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* console.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2025 Jagannathan Sampath
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* For more information, please visit
#ifndef _CONSOLE
#define _CONSOLE
#define RED console::red
#define GREEN console::green
#define YELLOW console::yellow
#define CYAN console::cyan
#define tab " "
#define eol console::EOL << YELLOW
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "dingl.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "arrow_button.h"
struct mesg {
std::string text; // text
color clr; // color
mesg (const std::string& t, const color& c) : text(t), clr(c) {}
mesg (const std::string& t) : text(t), clr (1, 1, 1) {}
mesg () : text (""), clr (1, 1, 1) {}
typedef std::list<mesg>::iterator line_iterator;
struct console : widget, pusher<console>, click_listener {
static const char EOL = '\n'; // end of last mesg
static const char CLL = '\b'; // clear last mesg
static const char* precision; // for printing float, double values
// colors of text (defined in
static const color yellow;
static const color green;
static const color red;
static const color cyan;
static const color white;
// console text is a bunch of lines
static const int GUTTER = 5;
int nlines;
int maxlines;
int lines_per_screen;
int startl;
line_iterator it_startl;
void calc_startl_iterator ();
std::list<mesg> lines;
void add_line (const mesg& ln);
void clear ();
mesg cur_line;
color clr;
console ();
~console ();
console& operator() (const std::string& cmd); // run DIN command
// operators for appending values to console
console& operator<< (unsigned int i);
console& operator<< (unsigned long i);
console& operator<< (unsigned long long i);
console& operator<< (int i);
console& operator<< (const std::string& s);
console& operator<< (float f);
console& operator<< (double d);
console& operator<< (char c);
console& operator<< (const color& d);
int suppress; // suppress line add
console& operator-- () { suppress = 1; return *this; } // console closed, no more lines can be added
console& operator++ () { suppress = 0; return *this; } // console opened
void up (int i); // scroll up by i lines
void down (int i); // scroll down
void pgdn (); // page down
void pgup (); // page up
void home (); // scroll to show 1st line
void end (); // scroll to show last line
void last (); // ensures last mesg is always displayed
void del (); // del one character from currently edited line
// visual
arrow_button b_roll; // button to roll/unroll console
int rollup_; // show last line only?
void rollup (int r);
int rollup () {return rollup_;}
int char_width;
box<int> win;
void set_window (const box<int>& w);
int startx, starty;
int curs_loc;
int curs_locx;
void calc_visual_params ();
void draw ();
int handle_input ();
void clicked (button& b);
// commands
int command_mode;
mesg cmd_line;
void clear_cmd_line ();
void set_cmd_line (const std::string& s, const color& c = white);
void toggle_command_mode ();
std::vector<std::string> history; // command history
int hid;
extern const char spc;
template <class T> inline console& operator<< (console& c, const box<T>& b) {
c << b.left << spc << b.bottom << spc << b.right << spc << << spc << b.width << spc << b.height;
return c;
template <class T> inline console& operator<< (console& c, const point<T>& p) {
c << p.x << spc << p.y;
return c;
extern console cons;