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Rev | Author | Line No. | Line |
1 | - | 1 | set common { |
2 | {Press Backspace to clear console} |
3 | {Press Backquote to fold/unfold console} |
4 | {Press F1 for complete help} |
5 | {Press TAB to enter or leave command mode} |
6 | } |
7 | |||
8 | set keyboard_keyboard { |
9 | {Press 1 to play the microtonal-keyboard} |
10 | {Press any key below to play a note} |
11 | {Press more than one key to play chords} |
12 | {Move mouse away from dotted line to bend pitch} |
13 | {Green keys are key notes} |
14 | {Green key to Green key is an octave of the scale.} |
15 | {Press z to shift down an octave} |
16 | {Press x to shift up an octave} |
17 | {Click on Delay to toggle stereo Delay} |
18 | {Play with Parameters!} |
19 | {Click once and move mouse to move sliders!} |
20 | {Press 2 to edit waveform of the notes} |
21 | {Press 3 to edit attack of the notes} |
22 | {Press 4 to edit decay of the notes} |
23 | {You will see dotted crosses when MIDI is available} |
24 | {Press white notes, see white boxes; press black notes, see black boxes} |
25 | {Size of the boxes proportional to MIDI velocity} |
26 | {Press 5 to edit MIDI velocity} |
27 | {Press 6 to edit DIN's delay lines} |
28 | {Press 7 to edit octave shift} |
29 | {Press 8 to edit morse code patterns} |
30 | } |
31 | |||
32 | set single_insert { |
33 | {Press i to insert a vertex} |
34 | } |
35 | |||
36 | set undo_redo { |
37 | {Press z to undo} |
38 | {Press LSHIFT & z to redo} |
39 | } |
40 | |||
41 | set library { |
42 | {Press 9 to assign previous curve from library} |
43 | {Press 0 to assign next curve from library} |
44 | } |
45 | |||
46 | set curve_editor { |
47 | {Press w a s d keys to pan} |
48 | {Press q e to zoom} |
49 | {Press f on a vertex and move mouse to move vertex} |
50 | {Press f again to stop moving vertex} |
51 | {Press x to snap in x} |
52 | {Press y to snap in y} |
53 | {Press b to snap in both x & y} |
54 | {Press n to move freely} |
55 | {Press v on a vertex to delete} |
56 | } |
57 | |||
58 | set quit_editor { |
59 | {Press Escape to quit editor} |
60 | } |
61 | |||
62 | set keyboard_keyboard_waveform { |
63 | {A cycle of waveform shown here} |
64 | {Edit waveform to change the timbre of the notes} |
65 | } |
66 | |||
67 | set attack { |
68 | {Attack curve shown here} |
69 | {Edit attack curve to change the attack of the notes} |
70 | {Sustain is part of the attack curve} |
71 | {Click on the blue triangle and move mouse to set sustain} |
72 | } |
73 | |||
74 | set decay { |
75 | {Decay curve shown here} |
76 | {Edit this curve to change how the notes decay} |
77 | } |
78 | |||
79 | set velocity { |
80 | {MIDI velocity curve shown here} |
81 | {Edit this curve to determine the note volume at a given velocity} |
82 | } |
83 | |||
84 | set double_insert { |
85 | {To insert vertex, press i to pick curve, then i again to insert} |
86 | } |
87 | |||
88 | set delay { |
89 | {Delay is stereo, 1 for L and 1 for R} |
90 | {feedback and volume curves are shown} |
91 | {One curve for every channel ie 2 feedback & 2 volume curves} |
92 | {feedback-L is cyan & feedback-R is yellow} |
93 | {volume-L is red & volume-R is green} |
94 | {To move the entire curve, LSHIFT + f on left most vertex} |
95 | {Move feedback curve beyond max (or -max) to overdrive delay!} |
96 | {Use set-delay command to set the duration of a delay line} |
97 | {eg., set-delay left 5000 sets left channel delay to 5 seconds} |
98 | {eg., set-delay right 10000 sets right channel delay to 10 seconds} |
99 | {eg., set-delay all 1000 sets left & right channel delay to 1 second} |
100 | {delay time is in milliseconds for fine control} |
101 | } |
102 | |||
103 | set octave_shift { |
104 | {Octave shift curve shown here} |
105 | {Edit curve to determine how the key note shifts an octave} |
106 | {But, you dont have to shift octaves! Can shift to any microtone/interval!} |
107 | {Use set-bpm command to control the speed of octave shift} |
108 | {eg., set-bpm os 60 causes an octave shift in 1 second} |
109 | } |
110 | |||
111 | set gater { |
112 | {Gater curve shown here} |
113 | {Applied on lead voice to make it beat} |
114 | {Edit the curve to change the shape of the beat} |
115 | {Use set-bpm command to change BPM} |
116 | {eg., set-bpm gr 30 beats the lead voice 30 times a minute} |
117 | {Use set-style command to alter beat progression} |
118 | {eg., set-style gr pong reverses beat shape at the end of the beat} |
119 | } |
120 | |||
121 | set modulation { |
122 | {ampltitude (magenta) and frequency (cyan) modulation curves shown here} |
123 | {carrier is the lead voice. modulators are the AM and FM curves} |
124 | {x is beat. y is modulation depth} |
125 | {Use the set-bpm command to set modulation rate} |
126 | {eg., set-bpm fm 240 sets frequency modulation rate to 240 BPM} |
127 | {eg., set-bpm am 30 sets ampltitude modulation rate to 30 BPM} |
128 | {Use the set-var command to set FM depth and AM depth} |
129 | {eg., set-var fm_depth 100 sets FM depth to 100 Hz} |
130 | {eg., set-var am_depth 0.1 sets AM depth to 0.1 of max volume} |
131 | } |
132 | |||
133 | set drone_modulation { |
134 | {frequency (cyan) and ampltitude (magenta) modulation curves for drones shown here} |
135 | {They affect how the modulating drones move in frequency (x) & amplitude (y) axes} |
136 | {Press o to overlay the current instrument on the editor} |
137 | } |
138 | |||
139 | set microtonal_keyboard { |
140 | {Press 1 to play the keyboard-keyboard} |
141 | {x is pitch. y is volume} |
142 | {Click on Voice to toggle lead voice} |
143 | {Click on Delay to toggle stereo delay} |
144 | {Move mouse into the playing area to play the instrument!} |
145 | {Glissando, Vibrato & Tremolo are all easy & accurate!} |
146 | {Press a and d to scroll left and right} |
147 | {Press w and s to scroll up and down} |
148 | {Press z to shift down an octave} |
149 | {Press x to shift up an octave} |
150 | {Press f to start recording a phrase} |
151 | {Press v to stop recording and play immediately!} |
152 | {Press g to clear previously recorded phrases} |
153 | {Press <- and -> to scratch the phrase, [ and ] to adjust jog} |
154 | {Press q to create a drone} |
155 | {Keep pressing q and move mouse to spray drones!} |
156 | {Click and drag to select a bunch of drones} |
157 | {Press e and move mouse to move selected drones} |
158 | {Press c to destroy selected drones. Watch out! No undo :)} |
159 | {Press 9 and 0 to change size of drones} |
160 | {Press r and t to modulate the volume of the drones} |
161 | {Press y and u to modulate the pitch of the drones} |
162 | {Press F7 and F8 to change speed of drone pitch modulation} |
163 | {Press F9 and F10 to change speed of drone volume modulation} |
164 | {Press - and + to let modulating drones leave a trail} |
165 | {Press b or click on Gater button to toggle Gater} |
166 | {Gater causes the lead voice to beat} |
167 | {Press j to switch modulation target between voice & drones} |
168 | {Press i to toggle the pitch & volume information display} |
169 | {Use notation command to change to western notation} |
170 | {eg., notation western} |
171 | {Use key command to change key of the scale} |
172 | {eg., key C sets key to middle-C} |
173 | {key Bb -1 sets key to Bb nearest to middle-C} |
174 | {Use list-scale command to list available scales} |
175 | {Use load-scale command to load an available scale} |
176 | {eg., load-scale minor5 loads the minor pentatonic scale} |
177 | {Press 2 to edit lead voice waveform} |
178 | {Press 3 to edit shape of drone modulation in pitch (x) & volume (y) axes} |
179 | {Press 4 to edit lead voice modulation curves} |
180 | {Press 5 to edit the shape of the beat} |
181 | {Press 6 to edit delay feedback & volume curves} |
182 | {Press 7 to edit octave shift progression} |
183 | {Press 8 to edit drone waveform} |
184 | } |
185 | |||
186 | set microtonal_keyboard_waveform { |
187 | {One cycle of waveform shown here} |
188 | {Edit this waveform to change the timbre of lead voice} |
189 | } |
190 | |||
191 | set drone { |
192 | {One cycle of Waveform shown here} |
193 | {Edit the waveform to edit the timbre of all drones} |
194 | } |
195 | |||
196 | set morse_code { |
197 | {Bezier curve patterns for dot, dash, inner, letter and word spacing shown here} |
198 | {Use morse-code command to convert text to morse code} |
199 | {eg., morse-code sos} |
200 | {Paste the generated pattern into any curve on any curve editor!} |
201 | } |
202 | |||
203 | set compressor { |
204 | {Compressor curve shown here} |
205 | {Edit curve to determine how DIN massages output samples to stay between -1 and 1} |
206 | } |
207 | |||
208 | set ALL_TIPS(keyboard-keyboard) [concat $keyboard_keyboard $common] |
209 | set ALL_TIPS(keyboard-keyboard-waveform) [concat $keyboard_keyboard_waveform $curve_editor $single_insert $undo_redo $library $quit_editor] |
210 | set ALL_TIPS(attack) [concat $attack $curve_editor $single_insert $undo_redo $library $quit_editor] |
211 | set ALL_TIPS(decay) [concat $decay $curve_editor $single_insert $undo_redo $library $quit_editor] |
212 | set ALL_TIPS(velocity) [concat $velocity $curve_editor $single_insert $undo_redo $library $quit_editor] |
213 | set ALL_TIPS(delay) [concat $delay $curve_editor $double_insert $undo_redo $quit_editor] |
214 | set ALL_TIPS(octave-shift) [concat $octave_shift $curve_editor $single_insert $undo_redo $library $quit_editor] |
215 | set ALL_TIPS(microtonal-keyboard) [concat $microtonal_keyboard $common] |
216 | set ALL_TIPS(microtonal-keyboard-waveform) [concat $microtonal_keyboard_waveform $curve_editor $single_insert $undo_redo $library $quit_editor $common] |
217 | set ALL_TIPS(drone-modulation) [concat $drone_modulation $curve_editor $double_insert $undo_redo $quit_editor $common] |
218 | set ALL_TIPS(modulation) [concat $modulation $curve_editor $double_insert $undo_redo $quit_editor $common] |
219 | set ALL_TIPS(drone) [concat $drone $curve_editor $single_insert $undo_redo $library $quit_editor $common] |
220 | set ALL_TIPS(gater) [concat $gater $curve_editor $single_insert $undo_redo $library $quit_editor $common] |
221 | set ALL_TIPS(morse-code) [concat $morse_code $curve_editor $double_insert $undo_redo $quit_editor $common] |
222 | set ALL_TIPS(compressor) [concat $compressor $curve_editor $single_insert $undo_redo $quit_editor $common] |
223 | |||
224 | set TIPS {} |
225 | set NUM_TIPS 0 |
226 | set SECTION {} |
227 | |||
228 | proc get-tip {section} { |
229 | |||
230 | global ALL_TIPS |
231 | global TIPS NUM_TIPS TIP_ID |
232 | global SECTION |
233 | |||
234 | if {$section ne $SECTION} { |
235 | set SECTION $section |
236 | if {[catch {set TIPS $ALL_TIPS($section)}]} { set TIPS {}} |
237 | if {[catch {set tip_id $TIP_ID($section)}]} { set tip_id 0} |
238 | set NUM_TIPS [llength $TIPS] |
239 | } else { |
240 | if {[catch {set tip_id $TIP_ID($section)}]} { set tip_id 0} |
241 | } |
242 | |||
243 | set tip [lindex $TIPS $tip_id] |
244 | incr tip_id |
245 | if {$tip_id >= $NUM_TIPS} {set tip_id 0} |
246 | set TIP_ID($section) $tip_id |
247 | return $tip |
248 | |||
249 | } |
250 |