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* ball.h
* ball in Mondrian
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2024 Jagannathan Sampath
* For more information, please visit
#ifndef __ball__
#define __ball__
#include "trail.h"
#include "ball_ops.h"
struct rect;
struct ball { // a ball
enum {NOTE = 0, NOISE};
int trig_what; // trigger note or noise?
static const char* trigstr [2];
float x, y; // position
// velocity - speed, vector, slope, slope inverse, is slope infinite?
float V, vx, vy, vm, vm_1;
int vm_inf;
int auto_rotate; // velocity vector auto rotating? 0 - no, 1 - anti-clockwise, -1 - clockwise
float dtheta; // angle to rotate ball direction
rect* R; // box in which it is bouncing
int select; // selected?
int frozen; // frozen?
float pitch_mult; // to modulate pitch
int mod; // 0 = no modulation, < 0 = modulate down, > 0 modulate up // for visual
float vol_mult; // to scale triggered sound volume
float attack_time; // time for note to rise to full volume
float decay_time; // time for note to fall silent
// bouncer = bounces, wrecker = makes slits, healer = closes slits
int type;
static const char* types_str [4];
enum {BOUNCER=0, WRECKER, HEALER, INVALID}; // ball types
// to initialise new ball
static float recent_attack_time;
static float recent_decay_time;
static float recent_pitch_mult;
int num_notes; // number of active notes triggered by this ball
int del; // delete ball? when triggered sounds have decayed
// operations
turn op_turn;
speed op_speed;
teleport op_teleport;
Clone op_clone;
Transform op_transform;
void eval_ops ();
// visual
trail_t trail; // trail
float r, g, b; // color
// log
static int ref; // to log if we deleted all balls on exit
ball (int _type = BOUNCER);
~ball () { --ref; }
void init (int _type = BOUNCER);
void set_velocity (float _x, float _y);
void rotate_velocity (int dir);
void calc_velocity_slope ();
void update ();
void set_type (int _type);
void color_using_modulation ();
void on_edge_hit (int e1, int e2, int cl, float& v, float xry, float yrx, float elb, float ewh, std::pair<float, float>& invl, int& eh);
void print ();
void clone_this (ball* C);