(root)/wip/src/binaural_drone.cc - Rev 1129
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* binaural_drone.cc
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2019 Jagannathan Sampath
* For more information, please visit http://dinisnoise.org/
#include "binaural_drone.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "console.h"
extern void hz2step (float& hz, float& step);
extern void step2hz (float& step, float& hz);
extern char BUFFER[];
binaural_drone::binaural_drone (multi_curve* wav, float _lhz, float _rhz, float _vol, int _just, float _sep, float lx, float rx) {
soll (wav);
solr (wav);
playl.set_wave (&soll);
playr.set_wave (&solr);
l_step = r_step = 0.0f;
set_hz (_lhz, _rhz);
if (lx == INVALID) // normal lx is in [0,1]
sync ();
else {
playl.x = lx;
playr.x = rx;
vol = 0.0f;
set_vol (_vol);
just = _just;
sep = _sep;
sel = 0;
void binaural_drone::make_name () {
sprintf (BUFFER, "%0.3fHz+%0.3fHz=%0.3fHz @ %0.2f%% vol", l_hz, sep, r_hz, vol * 100);
name = BUFFER;
void binaural_drone::make_name (float stepl, float stepr) {
float hzl, hzr; step2hz (stepl, hzl); step2hz (stepr, hzr);
sprintf (BUFFER, "%0.3fHz+%0.3fHz=%0.3fHz @ %0.2f%% vol", hzl, (hzr - hzl), hzr, vol * 100);
name = BUFFER;
void binaural_drone::make_name (float v) {
sprintf (BUFFER, "%0.3fHz+%0.3fHz=%0.3fHz @ %0.2f%% vol", l_hz, sep, r_hz, v * 100);
name = BUFFER;
void binaural_drone::set_hz (int i, float v) {
float* step_prev [] = {&l_step_prev, &r_step_prev};
float* hz [] = {&l_hz, &r_hz};
float* step [] = {&l_step, &r_step};
int flags [] = {fade_flags::L, fade_flags::R};
float* step_cur [] = {&fading.l_step_cur, &fading.r_step_cur};
float& step_prev_i = *step_prev[i];
float& hz_i = *hz[i];
float& step_i = *step[i];
int j = !i;
*step_cur[j] = *step[j];
step_prev_i = step_i;
hz_i = v;
hz2step (hz_i, step_i);
sep = r_hz - l_hz;
int fi = flags[i];
if (fading.hz) {
if (fading.hz != fi) fading.hz = fade_flags::BOTH;
} else fading.hz = fi;
void binaural_drone::set_hz (float _lhz, float _rhz) {
l_step_prev = l_step;
r_step_prev = r_step;
l_hz = _lhz;
r_hz = _rhz;
sep = r_hz - l_hz;
hz2step (l_hz, l_step);
hz2step (r_hz, r_step);
fill_hz ();
make_name ();
void binaural_drone::fill_hz () {
playl.fill_pitch (l_step);
playr.fill_pitch (r_step);
void binaural_drone::set_vol (float v) {
vol_prev = vol;
vol = v;
fading.vol = 1;
void binaural_drone::set_sep (float s) {
switch (just) {
case LEFT:
set_hz (RIGHT, l_hz + s);
case RIGHT:
set_hz (LEFT, r_hz - s);
case CENTER:
float mid = (l_hz + r_hz) / 2.0, s2 = s / 2.0;
set_hz (LEFT, mid - s2);
set_hz (RIGHT, mid + s2);
void binaural_drone::set_just (int j) {
just = j;
void binaural_drone::render (float* L, float* R, float* vfdr, float* pfdr, int uv, int uh, int abort) {
play* pl [] = {&playl, &playr};
float* outf [] = {L, R};
float* outi [] = {aout.bufL, aout.bufR};
if (fading.vol) {
calc_fader (aout.fdr1, vfdr, aout.samples_per_channel, vol_prev, vol, &fading.vol_cur);
if (uv) {
make_name (fading.vol_cur);
if (abort) {
vol = fading.vol_cur;
fading.vol = fade_flags::NONE;
if (fading.hz) {
if (fading.hz == fade_flags::L || fading.hz == fade_flags::BOTH)
calc_fader (playl.pdx, pfdr, aout.samples_per_channel, l_step_prev, l_step, &fading.l_step_cur);
if (fading.hz == fade_flags::R || fading.hz == fade_flags::BOTH)
calc_fader (playr.pdx, pfdr, aout.samples_per_channel, r_step_prev, r_step, &fading.r_step_cur);
if (uh) {
make_name (fading.l_step_cur, fading.r_step_cur);
if (abort) {
l_step = fading.l_step_cur;
r_step = fading.r_step_cur;
step2hz (fading.l_step_cur, l_hz);
step2hz (fading.r_step_cur, r_hz);
sep = r_hz - l_hz;
fill_hz ();
fading.hz = fade_flags::NONE;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
float* outfi = outf [i];
float* outii = outi [i];
memset (outii, 0, aout.samples_channel_size);
play* pli = pl [i];
if (fading.vol)
pli->gen_wav_mix (outii, aout.fdr1, aout.samples_per_channel);
pli->gen_wav_mix (outii, vol, aout.samples_per_channel);
for (int j = 0, k = aout.samples_per_channel; j < k; ++j) outfi[j] += outii[j];
void binaural_drone::calc_fader (float* out, float* alpha, int n, float v1, float v2, float* cur) {
float dv = v2 - v1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
float ai = alpha[i];
out[i] = v1 + ai * dv;
*cur = out[n-1];
void binaural_drone::sync () {
// so first += solves to y=0 [depends on waveform shape]
playl.x = -playl.pdx[0];
playr.x = -playr.pdx[0];