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* audio.h
* DIN Is Noise is copyright (c) 2006-2025 Jagannathan Sampath
* DIN Is Noise is released under GNU Public License 2.0
* For more information, please visit
#ifndef __AUDIO
#define __AUDIO
#include "RtAudio.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
typedef float sample_t;
struct audio_out {
enum {INVALID=-1};
// audio devices
RtAudio dac;
std::vector<RtAudio::DeviceInfo> infos;
std::vector<std::string> names; // use @ settings screen
int num_devices, default_device, current_device, next_device, last_device;
// sample rate vars
int sample_rate;
int samples_per_buffer; // buffer has all channels
int samples_channel_size, samples_buffer_size; // in bytes
void set_sample_rate (int s);
void set_samples_per_channel (int spc);
// for settings ui
int i_sample_rate;
void find_sample_rate_id (unsigned int sr);
int goto_next_device (int i);
int goto_next_sample_rate_id (int i);
std::string prefs_name;
void load_prefs ();
void save_prefs ();
void defaults ();
audio_out ();
~audio_out ();
void alloc ();
void probe ();
int open ();
int open (int id, unsigned int sr, unsigned int spc);
int start ();
int close ();
void list ();
// written by the main thread
// a multi buffer scheme
// main thread writes a buffer, while audio thread streams another to audio card
int num_samples_buffers;
sample_t * samples_buffers; // a bunch of sample buffers
int* available; // buffer available for streaming?
sample_t *readp, *writep;
int readi, writei;
inline int can_write () {return !available [writei];}
// reuseable buffers
// result, AM, FM, gater, volume, mix, mix alpha, buffer L,R , fader 1,2
sample_t *result, *ams, *fms, *gatr, *vol, *mix, *mixa, *bufL, *bufR, *fdr1, *fdr2;
int num_channels;
int samples_per_channel;
int last_sample;
static int audio_wanted (void *ob, void *ib, unsigned int spc, double t, RtAudioStreamStatus status, void *data);
extern audio_out aout;
extern int SAMPLE_RATE;
extern float SAMPLE_DURATION;
struct console;
console& operator<< (console& c, const audio_out& ao);