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TODO [no promises :]
 hide drones
 groups of drones

 curve editor
   box selection of curve components
   paste b4, after, insert curve components
   rotation / scale of curve components
     custom center
   point modulator
     individual curve to control movement
     rearrange buttons
   option to align l0 and lastl tangents of a curve
 mirror flip on curve solver when xnext < xprev

 sine mixer
  auto harmonics
  midi cc support

value palettes
  interesting values
    select to apply

 auto flip rotation in mondrian
 value truncate/rounding on mouse slider
 direct value mod on spinner instead of texting and then convert :(
 x to close gravity ui
 default muted drones on tip, base of gravity vector
 rate param on curve rpm
 turn position afx velocity off on rail/strafe of drones
   restore afterwards
 improve tap bpm
   wave in / out mouse convert to bpm 
 move over time from 1 note/pitch to another on range left/right note/pitch
   have a stack of these
 pitch marking on ranges changes as their size changes
   instead of overlap
 morse code > geometry plugin
 geometry from plugins > drones
 scatter drones on polygon
 DIN font characters > drones
   other retro fonts > drones
 bezier curves > drone paths
 custom pitch ranges on mondrian 
    currently fixed ie key to octave from left to right & bottom to top
 stereo/pan on drones, mondrian (balls), 
 binaural separation on drones
   modulate the separation etc
 filter by vertex/tangent on curve picker
 paste curve into/end of curve
 multi select & op curve components
 multi curves on same editor
   tools to choose, hide/show curves etc
 insert vertex on curve by flowing along curve instead of x/y

 constrain mouse to horizontal or vertical axis
 mouse supplies drones to orbit about other drones
 range based drone snap to note
 mouse as drone
 ball refraction on mondrian
 ball bounce back on mondrian
-- xx --

 auto-apply on plugin shouldnt auto apply if there was no change
 separation *= or += instead of abs set
 volume envelope on microtonal keyboard
 bring the plugins to microtonal keyboard
   create drones on points
   with phase difference for visual drone modulation
   move drones thru paths
   per ball or per edge waveform
   stereo triggering

Please also see DIN Is Noise Development Roadmap at