << eol;
void curve_library::insert (const multi_curve& m) {
curves.insert (curves.begin() + cur, m);
if (has_sustain) sustains.insert (sustains.begin() + cur, _gotog.g);
cons << "inserted curve " << cur << eol;
const multi_curve& curve_library::prev () {
int ncurves = curves.size ();
if (--cur < 0) cur = ncurves - 1;
if (has_sustain) _gotog.set (sustains[cur]);
cons << "loaded " << curves[cur].name << " [" << cur + 1 << '/' << ncurves << "]" << eol;
return curves[cur];
const multi_curve& curve_library::next () {
int ncurves = curves.size ();
if (++cur >= ncurves) cur = 0;
if (has_sustain) _gotog.set (sustains[cur]);
cons << "loaded " << curves[cur].name << " [" << cur + 1 << '/' << ncurves << "]" << eol;
return curves[cur];
void curve_library::move (int i) {
multi_curve& from = curves [cur];
cons << "move from: " << cur;
int j = cur + i;
int last = curves.size() - 1;
if (j < 0) j = 0; else if (j > last) j = last;
multi_curve to = curves[j];
curves[j] = from;
from = to;
cur = j;
if (has_sustain) swap (sustains[cur], sustains[j]);
cons << " to: " << cur << eol;
void curve_library::save () {
extern string user_data_dir;
ofstream outf ((user_data_dir + filename).c_str(), ios::out);
if (outf) {
outf << "num_curves " << num_curves () << endl;
for (int i = 0, j = num_curves(); i < j; ++i) {
curves[i].save (outf);
if (has_sustain) outf << "sustain " << sustains[i] << eol;
dlog << "+++ saved curve library: " << filename << " +++" << endl;