(root)/wip/src/checkbutton.cc - Rev 2097
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* checkbutton.cc
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2024 Jagannathan Sampath
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* For more information, please visit https://dinisnoise.org/
#include "checkbutton.h"
using namespace std;
checkbutton::checkbutton () : state (0), lsnr (0), colorize_ (1) {
set_state (0);
button::set_listener (this);
void checkbutton::clicked (button& b) {
toggle ();
void checkbutton::set_state (int s, int cl) {
if (s) turn_on (cl); else turn_off (cl);
void checkbutton::turn_on (int call) {
if (colorize_) set_color (on_color);
if (state != 1) {
state = 1;
if (call && lsnr) lsnr->changed (*this);
void checkbutton::turn_off (int call) {
if (colorize_) set_color (off_color);
if (state != 0) {
state = 0;
if (call && lsnr) lsnr->changed (*this);
void checkbutton::toggle () {
if (state) turn_off (); else turn_on ();
void checkbutton::blend_on_off_color (float blend) {
color result;
if (state)
::blend_color (off_color, on_color, result, blend);
::blend_color (on_color, off_color, result, blend);
set_color (result);
void perpbutton::draw () {
widget::draw ();
glBegin (GL_LINES);
glVertex2i (extents.left, extents.bottom);
glVertex2i (extents.right, extents.bottom);
glVertex2i (extents.midx, extents.bottom);
glVertex2i (extents.midx, extents.top);
glEnd ();
void rotdir::draw () {
static int pts [16];
static const int dy = 6;
static const int vals [] = {1, -1};
val = vals [state];
box<int>& e = extents;
if (state) {
pts[0]=e.midx; pts[1]=e.top+dy;
pts[2]=e.right; pts[3]=e.top;
pts[4]=e.left; pts[5]=e.top;
pts[6]=e.left; pts[7]=e.bottom;
pts[8]=e.right; pts[9]=e.bottom;
} else {
pts[0]=e.midx; pts[1]=e.top+dy;
pts[2]=e.left; pts[3]=e.top;
pts[4]=e.right; pts[5]=e.top;
pts[6]=e.right; pts[7]=e.bottom;
pts[8]=e.left; pts[9]=e.bottom;
glVertexPointer (2, GL_INT, 0, pts);
glDrawArrays (GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, 5);
glBegin (GL_LINES);
glVertex2i (e.midx, e.top-dy);
glVertex2i (pts[2], pts[3]);
glEnd ();