(root)/wip/src/basic_editor.h - Rev 2110
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* basic_editor.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2024 Jagannathan Sampath
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* For more information, please visit https://dinisnoise.org/
#ifndef __basic_editor
#define __basic_editor
#include "viewwin.h"
#include "point.h"
#include "mocap.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "textboard.h"
#include <map>
struct click_point_t {
point<float> pt;
int noted;
click_point_t ();
void note (float x, float y);
struct basic_editor : ui {
window win; // edit window
// object space <> window space mapping
point<int> win_chunk;
point<float> obj_chunk;
point<float> win_per_obj;
point<float> obj_per_win;
int win_resolution;
float obj_resolution;
void obj2win (const point<float>& p, float& wx, float& wy);
void obj2win (const float& ox, const float& oy, float& wx, float& wy);
void obj2win (float* oxa, float* oya, float* wxa, float* wya, int n);
void objx2winx (float& xo, float& xw);
void obj2view (const float& ox, const float& oy, int& vx, int& vy);
void obj2mouse (const float& ox, const float& oy);
void view2obj (const int& vx, const int& vy, float& ox, float& oy);
void win2obj (const float& dx, const float& dy, float& cx, float& cy);
// snapping support
click_point_t shft_clk, ctrl_clk;
point<float> clk;
struct snapaxist {
int x, y;
snapaxist ();
} snapaxis;
void snap (float& x, float& y);
void do_snapx (float& x);
void do_snapy (float& y);
std::vector<int> xlines, ylines;
int nx, ny, nx2, ny2;
int startx, endx, starty, endy;
void update_snaps ();
void draw_snaps ();
void set_snap (int x, int y);
std::string cursor_mesg;
float cursor_x, cursor_y;
mocap mocap0;
void toggle_mouse_capture ();
void start_mouse_capture ();
void stop_mouse_capture ();
int pan, zoom; // pan & zoom deltas to control pan and zoom speed
void do_panx (int dir);
void do_pany (int dir);
void do_zoom (int dir);
basic_editor ();
virtual ~basic_editor ();
void calc_win_mouse ();
inline const point<float>& get_obj_chunk () {
return obj_chunk;
inline float get_obj_resolution () {
return obj_resolution;
void load (const std::string& fname);
void load (std::ifstream& file);
void save (std::ofstream& file);
void set_win_chunk (int x, int y);
int handle_input ();
int lmb_clicked;
void project ();
void unproject ();
void draw ();
static int hide_cursor;
int draw_guide;
void draw_cursor ();
textboard tb;
int ntexts;
int kbkb_attack_editor;
int edit_sustain;
float susx, susy;
box<float> susbox;
void update_sustain (float s);
void calc_visual_params ();
static float* gl_pts;
static int n_pts;
static int ref;
inline static void alloc_gl_pts (int n) {
if (n > n_pts) {
if (gl_pts) delete[] gl_pts;
gl_pts = new float [2 * n];
n_pts = n;